Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Plant Your Apple Tree Regardless

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
Martin Luther

In bleak times one may ask themselves what the point would be if they were look on the times in a positive manner. Bleakness does look murky and dark to the naked eye but we should always remember that nothing in existence ever remains the same. No matter how unlikely things may seem we still should always plan for tomorrow, we should always plan for our dreams to be a reality even if it seems at the moment that our dreams may never come true. Set up life and make plans for better times. Do things that you would do if times were better. Plant your apple tree even if it looks as if the world is going to fall apart tomorrow. Change is always occurring, don’t think that things will always be the way they are now; in all reality we don’t want things to remain the same because if they did then we would never gain the opportunity for growth. It is in the thought that projects the reality. Everything we could ever want is a pond us, all we need to do is make ourselves ready for our wants so that they may manifest. If I want an apple tree I have to plant the seed first. If I don’t plant the seed then I will never get an apple tree. Within this moment we are in the position to at lease mentally plan for our euphoria. Just as we would need to plant a seed to get a tree, we need to plant a thought of euphoria to gain it. Let things undue as they may, don’t attach to an outcome at a certain moment in time. Time in the way that we view it is a delusion (time doesn’t truly exist. I will explain this concept in the next blog I write.), when we attach ourselves to time like it is a reality it’s like we are attaching ourselves to a fear based rule. Let things go as they may, let the wars go on around you, let the people get angry, let the frustrated be frustrated if that is what they choose, let them threaten to end society if that is what they please but always keep faith and hold firm on euphoric dreams. Plant the apple tree if you want an apple tree. Don’t let a bomb threat stop you; don’t let a prediction for a hurricane waiver wants ether. Still remain firm no matter what. If you were to live in a village that had no women and you wanted a wife, plan for a wife to arrive within your life. If you live in the artic circle and you want to lay in the summer sun on a beach, go out and buy your swim wear and your beach umbrella (even if you don’t have the slightest idea as of how you will get to a beach). Do you see where I am going with this? Wake up in the morning and give thanks for all that you have, also give thanks for your dreams. Give thanks like you already have them in your possession and think within your mind that they are already a pond you, never loose hope, never loose faith. You do have everything that you want; it all is in your grasp. Remember that and remember this as well, no matter what is happening around you, you can’t have an apple tree if you do not plant the seed. So what are you waiting for? Go plant that seed.


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