Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Choose your god wisely

“Be careful of the gods you choose, for you will reinforce each other” Jane(Seth) Roberts

When it comes down to it, we truly do embrace what we choose to be god or gods to us in life. If it’s a famous idol that we embrace then we ether try to look like that person or we try to blatantly be that person. So in knowing this as fact, even for a god or an aspect of a philosophy, it is what we choose as holy that determines who and what we will radiate within our lives. There is a source, and this source is what sources everything in existence. Everything came from it; it is everywhere all of the time and it is within everyone and everything. But this source is a vast source; it reaches the cervices of the universe and the smallest areas within our personal spaces as well. It is a source that gives us choices on how to view it, there is no one way to view this source which sources all that is and all that will ever be.

In that past, human cultures have views this source in terms of gods. These gods were basically big people who lived above us with powers over nature and such. They also had great egos as well. In Greek mythology there were a lot of gods. The purpose of these gods was to explain the natural occurrences that humans saw outside of themselves. Every god that existed back then could be proven because of a natural occurrence or a catastrophic natural past event. (There was a great volcano which occurred in Greece well over 6000 years ago. This volcano was so powerful that its force could have been felt all the way in California. The people who believed in these gods whom were referred to as the Olympians believed that the cause of this great, catastrophic shake was that of the gods warring with each other. They believed that it was the battle between the Titans and the Olympians that caused this great volcano. Their proof was the aftermath of the volcano which actually destroyed a great part of Greece and can still be seen today. They had physical proof for their god’s existence) so in saying this every aspect of every form of god or gods that existence does have something that truly happened which could back up their existence. Also, the great source which sources all is the source of all that occurs so it is the cause of these natural, great even as well (these Greek gods truly were source). If one wants to look at these natural occurrences as something negative then it can be look on as such, if one wants to look at these events as something of the positive, they can do that as well.

This source which I keep on speaking of is a source that gives unconditionally, and in doing this it empowers. It has given us the power do whatever we want in life and also the tools to do so. The mind is the greatest tool of all that this source has given us. It (this source) has also made us literally part of the physical environment that we see around us. We are made of the same stuff as the earth and the earth is made of the same stuff that the stars and stardust is. We are all one in the same with what we see, feel and touch and we have the power to change and maneuver whatever we need to in order to reach what we would consider joy in life and so with this, we have this source, which is all giving, all accepting and all understanding within us just like it exist in everything else. Things do occurring within our lives that may dictate a god or gods in the sky being angry but this is only because of our perception of what is going on, and that perception comes from somewhere within our hearts.

Right, wrong, pretty, ugly, strong and weak all are subjective perceptions that we come to conclusions about. Nothing is absolute, nothing is truly objective and nothing is made a rule of thumb without us making it so. What I consider God is an aspect of the whole that I see fit to consider God. I can’t say that my opinion on what God is happens to be the all out gossip truth of it all myself, I have no right to make such a statement (nobody does). If I were to do so I would be pointing out a bold face, fear based fib. Lately, I’ve been reading a book called “Seth Speaks” and in it is where I got the quote that I’ve used for today’s posting. In the same chapter that this quote is stated in, it also marks that we as people have this source that we call God within us but then we project it to exist outside of us. In doing this we try to connect back with it by comparing ourselves (consciously or unconsciously) to what we’ve deemed this god to be. I thought that the statement and the whole chapter in general hit a truth that not many people realize even exist. We are so unconscious of ourselves that it isn’t even funny.

Love is empowering, love gives and never ask for anything in return. Love always accepts, never hands out ultimatums, never judges in a negative way because love always understands. All love does is shine, it shines joy and it shines light and quiet frankly from simply studying nature, science, different religions and philosophies and looking at life itself I can’t help but say that God is love. Some people choose to believe in a fear based god, one that sits up in the clouds and judges us for our wrong doings. One that doesn’t understand why people do what they do, one that is absolute and that say everybody needs to follow a certain rule book to be “right” in the world. One that has a straight conditional love, one that says, “even though I love you, I will send you to an eternal damnation if you don’t do what I say and in the way that I say it”, one that kills because it is pissed, one that dislikes homosexuals with such a passion that it would damn them to an eternal hell of they don’t “straighten up”, one that just sits somewhere and says that if you don’t cater to its ego it will leave your side. Some people choose to believe in a god that simply will turn its back on us and allow us to suffer knowingly if we don’t act a certain way. This god is jealous, it doesn’t like anyone to grow over a certain aspect within their lives because it fears that they won’t love it, it wants everyone to simply praise it because this is what serves its ego the best and it will reward those who praise it and punish those who don’t. This god can’t connect with everyone because it has a limited opinion on what is right and wrong, if you happen to fall in the wrong then you are basically on your own and on the way to this eternal damnation unless you straighten up before you die. Who does this sound like to you? Doesn’t this sound like a great deal of people out there today? We live in a fear based society because too many of us believe in a fear based god. We truly reinforce this god to the fullest in ever aspect of life.

Imagine a world where the inhabitance within it really did embrace a God that is love. How would those people react? Even if one considers themselves and atheist, they still have something that they truly do consider god. It may be science, money, politics or just another person that they admire. It is simple human nature to claim something for god and radiates that which is claimed god. You don’t actually have to acknowledge a god to have one, as a matter of fact it isn’t even necessary that you do acknowledge a god if you don’t choose too, doesn’t change that fact that something still does exist within this world that you consider god. But if we all were to consider God simply love then this would be a world of love. This would be a world of acceptance, a world that doesn’t say one has to be or act a certain way to be wanted. A world that allowed others to grow in the ways that they need to grow without causing hardships for them, a world that would be free from the grips of fear. This would be a world that didn’t fear lost, this would be a world that didn’t allow the ego to run the show in life, this would be a straight “heaven on earth” world. Imagine a world that had people in it whom allowed each other to maintain every empowering and loving relationship that they gained. One that didn’t have individuals whose own egos felt threatened at any of this. Imagine a world that allowed everyone to embrace whatever religions, philosophies, or ways of life without trying to down them and making them feel like “sinners” for doing so. Imagine if every single person in your life accepted you for all and everything you were without trying to make you choose or try and make you change an aspect of it? If every single person that you encountered knew that even though situations and relationships change, love is a bond that is forever and will never be broken. Imagine a world that saw the oneness in all, a world that wants happiness for its loved ones even more then it wants happiness for itself. This would be so because in this world, people would see sparks of themselves in others, they would see growth within themselves when they saw others grow, this is the kind of world that I am aiming at; this is the kind of world that I want so THIS is the kind of GOD that I believe in. God is love to me and nothing else and this isn’t something that I am just making up, it is something that I see every single day and to me it is being proven more and more within every single breath I take.

There is a reason why Jesus the Christ overthrew Zeus the king of the gods and took over. There is a reason why the religion that Jesus is kind of (not all of the way but kind of) was the founder of is the most popular religion in the world today. This reason is because of the love and compassion that Jesus had within his lifetime. It’s because Jesus was love and Jesus felt the oneness between him and his father God as the same, the Greek gods saw themselves as separate from everybody else, not of one God and one essence like Jesus did. The Greek gods did actually serve a great purpose for their time, they were explanation for all of the natural happenings that occurred within the world but they were also very selfish. They had egos larger then the world as a whole, they wanted people to praise them just because they were more powerful and they would punish people who didn’t give them these praises. Jesus didn’t do this, but the thing is the religion that Jesus sort of founded has lost a lot of what Jesus was all about. It’s like Greek mythology all over again. People believe in this fear based god that will destroy and is jealous. There are so many paths, so many religions and so many philosophies that we can take in life. Every single one of them has a great truth that can be used as a catalyst for growth. Every last one of them can be placed on the road that leads to our happiness in life and not one is better then the other. If one wants to embrace Buddhist then it would be a powerful, and life changing religion to embrace, if one wants to do the same with Islam or Hinduism then they can be as equally life changing in a positive light. But the thing is to allow one to embrace what they choose and loving them for what they choose to embrace. This should be truly so within life, it should be simply about change, growth, and happiness. If we allow fear to stop us from embracing every single, growing, changing, shining, joyous aspect to life then we will never see the gates of heaven. I believe that the first step to becoming a loving society is to embrace a God that is love. Everybody wants love in their lives because everybody needs it. We all need love so we all need what I consider God within our lives. Without it (love) we would all die away, literally.

Imagine a God that just allowed people who embraced a certain rule book the right to breathe air. Imagine a God who didn’t let the sun shine on a certain group of people because they didn’t praise him a certain way. Imagine a God that took away gravity, strength, companionship, opportunity, and joy from a certain group of people because they weren’t apart of a certain belief system. Love gives because this is all love can do. Love allows relationships to grow in their most natural ways, love accept all that it comes in contact with; love doesn’t try to change others because it is afraid for its own ego, and love simply is strength. So I closing, even though there is a whole lot more that I could say on this subject I just want to state that a person filled with fear is a person who embraces a fear based god. A person who lives from love embraces a God that is love plain and simple. God really does dwell within us and all around us and if we embrace love, praise love, and live love then this loving God will radiate within our lives with every answer to any of our issues. Stand firm for what you believe in, grow in the way that you feel growth is best for YOU, and simply embrace love. Watch what will happen within your life and within the life of everyone who is around you. Remember this simple fact, love empowers and fear disables. It doesn’t get any simpler then that. GOD IS LOVE!!!


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