Friday, September 25, 2009

The power of thought and of words

A few years ago I worked as security for this business. On this particular night business was slow so because of that I was sitting around talking with some of the people whom I worked with. The lady that was at the time speaking spoke of one of her clients. She was busy expressing her distastefulness towards this individual. As she spoke she all of a sudden stopped speaking and looked at me. Then in a polite tone she said to me, “Excuse me for what I’m about to say”. Following, she turned towards everyone else and proceeded in talking. The next thing she said was, “This guy that I had to deal with was really fat, smelly and dark.” After she made the statement I wondered to myself why she would excuse herself to just me before making that statement. It took me a few seconds to figure it out but then, I finally did.

It was pretty obvious of why this young woman excused her self to just me before she spoke. I had happened to be the only “black” person in the room and she didn’t want to offend me, she figured that she might offend me because she was going to talk about another “black” person and also talking about his “blackness”. Something I heard on the radio this morning made me mentally recall that incident.

On the morning show that I listened to this morning they played a clip of the Oprah show and on this clip she was talking to the rapper Jay-Z. They spoke on the use of the “N” word and they felt differently about the word in general. Jay-Z said that he had no problem with people using the word. He said, “We (meaning him and his friends) use the word in a way that we’ve taken the power out of it. It was a negative word and now we’ve turned it into a word of endearment. By doing this we take all of the negative power from the word that was attached to it for so long. A word is a word and nothing more. When the “hurt” towards this word is felt it’s really not an issue of the word. It’s more so an issue of racism. That is the issue that needs to be addressed.” Oprah had a different opinion, she said, “Well I disagree because I feel that the word is hurtful. When I hear it I think of young black men being lynched, I think of pain and I think of hurt. I don’t think that the word should ever be used so I guess we will just agree to disagree on that one.”

For me, I feel that it is a fear within people that makes them look at other people and their situations with ignorance. In the experience that I had with the young lady excusing herself just to me before she spoke I really had to think about it to fully understand why she felt that she needed to do that. I didn’t know the person that she spoke of personally and I’ve never even meant or even saw the person that she spoke of so why would I have a problem or be offended if she chose to think negatively of that person? If she honestly felt that way about the person I would have always wanted her and anyone else who feels a certain way to feel that they are able to express there feelings honestly around me without feeling the need to ether excuse themselves or simply watch there tongue. That incident wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with something of that type within my life and quiet frankly I tend to dislike it when people act that way around me. I do understand why people may feel like they need to be careful around me if they are speaking of certain issues but I truly don’t like it one bit.

We all know that probably most of the people whom live in this country with an African ethnic background’s ancestors were brought over here to be slaves, a long with that their came plenty of ignorance, from that ignorance there came this hate and from that the separation and the believing in the delusion that a person’s skin color determines if one person is better then the other. Since then slavery has ended and every single type of environment, job position and situation within this country has been occupied by a person whom has an African ethnic background. We even have a president with an African ethnic background. People with an African background have come so far in this country so why would we sit and dwell in a place that doesn’t serve how far people of the African ethnicity have come? If slavery is over why are we still being bothered by a word like nigger? On another note a few weeks ago our president was giving a speech on his new health care plan and as he spoke on how his plan isn’t going to cater to illegal aliens a congressmen screamed out, “You lie!” in an angry rage. Why did so many people say that because he (the congressman) simply screamed out “you lie” to our president that this made the congressman a racist? Why do we cling on to this mind state? Why are we so afraid to forgive, let go and move on? Why do we let any word in our language cause hurt and pain to each other? The answer of all of these questions is right in front of our faces. For some reason people won’t let go, for some reason people won’t forgive and that reason happens to be the reason of FEAR.

One of my purposes of starting this blog was to “out” certain hidden false powers that run and mess up our lives. I know I speak of fear a lot because quiet frankly every messed up situation that arises, every worry we get, everything that has ever gone bad or wrong for us and everything that feels bad and hurtful are because of fear. I want this to be known and I want this to be seen. Fear is the reason why we can’t seem to see that the heaven that we all crave is right here with us right now. It is within us, it is on our very earth and quiet frankly it is US (we ourselves are that heaven that we crave). There really are two choices that we are able to make and every other choice that is made comes from these two. There is fear and there is love and that is all there is. Now fear is nothing but a bunch of False Evidence Appearing Real, nothing of fear even exists so in all reality the only true choice that we are able to make is love. From Love comes understanding and from understanding comes forgiveness. From forgiveness comes freedom and from freedom not even the sky is the limit for what we could achieve. Slavery is over but slavery does still exist if we hold on to the thought of it still being around. How does that serve us? A slavery mind state will enslaves us personally; we don’t need it around anymore so why hold onto it? Think of how all of those people that fought for slavery to end would think if they knew it was still around. Some of these people gave there very lives so that people with an African ethnic background could be free in every way possible so why let even a simple word like nigger enslave? Why do you think that the young lady whom spoke to us at my job that day felt she had to excuse herself to speak honestly around me? She thought that because of the slavery thing people who have the skin color of mine were too weak to hear a simple truth. We should be able to speak our minds truthfully no matter what without worrying if what we say will offend someone else. What we say has nothing to do with anyone else so why should it offend? This young lady wasn’t talking about me so why would I take it as an offense? I want people to speak honestly around me. I don’t live my life off of fear, I just don’t do it. Fear is also used for people who chose to be weak to control one another. Some people say that they can say nigger (or nigga) but someone else (who isn’t of an African ethnic background) can’t, then if the other person (the non-African) does say nigger the person who said that the word isn’t to be uttered by them will say, “Hey you can’t say that you racist”. Then a false since of control and power is felt and the non-African person instantly feels bad. People like that want within themselves the control of how someone else feels because it gives them a false since a power; same thing goes with other so called derogatory like the word “bitch”, it is just a simple way that one person feels to gain control over another. Women are just as strong and powerful as men. They are capable of doing the same jobs the men do. They are in themselves different but they are equal. They are not under men in any shape, size or form so why should a word like bitch offend. If a man feels that women are nothing but bitches I think it is a good thing that he honestly expresses it. This way a strong woman will step up and show him all of the reasons why women are not just mere bitches. It is the same thing with the word nigger. If there is a racist person who thinks African ethnic people are all just niggers I want him to say so around me. I want him to say so with conviction and truth, I want him to simply be himself and to simply sing it if he must. I want him to also know that I am not going to be offended by him feeling that way. I want him to know that I can gain an understand of why he feels that way and also that if he watches me long enough he will think that way no longer. I also want him to know that the way he thinks or any word that he uses has no power over me what so ever. I am not going to accept something that I simply am not. He speaking of me in a negative, ignorant way will be the same as him calling me a pine tree. I’m not a pine tree and no matter how much someone says I’m a pine tree I will never be one so anyone who calls me a pine tree isn’t going to do a damn thing to me. This is what we need to do; this is all that we need to do. No one really should be using any aspect of fear to control anyone because the control is not real, they actually have no control over the people who they in a false way feel they do. When someone calls another person a racist then that person themselves is the actual racist because it is the accuser who is holding on to the “racist” mind state. Let’s free ourselves so that we are able to be honest around each other. You know what they say; a doctor can’t help a sick person if he doesn’t know that the person is sick. How can we truly show each other that we are all great in our own right if we don’t know that someone thinks that we really are lower or less then them for various reasons? It is time for us to free ourselves from the grips of fear so that we can grow, move forward and claim our heaven on earth. Fear tells us that if we let go and forgive then we will be losing something (a false power) within ourselves and this is a straight lie. Radiate Love by forgiving and moving on. Slavery only exists in the mind. Let’s align ourselves with a positive energy so that we may maintain our happiness. Words only have power to them when we give the word the power. If we cling onto a negative meaning of a word within ourselves then we have just given the word plus the person that chooses to use it the power to dictate our feelings. Why would we ever give any misguided person power like that? We are all One. We are all of the same Source and we are all a part of each other. We all have that “greatness” within so if we all could just see God in each other then we would realize that we have more in common with each other then we may think. Therefore we would see ourselves in each other and we would never want to cause pain to each other. We would never try and grab onto a false since of control over each other. Fear disables and Love empowers, this is and will always be the case. Remember that.


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