Thursday, September 24, 2009

ANGER (lack of understanding of the Self)

From anger comes confusion, from confusion memory lapses, from broken memory understanding is lost form loss of understanding he is ruin (Krishna, The Bhagavad-Gita)

Anger is an emotion that we’ve all had to deal with. When things just don’t go the way we feel they should anger is born. Anger is an honest emotion and I don’t necessarily think it’s simply a bad thing (it’s not a healthy thing but I wouldn’t call it bad) ether because it is an honest emotion. We have our own personal ethics, values, and morals and when any one of those things become broken within our life’s experience anger is born. But, from anger confusion will arise. Now if we become aware of the reason which has angered us we will be able to maintain control over our anger. The key is to know that all anger comes from fear (which is derived from the ego), with this understand we will be able to control our anger so that it doesn’t mess up our lives. If anger takes root then confusion will follow, then from confusion everything will become hazy within our world. Nothing else will matter but our anger, sometimes we become so angry that we forget why we’ve become angry in the first place. We just allow anger to take root and then once it is in control everything goes down hill. There is nothing but lack of understand in anger. We only become angry at others when we lack the understanding of there actions, like I said before these are actions that go against us (our egos). Anger is a very honest way to express our feelings; I don’t think that we should harness our anger if it is present within us. But the trick is to know why we are anger and to also know that this anger that we may be experiencing will only hurt us. When I become angry I don’t look to the other person whom I may feel has angered me to change, I look to myself to see why “I” have chosen to take on the anger. Everyone is in this world for happiness. Everything we do we do in the name of happiness, that is even a rule when it comes to things that may go against someone else’s values and ethics. So it is us (the one who is harnessing the anger) who are actually causing the anger and it is ultimately us that will get burned if we hold on to it as well.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. (Buddha)

Now I don’t speak of anger to say that we should stay in a situation which causes us to become angry. I only say that anger is good (because it is an honest expression of our feelings) and it makes no since to hold it in if we are feeling it. But, if our ethics, morals and values keep on becoming broken then how are we to grow and remain in a place of happiness from that? We are the ones who cause ourselves to become angry just as if I were to grasp a hot coal I would be the one who is causing me to become burned. But what since does it make to keep a steady grasp on a hot coal hoping that I will stop getting burned. Our happiness is our decision and our feelings are our indicator to how we are to get to that happiness. If we continue to become angry then maybe we should let go of the reason or situation which is causing us to anger. When we all realize that no one simply wakes up in the morning with the intent on angering someone just for the sake of angering them then our enlightenment on this will begin. If someone attacks another they are only doing it because of the fear that they harness within themselves. It is never about the person or people whom they are attacking so why should the intended target take it personal? It makes no since to stay in a situation that angers you and it makes no since to take the stuff personal. They aren’t doing the so called anger causing action because of you; they are doing it because of them. Why give in to that? Why feed that person’s fear (weakness)? Why even stay angry at someone at all? It’s not going to solve anything at all to remain angry. Once it is realized that the anger is in existence let it go. Shift our thoughts to something that makes you feel good and move on with your life. You can’t sit there and expect someone to change for you, that makes no since if the person who is causing you the anger feels that there action are causing them happiness. It just makes no since, it makes no since to stay angry at someone and it makes no since to stay in a situation that keeps on causing anger and heartbreak. Anger only hurts the person who harnesses it. If I do something that angers a person do you think I am going to feel bad for them? I am going to go on with my life. That person may stay in the house and remain angry but that isn’t going to affect me one bit. They might see me walking down the street laughing up a storm, enjoying my life while they stay inside by themselves angry. Who do you think is being affected by this, me or them? This is what I am talking about. It makes no since to stay angry at someone because that someone isn’t being hurt. This is why I used the Buddha quote today. It explains it perfectly. Also the first quote I used explains something about anger too. If we come into a place which we understand who we are and what we are on this earth for then there won’t be that many things that anger us anyway. Anger comes from a lack of understanding of the self. Again I will ask this question, why remain angry? It doesn’t feel good and it isn’t healthy for us ether. Why hold onto a hot coal if it is burning us? Do you think the hot coal shouldn’t be a hot coal simply because we’re being burned? It is a hot coal and it has every right to remain a hot coal for as long as it wants to, it should be able remain a hot coal as long as the hot coal feels that it is being served because it is a hot coal. The hot coal shouldn’t have to change what it is because of us. All we have to do is let the hot coal go and then we won’t be burned anymore. Why stay in a situation that causes anger and expect the situation to change? These things make no since but so many of us do these things all of the time. We do these things out of fear; we think that maybe if we let the hot coal go then we won’t have anything else to hold onto. All we have to do is grab a cold coal. Fear makes us thing that we are what we are and that is it and that is true but what fear leads us to believe is that we are something less then what we truly are. Therefore (fear has us believing) we need to remain in our current situation (even if it isn’t serving us) otherwise we won’t be anything. We won’t have our “heaven on earth” if we remain in the grips of fear. Remain in the company of those who serve us. Remain in the company of Love. Love never causes anger, only fear does. We cause our own anger because we remain in situations (because of fear) that go against who and what we’ve chosen to be within this life. It makes no since if you strip it down and really look at it. I want to close this passage by saying this. If anger arises don’t pretend that it isn’t in your presence, be honest about it. Become understanding of what really is causing the anger. Remain in a place of Love so that the anger doesn’t take control (start thinking about things that make you happy, start thinking of Love). Remain in Love, become Love and simply forgive the anger. Let it go and YOU become the better person (if change is needed YOU be the change. Don’t expect someone else to change just because you want them to). If you still find yourself in a place which anger keeps on arising then YOU are no longer being served in the situation. The situation needs to be eradicated so that you may continue to grow. Don’t stay in a “bad” situation. Don’t let fear run you. Remind in a place of Love, forgive always and if none of these things work then move on so that you may continue to grow. Love is always the answer and our feelings will dictate to us whether we are in a situation of Love or not. Our feelings never lie. If our feelings are fear then and only then are our feelings lying (and they still really aren’t lying to us because they are showing us fear. If we know what fear is then we still can us this.) It makes no since to remain in a place of pain and suffering when heaven really is a pond us at all times. It just makes no since to remain in a place of anger, then become confused and then have our memory lapse. Remain in Love.


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