Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't love what you do, do what you LOVE

The first thing I read in this news article which I was looking at this morning was a statement that read, “If you are lucky enough to love what you do for a living”. After reading this statement I had to shake my head and wonder why someone would ever do anything in life except what they love. It’s not about loving what you do; it’s about doing what you love. What kind of life are we living if we simply do things because we’re told we should do them? Why would someone even bother to wake up in the morning if they lived that way? As a matter of fact, why would anyone choose live that way in the first place? To be quiet frank, a lot of people do live in a way which they simply do what they don’t like doing. They don’t do what they love or even what they want to do. It simply makes no since. If I put a buffet of food in front of you and I told you that you could have anything you want from the buffet are you going to waste time eating foods that you don’t like? I mean why would you? It makes no since. It is just like people doing things that they don’t want and trying to simply “love” what they do. Would you try and “love” how a nasty entry taste or would you simply not eat from it? People also seem to stay in relationships and make an effort to “love” the person or people who are in the relationship with them. None of these things make since because we really don’t have to put any effort in loving someone. Loving someone is effortless because we actually are LOVE. Does the sun put an effort in shining or does it just simply shine? You don’t need to try and love the person who you are with; you simply need to choose to be with the person whom you love. I think if people tried to do things from a perspective of love then life would be a lot smoother for all.

If you feel that you aren’t in the position to simply drop what you are now doing for a living to do what you love you can at lease step on the path that will lead to the destination of what you love (start planning for your passion. Look into starting something within the brackets of what you love and pursue it). Open your minds to unlimited possibilities. Know that you don’t have to do anything other then what you love in life. It may be a hard vibe to align yourself with if you were told all of your life that you simply need to “work” if you want to live. If you can visualize your dreams then they are definitely a possibility. Relationships shouldn’t be hard ether and I don’t care what type of relationship it is. Everyone that is in your life should be people who help you to grow and also people who bring joy and love out of you. It isn’t hard to love people like that at all. There should be no “challenge” in the relationship. Yes, if you are in a relationship with someone other then yourselves you and the other person will have disagreements but these disagreements should open up great discussions which in turn should help you to grow, they shouldn’t open up anger and arguing. Love is life and life is living point blank. Life is growth and evolution. Life is joy and life is happiness. If you aren’t living in the grips of love then you are nothing but a dead person breathing. Just because you are breathing doesn’t mean you are a live. We all can simply do what we love if we choose to (the trick is to change your thinking pattern from just doing work for a live to doing your passion for a live. From there opportunities will manifest themselves to you so that you may just do what you are passionate about). Simply do what you love, do what you enjoy and live this life to the fullest. We are not supposed to suffer!!!!!


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