Friday, September 4, 2009

The power of the fearful mind

“Just as the fearful mind is the source of promiscuity and sex is merely the vehicle through which it is expressed, so money is not the source of greed. The mind is the source of greed, and money and sex can be used for holy as well as unholy purposes. Like nuclear energy, the problem isn’t the energy, but how it is applied." (Marianne Williamson)

It is known for us as a people to put a negative label on plenty of the acts we do and also on our day to day life’s situations, it’s known for individuals to place so much negative thought energy on acts which were meant to be healthy, fun and life giving and in doing so turning the act itself to something nasty and or deadly. We have a system that was developed so that we may live in a way which we’re able to gain sustenance and such for the work we do, it is a system that provides us with what we know of as money and it isn’t a bad system at all. But then we have individuals who sit and blame all the woes of the world on money saying that money is the root of all evil. The same thing goes for great discoveries like nuclear energy; it’s made to look as if the nuclear energy itself is and has been the cause of deaths for millions. These ways of thinking about things comes from the thought process which we are choosing to utilize. It all comes from a fear based thought process which causes us to put blame on what is going on in our world on outside things which we have no control over. In thinking like this in my humble opinion we’ve got it all wrong.

Sex is an act which could be considered as both physical and spiritual all at once. It’s actually better for us physical then walking and it’s also life giving. Sex is a very beautiful aspect of life, it is one of the greatest gifts that God has given to us, it does so much for us; it connects us to others and to ourselves like no other act can. It has to be one of the most amazing acts that we are able to perform but for one reason or another (fear is reason) it is looked on as something dirty and shameful. What kind of a society are we if we are to take our greatest discoveries and inventions and switch them over to something bad and evil? You know what kind of society we are? We are a fear based society and this is why we do this “fear based thought” thing to ourselves. From politics to religions and everything in between, a big aspect of all of them feels that in order to lead and control fear needs to be used in great measures. Therefore, from them we were given the greatest lie of all on top of the lies about money, sex and discoveries like nuclear energy being bad, we were told that we were born sinners (imperfect, flawed) and that we need them (the religions, politics, some culture, or some other group of people) to gain our reasons, purpose, and way of knowing how to have our life experience They tell us that without them and their rules we would be worthless, sinning, imperfect beings. They then give us their rules and regulations and we are expected to follow them or else. They use fear to control us so they are able to keep us under wraps and have us do as they please us to do.

This fearful info which we’re shown to be the “right:” way is a blatant lie onto itself. It’s very misguiding and delusional and it is also hardwired and imbedded into our culture and society. Now is the time that we really should free ourselves from the grips of these lies. It’s because of the negative vibes which we have attached to sex that has caused sex itself become a deadly act in a lot of cases. If you keep thinking negatively about something what do you think will happen to it? Where do you think STDs like AIDS came from? Why do we do these things to ourselves? We do them because of the fear based society which we live in. A controlling society that falsely has us believing that we truly do live in the land of the free. Who is free when there are so many fears surrounding new ideas and new thought processes? It’s like we haven’t learned from historic events like the inquisition and the holocaust. It’s like we haven’t learned from 9/11/01. The fear which we put into each other so that we may keep each other “right” is killing us off slowly.

Sex is a beautiful, spiritual, life giving, healthy experience and I mean every aspect of it (group sex, homosexual sex, self sex {masturbation} and everything else in between). We are blessed with these exquisite bodies and within these bodies we are able to experience an amazing act which we called sex. Also, money is great; there is nothing wrong with having a love for it (as long as you don’t simply identify with it as your worth). There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a lot of it ether. Scientific discoveries like nuclear energy and stem cell research are not bad for us. These experiments and discoveries are going to help us as a society and culture, we will be more advanced in our achievements because of these discoveries and there is nothing wrong or “unethical” about them at all.

I don’t think that religions and politics are bad things at all even though it may seem that I do. They are only bad when fear is used by them to control us or to have us believe in a certain belief or a certain way of thinking and living. It is ultimately going to be up to us to make a quantum shift and change this fear based thought process which we have guiding us. If we concentrate on fear as our number one thought process and our way of living then we will fall but if we use love instead then we will fly and quiet frankly, I rather fly. Let’s continue to grow as a people and as a society. There really is no such thing as the “taboo or wrong”; these words are fear based pieces of trash when they are used in a fearful light and will hold us back from becoming our more evolved, greater selves.

All the wrongs of money (greed) and sex (dishonest promiscuity and STD) are figments or our fearful imaginations which will dissolve when we become a society who believes totally in the power of love only. Let’s drop the fearful mind that Marianne Williamson spoke of in the quote that I used today.


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