Monday, October 26, 2009

Self Forgiveness

A few months ago I had a very special visit from a person who means a great deal to me. This person thought that I felt a negative feeling towards her because of what had transpired between us in the recent past. But even before she came to visit me and even before I even spoke to her again I had already forgiven everything that had transpired between us. This person is still to this day something who means a great deal to me and she is someone who I see a great deal of the better part of myself in. I already knew deep within my heart that her past actions weren’t done to cause pain to me. I already knew who she truly was and all I could ever see in her was perfection and greatness. I’d forgiven her the day after everything which had transpired between us was done. If she carried a load for what happened between us it was because she hadn’t forgiven herself. To carry a load of negative actions and self pity isn’t necessary when that load can always be put down. Self forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools that any of us could even have.

There is no such thing as a God that judges us and holds grudges on us. Forgiveness from God is a given, it’s we who need to be forgiving of ourselves. If we hear a voice inside of our head that tells us we should be a shamed of ourselves for past actions that voice is the voice of a lie; that is the deceiver; that is not the voice of God. God sees all that we do and understands our reasons, He would never hold anything on us because just as I saw in my dear friend, God only sees Himself in us; he sees nothing else. He is always with us and knows why we act as we do. We ourselves need to understand ourselves, it is us who need to come to an understand of why we do what we do and also, we all need to come to an understanding of who and what we really are.

The deceive (basically this is our ego using its greatest tool {fear} to maintain control over us) will weigh us down and control us if we allow it to. It is what tells us that we are less than perfect; it tells us that we are mere mortal humans who are flawed and born of evilness and sin. It is a liar because we are actually ONE with our creator. We are just like what we come from, we are as God is and God is nothing but perfect. We have the control and we have the power. It is up to us to forgive ourselves for past actions and then we will be able to move on with our lives and achieve the happiness that we all crave. Self forgiveness is a great tool and we all should use it for our own benefit and growth in life. We are all perfect and we are all ONE!!!


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