Thursday, October 22, 2009

Enjoy failing and rise to glory!!!

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is failure really? Is there really a such thing as failure? Well, failure is something we actually have to claim and the way of claiming failure is to simply give up. Some people seem to also see failure as not succeeding at a task in the first try. I think that if the definition of failure is simply not succeeding at a task in its first try then we may just need to be good at failing in order to be successful. In order to gain great glory failure may happen but if we continue to stand up, no mater how many times we are knocked down then we will succeed. Failure doesn’t feel good but maybe that mind state in itself should change. The person who learns how to fail with pride is the person that will gain all of the glory that they desire. If we change our perception of how we feel about failure then there will be nothing to stop us from getting every thing that we want. Failure is an opportunity; it is an opportunity to learn something. Thomas Edison failed over one thousand times when he was trying to create the light bulb but do you think he really “failed” at inventing the light bulb? If you say yes then you must not have any light in your house. When someone asked him how he could sit there and stand failing so much his reply was, “I haven’t failed at all. I just learned over one thousand ways which my invention won’t work. I am actually closer now to accomplishing my aim now then I was before”. He didn’t feel sorry for himself and he didn’t feel bad. He just kept on going until he did succeed and he “failing” one hundred times before he did succeed didn’t lessen his accomplishment. Before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb the only way that humans were able to control light was through fire and do you know how long ago humans discovered fire? Do you know what a great accomplishment inventing the light bulb was? Humans were still living in caves when they discovered fire. Because of Thomas Edison’s no-giving up attitude he literally catapulted the whole human race to a new level of thinking, he learned how to “fail” and he felt good doing it as well.

Some people may say to me, “it could never feel good to fail” and I ask those same people if living in “mediocrity” feels good to them. If living in the “plain” and “in the grips of fear” feels good then continue to feel bad about failure but if you want to live up to your God given ability to manifest anything you want then fail with pride and keep on rising every time you do. Go for your dreams, go for greatness and feel good if you fail while going for it. When you do fail just know that you just discovered something that doesn’t work and now since that is out of the way you can move on. Take the chance; don’t just accept things for what they are. Stick your neck out and take the chance then if you fall simply get up and keep on moving. Live in the great glory and succeed, learn how to stand up every time you are knocked down and you WILL succeed at whatever you are pursuing. Don’t live in the “plain” live in the “exciting” and take a chance with something new that will help to accomplish your goals and dreams. Live in the glory and keep getting up every time you fall. Keep on standing!!


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