Saturday, August 21, 2010

Give Love freely.

"If you are feeling hurt or just plain angry, don’t give in to it! Instead go and give someone an unexpected compliment, smile at a stranger, do something for someone without expecting something back in return, just go find someone and serve them in a loving manner. This really does works better then drinking, smoking, or drugging your problems away. Its guaranteed to work. You will feel better, stronger and more ready to take on whatever the world throws at you after doing any loving, kind act for another. This really works!"

There are actually endorphins that are release within our physical, bodily structure after we do a kind act that gives even a physical reason why my quote which I used above is truth. We are loving individuals because we come from love and love truly is the answer to every issue bad or good. Someone that we care about may have rejected us in an unseen way, someone may have lied to us or cheated us out of something, we might even feel that things are going so bad in life that taking our very own life in itself may seem like the only solution out of a situation. We begin feeling negativity in any aspect because we align ourselves with a vibration of fear, this is what fear does, it separates us from joy and happiness, and it bars us from simply growing in a free manner. The best way to gain the vibe of love back from this fear vibe is to be love, be loving and that light of love will always outshine the darkness of fear. Simply head out, go and sweep off some elderly person's porch then leave without even letting them know you did it. You can even simply tell someone that they look lovely today without expecting anything in return, or why not just simply look a stranger in the eyes and smile at them. In doing any of these things (or any positive thing you can think of) love will shine bright, heaven on earth and within LIFE will be a step closer and you will simply feel great about yourself and about life. It really isn't hard to find someone in this fear based world to cheer up at all so the task is very easy to accomplish.

So instead of yelling at an individual because they've "pissed" you off or thinking that it would be better to hurt someone because they've hurt you, go out and be of service to someone. Seriously do this without the intentions of gaining anything back in return. If you do I promise you that happiness will spring from within your soul like a jack in the box. You will feel so euphoric that you won't even understand why you bothered to feel angry in the first place. This world is full of love and that love is the light of God. God is really everywhere all of the time but for you and me, the most potent place that God does dwell is within our hearts and souls. Simply do as God does, radiate love and joy and your whole mood will change to one of imprisonment to one of empowerment. An answer to all of your hard issues will come to you in a more potent manner if you are in a loving mood. If you aren't, don't expect insight to find you. Be love, let go of all of your issues, allow God to handle things that you find too much for you (by simply not even worrying at them) and simply serve in a positive light. I promise you that even if an answer doesn't come right away, the serving part will make you feel better, then and only then will you hear the voice of God speaking to you from within your heart and soul, and then, all will be well and everything will turn out perfect.


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