Friday, October 9, 2009

True Beauty

In recent years an ongoing debate has brewed over advertisers and fashion magazines using photographs, particularly photographs of women, that have seemingly been altered, or "retouched," by airbrushing and photo editing software such as Photoshop. The latest such image to cause an uproar is one featured in a new Ralph Lauren advertisement that shows a model, Filippa Hamilton, so emaciated that her waist actually appears to be smaller than her head.
When we’ve come to a point in our society where beauty in a human being is defined as some fictional image something really wrong is going on. To me beauty is one of the most important things in the world. Everyone wants beauty in their lives and everyone also wants to embody this beauty within themselves. So the questions which are to be asked are; is there a one and only, gossip truth definition of beauty? Or can another person whom has nothing to do with the way one thinks tell them what beauty really is? A young person may believe that the answer to the two questions which I’ve asked is yes and this is why images like the one that is described in the article above are so dangerous.

Everyone comes into this physical reality to experience life in their very own different ways. We look and act differently so it wasn’t meant for beauty to be looked on as just being one thing for us all. What beauty can be (and we can express this in our very own way) is confidence and beauty is strength. There is nothing more attractive in a person then confidence and this is what we should be putting out there for everyone to absorb (specially our young ones!!!!). Everyone is attractive in their own way so it really isn’t necessary to for anyone to feed the public lies about what physical beauty is (I don’t see how feeding the public a lie about beauty is going to get them to purchase a ‘certain’ product. I don’t’ see how a lie can be considered a bankable commodity.). Strength and confidence are what beauty is truly made of and that can be found in the hearts of every person. An individual who has enough pride in themselves (this has nothing to do with the ego) and shows it by taking care of themselves is beautiful. These are the things that beauty is made of not some outside lie of an image. A female who stands 5 foot 11 and weighs 100 pounds doesn’t define beauty (their may very well be women who do only weigh 5 foot 11 and are 100 pounds and if there is I’m not saying these things to taking anything away from the women who do actually weigh this. But still, that is not the all out definition of beauty. Most women are going to be bigger then this; more human woman who are as tall as 5 foot 11 aren’t going to weight a mere 100 pounds). Who ever believes that a stick figure of a woman is what defines total beauty is delusional. First off, to be a beautiful woman you have to actually look like a human woman. Human beings don’t walk around with heads that are bigger then their waste. A human woman has curves of some sort; they really don’t look like trees. So a beautiful woman has to look like a woman and she also has pride in whom and what she is. Because of this pride she takes care of herself and she also thinks positive thoughts about her physical self as is right now. This is what will turn heads, this is true beauty. There is no right shape or size that a beautiful woman needs to be. Same thing goes for men. This goes for all and everyone, beauty comes from wellness, positive thinking, strength and most of all confidence. Beauty is HEALTHY!!! Throwing up ones meal to look a certain way is not healthy. Getting all types of surgical procedures (cutting one self up) to look a certain way is not healthy, thinking that one needs to physically look like something that doesn’t even look human is not healthy. Beauty should be defined as something healthy. Beauty feels good, this is why everyone wants it in their lives, and beauty isn’t something that needs to be obtained from the outside in. Beauty is something that needs to be obtained from the inside out. Remember that, beauty comes from inside of us. So if you have a blemish on your face, a bit more weight in the waste area, you have hair that doesn’t flow in the wind, or if your skin tone is a little paler or darker then most people you know it really doesn’t matter. I have a good eye for beauty and I can tell you now that you are beautiful as you are. You do have beauty within you without looking like the “statues quo” or looking like something that “they” tell you, you should look like. Your uniqueness is beautiful and there is no one out there that can truly tell you that you aren’t and be truthful about it. Remember that


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