Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Children Are Love

Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music. ~William Stafford

Last week I spoke to a friend of mine on the phone. She has a baby that is a few months old and she spoke to me about how much she loves her child. I told her that she had a gift right there; our children know something that we tend to forget over time. I remember when I was a child I would look at some adults and think that they were always adults. There were certain people that I couldn’t fathom the idea that they were ever children. They physically looked old and worn, their attitude towards life wasn’t all that happy, there was nothing that I could see in them that told me that they were ever children and to me and that is really sad. These people whom I thought were born adults were people whom lost all of their innocents, they lost all of those gifts that God gave them when they were born and me as a child really did think that they were simply born adults because of it.

When I spoke to me friend I gave her a warning. I warned her that when her child goes out into the world on his own the world will more then likely try to snatch his innocence away from him. It is a sad truth and also it’s a truth that really doesn’t ever have to exist. Children are the key to all of our futures. If we want a future filled with the fears and issues that we now deal with all we have to do is project them onto our children but if we want a future which would be based on Love, all that is need is for the child remain as they are.

Children are perfect, they are born perfect. They come into this world wanting to learn and laugh. They want to grow, they want to be happy, they truly get what life is really about and a lot of times it’s us that simply don’t. Learning is fun and they know this but then we project this “you have to work hard and suffer to get what you need in this world, game time is over” mentality onto our youth. I remember when I was a child I actually us to like sweeping the floor. It just felt good to do work like that because I felt as if I was helping out. Children know the joys of giving and helping out. I actually would enjoy doing things for people simply because of the feeling that helping out gave me. But then I started to here things from adults like “I hate cleaning up. I don’t like doing work” and “If I do this for someone they better give me something for it because I’m not going to let anyone use me in that way.” I had a hard time holding onto my innocence because of all of the negative malarkey that was being tossed at me about helping people out. I wanted to make adults happy, I looked up to adults, I saw them as strong and wise and I wanted that within myself. I do enjoy helping people to this day, I really do and it is only because I’ve held onto that inner child. This is why I can remember being a child so clearly, I still am that child, I would never let my “inner child” go and this is what so many of us have done.

We are our children and our children are us. They are our future, they are our most wises teachers, they are our greatest gift, they know what is important in life. If child is sad they cry, if a child is happy they laugh. They are honest because they aren’t driven by fear therefore they have no reason to lie. There are a lot of pains and hardships that I have endured within my life that I may have avoided if I would have looked at the situations from a “child’s” perceptive (an honest, fearless perspective). A lot of my confusion and hurt within life have come because of me trying to be an “adult” but at the same time me having the “child” within fighting to be released.

This is where I feel it really needs to begin. If a child is in your life in any shape, size or form never project your fears onto them. Let them know that they are perfect, let them know that life is about being happy, let them know that they are Love, let them know that God is Love as well and then they will figure the rest out for themselves (they already know the rest anyway).

I know that I’ve written about how important it is to keep a child mentality before. Now I am saying that it is important for us to keep our children within a child mentality. Our children love us already as we are. They accept us for whom and what we are and they only want to see us happy. I know that there are people out there whom feel that they aren’t good enough parents to there children or even to a particular child of there’s. The child doesn’t see it that way so we don’t want to think negative things like that around them. If we do they will pick up on it and from that point they will begin thinking in that negative light as well.

A child is like a precious jewel. They (like the jewel) are unique and beautiful in there own right. They glisten naturally but like a jewel they can get smut on them so that they won’t gleam any longer. Even so, that smut can be cleaned off of them; they will always be that precious jewel underneath. We are all as perfect and as innocent as our children. Like them we all just want happiness. Let’s keep the smut of fear off of our children so that they will always glisten. Let’s show them that they are perfect in everyway possible. They are not flawed and they were not born “sinners”. Why would we put a message like that into them? They are perfect. They are our future, they are our gift and they are us. Lets have them remain as they are so that they may dream, achieve and grow. Our children are the key to a heaven on earth for us all. It begins with them and it really isn’t that hard. Just be Love around them and the Love that they are will radiate to us all. It is that easy. We already are Love so all we have to do is be ourselves around them, our true selves.


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