Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Self Belief

“Because he believes in himself, he doesn’t try to convince others. Because he is content with himself, he doesn’t need others approval. Because he accepts himself, the whole world accepts him.”

It is with the self which all things are possible. We don’t need permission from anyone else, we don’t need anyone’s approve or okay, all we need is self belief, all we need to do is believe in ourselves. I don’t know who wrote the quote which I am using today but I had to write something on it because it is one of my favorite quotes. It’s simple and to the point and if one doesn’t think it is simple and true I invite that individual to give it a try. Everyone around you will believe in you if you believe in yourself, your self confidence will spread like a virus to others, people will enjoy being around you because they will want what you have within you. Self confidence and self belief is one of the most important tools to have in life. It is through thy Self that all things are possible. The divine lives within thy self, through thy self all things exist and anything is reachable. If you hope to liberate someone all you have to do is convince them a truth, and that truth is that they are this divine creation whom is able to achieve greatness in immeasurable aspects. This is where it begins and this is where it ends. There actually is no end to what the Self is capable of, the knowing that we are from love and the belief that through Love anything is reachable is the most liberating belief one could ever own. Within all of us is the spark of God, within this spark lies all of the power that one could ever want, all we need to do is have a knowing that we are able to achieve happiness in great measures and then it will be granted onto us, I guarantee it will. If the heart is screaming for us to do something then we should do it. Even if what we want to do is considered weird or strange we still should do it. Don’t let the world dictate what you should and shouldn’t do. No one else’s approval is needed; you will be accepted if you have belief in Self. Every so called great individual who has ever lived has had to go against the grain, NORMAL PEOPLE DON”T ACHIEVE WORLD CHANGING ACTS. Remember that and keep on shining.


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