Thursday, September 3, 2009


What is joy? Joy is that feeling which we get when our life giving sun rays shines bright through the clouds of our stormy days. These life giving rays are always there behind those clouds. Our joy has always been there, its light is always gleaming even behind the gray stormy clouds which may seem to put gloom in our lives. Within the world which we live in the stormy clouds play a big part. If not for them it would never rain and if not for rain we would never be blessed with the water which sustains our lives. Even the clouds which sometimes seems to fill up our lives should be looked on as something good because if it is known and realized, these clouds will cause the rain of our lives which will strengthen us and guild us, they can even be considered as the stuff that sustains the strength and love within us which is the driving force for us all. There is nothing bad about the clouds; the shine of joy is always behind them. Realize this and claim it, make a decision to be joyful, make a choice to see joy within all trials and tribulations that life may hurl at us. The joy has always been there, it has always been there and it will always be there, its rays are always gleaming behind the clouds just waiting to penetrate through. Claim this joy because this joy is truly who and what we really are. Life is supposed to be fun and joyous all of the time. The shine of joy is always with us, it can and will never leave us, never. It just needs to be realized, recognized and claimed; it will always penetrate through any clouds which may gather within our lives.


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