Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time, the biggest ILLISION of them all

What is time??

Time is an observed phenomenon, by means of which human beings sense and record changes in the environment and in the universe. A literal definition is elusive. Time has been called an illusion, a dimension, a smooth-flowing continuum, and an expression of separation among events that occur in the same physical location.

There are other definitions. Here is another one.

Time is a practical convenience in modern life. Numerous standards have been set up, allowing people to coordinate events and, in general, keep their lives running smoothly.

Both of these definitions express the meaning of time very well. The first definition that I’ve used says in the first sentence that time is an “observed” phenomenon. Then it goes on to say that it is the way that “humans” record change in the environment and the universe. The second definition states that the purpose of time is to allow people to coordinate events and, in general, keep their lives running smoothly.

Time is nothing but a measurement of “movement”. That is my definition. Time was constructed by human beings so that we as humans may have a system to measure our days as they go by. We constructed this system by measuring the rotation of the earth around the sun a long with the spinning of the earth on its axis. From that we’ve constructed names for each day and then we’ve constructed a name for a certain amount of days “weeks” as well. We have all of these rules and regulations to go with it so that we may “keep our lives running smoothly”. On top of that we have so many “time saving” devices like microwaves and cars (there are a lot more “time saving” devices out there but I just will only use those two today). So with this “time” thing constructed why do we as humans have lives that don’t run so smoothly and why do we seem to not have enough time to do anything when we have all of these so called time saving devices? The reason is because like the first definition stated, time is an ILLUSION. To put it in layman's terms, its not real, we made it all up.

Do you know that the human animal is the only animal that has an emotional change for the worst on Mondays? Do you know that the within the human species, suicide occurs more on the Monday then any other day of the week? Did you also know that humans are the only animals that go through a “mid life crisis”? Humans get stressed if they aren’t in a particular place at a particular age within life. No other animal does this. No other animal knows the difference between Monday and Friday and we are not the only animal that has “smooth running lives” ether. As a matter of fact, most the people I know don’t even have smooth running lives. The squirrels and raccoons have lives that run smoother then a lot of the humans I know and they don’t have this thing called “time” within their worlds. Animals know when winter is coming. They don’t need a calendar to tell them so. They know when it is time to go to bed and they know when it is time to get up. They know how much sleep they need in order to go about there day (or night). They know all of these things and they don’t need time to tell them so. Time is nothing but another rule for us to follow. In other words it is nothing but another limitation for us to identify ourselves with. Time like fear is false within itself.

In the beginning an explosion occurred. Out of that explosion came worlds and galaxies. Some people call this the big bang theory but it can also be called the voice and thought of God. There was darkness and then out of the darkness came light. Where does our clock fit in with that? If you look out into space you will see how the darkness is simply just the darkness. Then you will see movement, you will see things interacting with each other, you will see things evolving. Movement is real. Time tries to measure movement and with that we feel that if we aren’t moving within the brackets of time; we actually feel we can “lose time”. But if time was actually made from measuring movement then why do we chase it if we ourselves are movement. We say we are old and we say we are young. We say that some people are too old to do certain things and some are too young but this in itself is false. We are energy (spirits). We are energy (spirits) having a physical experience. Energy never begins and it never ends. It always was and always will be. It is a scientific FACT that energy cannot be destroyed. All it can do us “change (evolve) from one form to another. In the beginning, there was a collision (expansion) of ENERGY and that is what the worlds and galaxies were made from.

According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread. This is our universe.

Also (as stated in the example above) the universe is now expanding. Some call this the “breath of God”. The universe in itself is moving (evolving). It is getting bigger so there is being more “space” created. Does our time consider this? This is why time isn’t real. We (as energy) always were around and always will be around. When the universe is done expanding then it will start contracting. When this occurs we will have evolved to some that is able to “be” in a “contracting” universe. Movement, motions, expansion, evolving, these things are what is happening, not time, not some clock that dictates when something needs to be done (or how something needs to move). Our time was made to measure “movement” within the universe so why do we let it dictate our “movement” within our lives. We are the universe that we come from; we are made from the same stuff (energy) as the universe so that makes us a part of the universe. Why do we need some outside, made up source dictating our motions in life? Why?

The cells in our body are not the same cells that we had when we came into this physical world. Cells die and new cells are born everyday. We have a new set of cells just about every 7 days. So with this as fact then how can we get old? We get old because we perceive ourselves through the rules and laws of time. We perceive ourselves as victims of time. It is Us who make ourselves old, not time. We made time up; we made these numbers and measurements up. We don’t really “age” we “evolve”. Our physical bodies are made up of cells that redo themselves every so often. Our cells are made and regenerated from our foodstuffs (we are what we eat) and also the water that we consume, if we put trash in our bodies then our new cells that are produced will be trash as well. This is how it works. We are not the same as we were before. We evolve. Within our physical existence we evolve. We growth and we change. We don’t get “old”. Getting “old” is an illusion just like time. Time is another way for fear to gain its strength. We were not meant to “evolve” at the same rate, we came into this physical exists to have “different” life experiences. We didn’t come here to chase and try to keep up with something that we made up. We came here to grow, evolve, and Love. We came here to come together as One (because we all are one) and claim our happiness. Even though time is something that limits us it also can be used in a positive way, it’s not all bad. It can help us to pin point an event to occur in unison with another (example: I want to meet my date at 7pm so that we can go to dinner and then around 9pm or so we can go out dancing. With this system I know the point in movement that we are to meet. Time works well for this purpose.)

Things happen when they are supposed to. If we have a Love or a want and we are true then what we desire it will occur. Everything that has ever happened is happening now. The Now is the only thing that is real and since time is a farce everything that ever has and ever will happen is happening Now. It is up to us as of what happens with our Now. If we keep on thinking about past events that are negative then we are putting ourselves through those negative events over and over again. Our bodies and emotion will react in the same way that it did when the event first happened. This is proof that we choose what happens to us with our thoughts. If the event isn’t happening to us as we think about it then we wouldn’t react in the way that we did when it first happened (if we think about an event that we were almost killed in we may all of a sudden react in a fearful way. Our blood pressure will raise and we may even start sweating in fear). We do have a choice as of what happens to our Now.

There is no point in time that we need to be married, have children, start our careers, being living within our passions, start working out, start gaining wisdom, starting gaining enlightenment, and to make a change in anything that we see fit. We are not victims, if we are in a bad relationship, we have a job that we don’t like, or our life style isn’t serving us in the greatest way possible it isn’t’ too late to make a change, I don’t care how long things were as they are, make the change. I don’t care it your chronological age is 99. If you want to write a book or go back to school do so. It is never too late to change because we are going to change anyway. Do what you must and let things happen the way they may. Don’t feel bad because you are “old (a lie in itself)” or if you haven’t achieved something at a certain point of “time (a farce)”. It is never too late; do not let time stop you from growing into the person that you were meant to grow into. Let nothing stop you in this; if you do you will be doing the world a great disservice. The way to Happiness is Love, not time.


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