Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Become detached and stop chasing your tail.

To truly know what your true purpose is in life is one of the easiest things but yet, its one of the hardest things to realize, of course, like I’ve always said we are born perfect. We know who and what we are and we know why we are here. We want to learn about everything, grow and simply be happy. We aren’t worry about other people’s opinions or about an outcome to any situations but then we are told that we aren’t perfect, that other people’s opinions about us really do matter and that the reason why we should do anything in life is because of the outcome. This is where we get lost. We then stop concentrating on our own purpose and happiness, after that we switch to doing things the way “they” say we should do things, from there comes the worrying about what “they” think and also right behind that comes the worrying about the outcome. This morning as I got dress and ready for work I listened to a Wayne Dyer interview. In this interview Dr. Dyer spoke on the very thing that I am speaking of today. This is a story that he told in the interview;

This older dog was taking a walk down the block and in his walk he happened to come across a younger dog. As soon as he came across the young dog he saw that the he was busy chasing his tail. With a confused look on his face, the old dog asked, “What are you doing? Why are you chasing your tail?” The young dog replied, “I just came from a dog’s philosophy class and in the class I was told that all of the happiness I could ever want is located in my tail.” Pausing a bit so that he could give the older dog all of his attention he continued in an elated tone, “From that lesson I figured it all out.” The older dog then said, “And what have you figured out young dog? It looks like you are just going in circles to me.” “Well” The younger dog retorted, “If I was to simply catch my tail then I would have all of the happiness that I could ever want; that is all I have to do so I will continue to chase my tail until I have it.” The younger dog had a big grin on his face as he spoke his reply. A pond this, the older dog simply said, “Well yes, I do agree with you. All of our happiness is in our tails but being that I spend all my time in alleys I don’t get to go to philosophy class but I did find something out.” As the older dog prepared himself to speak the younger dog thought that it was a shame that the older dog never got a chance to go to philosophy class. The older dog continued, “I found out that if I just do what I do my tail will found me around, Therefore, all I have to do go about my day doing things which I was put here to do without all of the worrying and from there my happiness follows right behind me. My happiness actually chases me; I don’t have to chase it.”

Our happiness is always with us, following behind us but because we are told that we need to do this and we need to do that in order to gain it it’s like we are chasing our own tails. We go here and we go there. We do this and we do that and we worry about an outcome while we do these things. We then worry about what someone else is going to think of us and with that, we try to look good in their eyes. With all of this doing we lose ourselves. We end up chasing our tails then wonder why we can never catch it. We will never find happiness that way because we are chasing something that we will never catch.

What is the point of trying to look good in someone else’s eyes? Every one is different. Every one has a different opinion so if you go into a room with one hundred people you are going to have one hundred different opinions. Imagine having to live up to each of those people’s opinions, you would go crazy but this is what so many of us do. We do things in order to be happy simply because someone else says so or because it’s the way it’s always been but yet it doesn’t get us happiness. We stay at jobs we don’t like, we stay in relationships that don’t serve us; we do so many things that don’t bring happiness out of us all in the name of fear. We fear what others will think, we fear how we will look to the world, we fear, fear, fear. Instead, it may be easier if we just go with what makes us feel good and simply let it be. Just like the older dog, happiness will follow right behind us. We won’t have to chase it at all because it will chase us. Happiness along with everything else that we need will follow. If we have a passion for something and it cost a certain amount of money to gain the means for that passion all we have to do is simply be that passion and the money will come, it will found right behind us. We need to realize that people like helping others. It makes us feel good to do so and if we are passionate about something and it becomes known, if someone with the means to help us a long that passion sees that we are passionate about our passion they will more then likely help us to gain the means for our passion. With passion of something the means will be attracted into our situation if we simply become our passion.

There are times when it’s hard for us to express ourselves as we should. We are so fearful of an outcome that we hold back on something which we should be expressing within ourselves. Once we detach ourselves from outcome and just do what we know we should be doing everything will come to us as we need it to. For some of us we may want certain changes to occur, we may feel a certain way about a situation or about a person and we may hold our true feelings in because we are worried about the outcome. This is nothing but fear, if we just follow our hearts and not worry about an outcome (become detached from outcome) thing will go as they should. Being attached to something that doesn’t even exist is silly within it self but that is exactly what fear is and it is what we do when we become attached to an outcome. I say live life to the fullest, express yourself honestly and don’t worry about what someone else is going think. We should stay detached from outcome and just know (just as the old dog did) that happiness will follow, you won’t have to chase happiness in doing this because happiness will chase you.


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