Thursday, September 10, 2009

The quantum universe and US

According to the older theories of classical physics, energy is treated solely as a continuous phenomenon, while matter is assumed to occupy a very specific region of space and to move in a continuous manner.

Energy is a continuous phenomenon. It doesn’t have a beginning and it doesn’t have an end. We are made up of energy but also we are made up of matter. That is where this theory comes to play.

There is a theory in physics based on the principle that matter and energy have the properties of both particles and waves.

In turn energy and matter both have the same properties when it comes down to it. They both have particles and waves so even though they may appear to be different if a really close look is taken at them then it will be quiet apparent that they are actually the same thing. If you were to take a very powerful microscope and look at something solid you would see that there is nothing but space within that solid object. You would see the movement of the solid; you would be a witness to a solid object showing qualities of pure energy.

The reason I wanted to write about this today was to show the scientific theories on energy, matter and us. This theory shows that energy and matter are the same, they both hold the same principals (particles and waves) so this means that they both are always flowing (moving, evolving) all of the time. Our very physical bodies are of this energy and so is everything else that exists. This energy which can be looked at in waves and vibrations is truly what the world is made of. The universe is made of the same energy as we are as well. This means that since researched studies from quantum mechanism state that energy is always moving and that matter and energy is made up of the same stuff. We are solid and energy, our solid forms are of energy and we also have this energy field flowing through us. We are of everything that this entire universe is of, this means that since the universe has no beginning and no end, nether do we. This also means that since the universe is potentially unlimited and is always moving (evolving) then we are as well. We are everything that everything else is, we are unlimited and always in motion. Our lives and everything we are about goes a lot farther then meets the physical eye. This is us, this is who and what we are and science is our proof of this. Remember this the next time you feel as if you don’t have enough “energy” to do something. How can you not have enough of what you truly are? Remember when you feel that some goal that you want to achieve is too big for you, if you are of the universe how can this be? Remember who and what you are. If you want to look more so into these theories you can visit your libraries and do the research yourselves, you can even look these theories up on the web (you can look at the experiments and situations that lead scientist to these conclusions if you don’t want to take my word for it). Max Planck came up with the quantum physics theory in the year 1900. He is a scientist an as a scientist he needs hard cold facts for him to believe in something. Extensive research was done by him in order to come to these quantum conclusions. We are unlimited entities with unlimited abilities which would mean to me that we were born to be nothing but great in everything we do and that goes for all of us. This goes for everyone that exists in this “matter and energy” universe.


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