Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Knowledge is Power (our children should embrace this)

Even though I will stress that education isn’t the most important thing in the world never the less in my opinion education does hold great importance. We all have come to this earth to gain happiness. It is the only reason we live, we come to actually become what we’ve come from which is Love. But in the mist of all of what we’ve come here to achieve I’ve realized something that needs to be looked at with urgency. For the last few days I have been running into people who are lacking the basic knowledge that all adults should have. There is no such thing as a true level of being as in one person being on a better level compared to another. Within Us is that Oneness which means that there is actually no one out there who is better then another. Now with that being said there is a reason why I believe so feverishly in education. I am going to utter a statement that all of us have heard throughout our lives and that statement is that knowledge truly is power. When I say power I mean freedom. The more knowledge we gain the more we’re able to achieve. With learning and knowledge doors are open and the more doors that become open for us, the more choices we will gain as in regard to our happiness. Now when I make the statements that I am about to make I want it to be known that I am not saying that simply because one person knows a little bit more then another it makes them a “better” person. I know that I’m not better then anyone who is and who has ever lived. Everything that I say in this blog is truly my humble opinion. I would never try to pass anything off that I say as the only gossip truth that exists. As I have just stated, I am just making observations of what I’ve witnessed within my life experience. Besides that, everything else I say is just my humble opinions.

For the pass few days I’ve been talking to more illiterate people then usual and this is sad to me. I’ve been running into full grown adults that can even read words like “Stonebridge”. We live in a country where education is given to us free. If it was realized as of how much a gift we have in free education I don’t think we would have people who are in their forties and can’t even read on a second grade level. What is happening to us? Why do we even have this problem in this day and age? I’ve been running into people who don’t even know information that I would have to consider “basic knowledge”. I don’t think I use words that are complicated when I speak but it seems that when I utter a statement certain people don’t know what I’m talking about and I have to “dumb down” what I am saying so they get me. When I say this I mean simply statements too. I will say, “If you consume that amount of food it may hurt you.” They will say, “Huh a customer, what’s that?” What is going on here? I think that it is really sad for us to be having this problem at this day and age. We are in the year of 2009, when I was growing up I use to watch movies that showed people whom lived in the 2000s with flying cars and such. We are not that far behind from being this advanced with our gadgets and such but then there are people alive who can’t read simple sentences and don’t understand simple statements. Then yesterday I read this article and to me it seemed like a bit of hope for this situation.

The president, who has a sixth-grader and a third-grader, wants schools to add time to classes, to stay open late and to let kids in on weekends so they have a safe place to go.

Even though our children may not like this idea to me it something that rises hope, I’ve always said that a lot of these problems that we have could be eradicated within one generation of we focus great consideration on our children. Our children are a big piece of this mess of a puzzle that needs to be put together.

We really do come into this world wanting to grow and learn. As young children learning is fun for us. It’s fun for us because children get it. They get it more so then adults do until adults start projecting their woes and fears onto them. I can pin point the grade that I began to say I didn’t like school. It was around the 3rd grade or so. This became fact to me after I had been surrounded by older kids who would say how boring and tedious school was for them. As a young child, I looked up to the older kids because they had been on this earth longer then I. I wanted to know how the world which I found myself in worked so that I would be able to function within it. I was so impressionable within that time that it wasn’t funny. Within that time period (between the 2nd and 6th grade) I gain a negative attitude towards school, reading and writing (before that I loved reading and I wrote little books on my own) and learning in general. I had never even gotten an F on my report card before that time. My attitude towards myself changed as well. I began to think that I wasn’t good enough, I began to think that I was ugly, weak and stupid, I began to believe in all of these lies but there was something that lived within me which never let me totally believe. I never was on to follow so I am glad about that but still, I was fed so many lies that it wasn’t funny. I was being taught how to live in a fear based society. With this attitude going on it may be quiet appalling to our children if we say that we are going to cut there summer vacation down and have them stay in school an hour long. In the same article which said that Obama was trying to make school days longer a child said that he didn’t like that at all because he would have less time to hang out in the streets with his friends. When did our children take standing on a street corner over gaining power within themselves (knowledge)? I gain negative impression as a child through adults and older kids. It was passed down to me and as of now, change needs to occur so that this doesn’t happen anymore.

All children were meant to shine and they all come into the world knowing this. Let’s keep the shine within them by letting them know education is power and freedom. They come into this world wanting to learn and gain knowledge of the world so it is quiet natural. If you don’t believe me just watch a baby go about his or her day. Watch as they play with everything they can get their hands on. Watch as they discover how to do something (like push a button) then tries to take what they’ve learn to another level, watch as they place everything that will fit in their mouths to see what happens. Watch as their eyes light up when they make a new discovery. Babies wake up in the morning with the “want” to learn and to gain knowledge. They know that they were put on this earth to grow and to learn. They know this and this is what they live for beside laugher and games. They know this but then that gift is snatched away from them. When children start learning how to read and count they get happy. They enjoy learning these things. They enjoy learning about science and doing science projects. They enjoy doing and learning about art. They enjoy music class and gym class. They enjoy every bit of school until they are taught not to by their elders. Obama’s plan to make school days longer is a very good idea and it won’t be a hard one to put forth once our children gain back what they’ve lost

It is shown that in countries where they have longer school days, they learn a lot more and they’re more advanced in their learning as well. Even children in this country have said that when their school days were made longer (this has happened in some schools already) they learn more. They say they feel a lot smarter and school is just easier for them once the days are made longer. It also has been shown that in a lot of our children knowledge decreases within their long summer vacation, so in turn and to be quiet blunt, the go back to school dumber. This comes from parents not having academic work for children to do during the summer. The brain is like a muscle, it needs to be worked out or it will decrease in its abilities. My mother use to have reading and math assignments for my sister and me to do during the summer months. These assignments use to take us maybe an hour and a half a day (so it really didn’t take away from our vacation) and she didn’t have us do them on weekends. It got to the point that I started not to like the assignments but I am thankful that she had us to do them. My mother use to read to us as well and she let us know the importance of reading. She herself read for recreation purposes so from that I gain the knowledge that reading was a good thing. A lot of our children don’t have this. Some of these parents can’t half read themselves and the others just choose not to. Some parents never read to their children. They rather plop them in front of the television and just go about their day. There are parents who never interact with their children. They are so busy living their fear based lives that they never put aside time for their precious children. This way of living is truly killing us all slowly.

For us to remain in a place of happiness growth needs to continue. Evolution needs to be embrace, fears need to be let go, and our ego needs to be recognized so that it won’t run us into the ground. Within us is the power to change this world for the better. Let’s make sure our kids don’t loose the love of learning and let’s continue to learn different things within our own lives as well. I don’t want to be in a society of brainless people who don’t even have a standing in basic knowledge. We all want to be wise and intelligent because in knowledge freedom is gained.


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