Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Galileo, movement, and the force which is CHANGE

Galileo was a scientist whom made some great discoveries which benefited man kind in great measures. He first invented the telescope and made the discovery that the earth wasn’t literary in the center of the universe. (for this discovery he was thrown in jail because of the way his discovery was perceive, these were the days of the inquisition. His discovery was looked on as a slap in the face to the bible. In this, the bible was used in a very wrong manner.{people still use the bible in a wrong manner today. They don’t understand how to read this book of knowledge and don’t’ even attempt to educated themselves on its histories and times so that they may understand it for the way it was meant to be understood}. The bible states that the earth is in the center of the universe, I believe that the bible was correct with this but it didn’t mean in the literal sense which people tried to push it off as, this saying was more a symbolic thing then anything.) In 1609 this brilliant scientist made yet another discovery. He saw that force isn’t necessary for moment to occur. He set two balls up on a twin slopes (which were kind of shaped like a bowl). The balls were placed and the pushed down the slope so that they could roll from one side to another. When he did this he noticed that the balls continued to roll from one slope to the other. These balls would never stop rolling unless some type of force was applied. He would have to ether stopped the balls from rolling with his hands or he would have to straighten out one of the slopes so that it would become a straight away. Then the balls would roll up one slope and following, they would roll away on the straight away until they rolled no more. With the twin slopes the balls would continue to roll from one slope to the other none stop. This discovery can also be looked on as in comparison with our lives. Force needs to be applied or the balls will roll from side to side none stop. This force can represent us making first mental shifts and then after that occurs the movement that we make will begin to change. Movement will occur regardless of what we do but it will remain the same if “force” isn’t applied. If in Galileo’s experiment the balls would have waited for “change” to occur without “force” applied then they would have been waiting forever rolling back and forth.

Our thoughts actually have mass and because of this they have the ability to “apply the needed force for this change of movement”. Like the experiment that Galileo did all of those years back with the balls and the slopes if its change that we desire then we need to apply the force of thought otherwise the ball of our lives will continue to roll back and forth in the same manner that they always have. We are one with nature and science so when scientific discoveries are made a discovery within ourselves are also made. New thoughts and new ideas are the force that is needed to change the movement of life. The shift begins in the mind and then as we apply thought force our world will manifest the changes we desire. Continue to dream and continue to think up new thoughts and new ideas. Growth, learn and hold tight to the imagination. All of these things are what “change” for the better is made of. Movement will continue to occur forever in the same manner that it has always occurred until force is applied. So apply the force so that the movement in life won’t simply remain like two balls rolling back and forth from one side of a slope to another.



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