Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Light, Different Windows

The prophets are like one single being. If you refuse one of them, you refuse them all. It’s like ritual washing. If you don’t wash one of your organs and wash all the others, it will be of no use. So, as the prophets recognize each other, if you don’t admit one of them, it is as if you had admitted none of them. In fact, there’s only One light that appears through different windows which reaches us through the person of each prophet. All of these lights stream from the same Sun. If you refuse a part of this light; that shows that you’re a bat. You’re like a bat who says, “I am against this year’s sun but I accept last year’s. “In fact, this year’s and last year’s sun are not different in any way. Whatever difference you think you perceive comes from the fact that you didn’t really experience last year’s sun.


It is the same Love that we receive and always have received; the same Source that sources us, the same wisdom and knowledge that has always enlightened us but yet it may appear a bit different at times. This is the message that I’ve received from this Rumi writing called “One Light, Different Windows”. The Sun’s light will shine through different windows but it really is the same Sun. If we sit and say that we will only accept the sunlight through one window then we really are cutting ourselves short and in turn we are cutting the sunlight short as well. We may not always be in a predicament which dictates us getting our light from the window that we are accustomed to but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get the light at all. The Sun will always shine, it gleams all the time and it has been doing this for a long time. Wisdom and knowledge may gleam through different people and situations. This doesn’t mean that it isn’t the same true wisdom and knowledge that will help us to grow and expand. It will always be the same Sun no matter what. Within being the same it is also different because we may just as well come in contact with different teachers and prophets and they may show us the wisdom that we crave in a different way but still, they are relaying the same wisdom that enlightens. If we choose to wave them away simply because they aren’t appearing as the same source which our parents and our parents’ parents gained there wisdom from it would be like we’re rejecting true wisdom all together. The Sun is the Sun, what does it matter if the window that it shines through is not the window that it always has. Those old windows may be old, dirty, and grimy. They may have just gotten so much muck on them that the sun may not even shine through them as bright as it should. As we live and as time goes on people who cling onto just one way of doing things usually loss the whole wisdom of the action all together. They forget that they are just a window for the Sun to shine through; they start thinking that instead of being that window for us to gain the Sun’s rays they feel that they are actually the Sun all together for us. They once were a clear window which the Sun could easily shine through and now they are just a dirty reflection of a reality that they’ve made up. No Sun shines through; all you get is the grime and dirt which actually covers up the Sun’s glare. No God shines through, just there ego. Within all of that ego (grime) the Sun (God) is no longer seen so it may just do us some good to accept a new window so that we are able to get that true shine from the Sun. It has always been the same Sun and this Sun will shine through different Windows. Don’t be like the bat that Rumi spoke of who shuns the Sun of today for the Sun of yesterday. You can’t shun something and except it at the same time. Why live in a duel mind state. Free yourself, open up and know that even though the windows may be different, the same Sun does shine through


ALSO…. Let’s experience each day for the learning and growing experience that it is. Let’s experience each trail and tribulation as growth for our inner being. If we don’t see these experiences for what they truly are then we are cutting that part of the Sun’s glare from our lives. In doing this we will never recognize that it has always been the same Sun. With this we make the mistake of thinking that yesterdays Sun and today’s Sun are not one in the same “Whatever difference you think you perceive comes from the fact that you didn’t really experience last year’s sun.” Simply experience the Sun as a whole so that nothing will be missed.

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