Monday, September 28, 2009

Persistence is the key

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
(Calvin Coolidge)
In life we are dealt with situations and events. Every situation and every event that occurs within our life experience reveals a lesson for us to learn. It may not be a lesson that we can verbally define and that is okay, just know that every singe situation that we go through in life is a lesson for us to learn. A true lesson is nothing but a remembrance of whom and what we are. We come into this world with the all knowing already. True lessons help us to gain that back because within life it does get lost and like I said, all life experiences hold “true lessons”. If we are open and not attached to anything within life, these lessons will become clearer for us to perceive. Within these lessons (remembrances) comes our purpose. Our purpose is our reason; within life our reason will always be shown to us. Once we gain this realization of our reason we may feel that it is out of reach for us to gain. We may feel that it isn’t attainable but if it weren’t then we would have never thought it to be our reason in the first place. There are certain people, situations, jobs, achievements and all else which we may believe should be in our life experience. These things may not all come to us at the same time but once they do we will gain them if we are determined and persistence. Persistence and determination are the most giving and powerful tools that we have in life. With persistence comes faith and with faith comes non-attachments. Persistence rains over our education levels and talent levels. A persistent person can be more successful then a so called more talented person. With persistence comes self confidence, with persistence comes strength, and with persistence comes non-failure. We don’t want to become attached to a person, place, or outcome; with persistence attaching ourselves to anything won’t be necessary. Attachment is an aspect of fear. We attach ourselves to people and situations because the attaching is a false way of feeling like we actually have something which we don’t truly have. Lost can happen at anytime and attaching ourselves to something isn’t going to prevent that lost. Attaching ourselves to an outcome will only make us expect an outcome to occur a certain way and this in itself is an aspect of fear which can’t be ignored. So in turn if we let go of the fear we can let go of the attachment and within all of that, our freedom will be born. With persistence attaching isn’t needed. Persistence is all that is necessary, persistence and faith. If we meet a person who we feel should be in our lives, persistence work with this as well. If that person seems to become more and more distant from us within our persistence all this means is that the person isn’t the person that they first appeared to be. Faith and persistence will bring anyone or anything that we truly (truly is the key word. If it is true for us and we are persistent then we will gain it) want for ourselves into our experience. We deserve to have whatever we want, in exactly the way that we want it and that is all to it. A person who believes in this will remain persistent in their efforts, giving up is not an options and nothing needs to be forced ether. Faith and persistence is the key. Faith in our abilities and persistence to walk that path until we are at our point of achievement, stay persistent no matter what. Never give up, you deserve to have everything in the way that you want it and that is all to it. You deserve to have your passion within your life, you deserve to have what you Love within your life; persistence will get you just that. Never give up, stay on that path and it will be brought onto you. I guarantee it!


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