Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nothing is BEYOND You!!!!

Nothing beyond yourself can make you fearful or loving because nothing is beyond you. Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity. You cannot do this as long as you believe that anything happening to you is caused by factors outside yourself. You must learn that time is solely at your disposal, and that nothing in the world can take this responsibility form you. You can violate God’s laws in your imagination, but you cannot escape from them. They were established for your protection and are as inviolate as your safety.

God created nothing beside you and nothing beside you exists, for your are part of Him. What except Him can exist? Nothing beyond Him can happen, because nothing except Him is real. Your creations add to Him as you do, but nothing is added that is different because everything has always been. What can upset you except the ephemeral, and how can the ephemeral be real if you are God’s only creation and He created you eternal? Your hold mind establishes everything that happens to you. Every response you make to everything you perceive is up to you, because your mind determines your perception of it.


There isn’t that much else which I need to say about what is written above but I will attempt to make a statement anyway which in turn should be more powerful then ever. In this passage from “A Course In Miracles” an everlasting truth is uttered and no punches are pulled within this uttered truth. All that we see is of God, all that we truly feel which is good is of God and that is all to it. Time is a farce and the only way we can actually break “God’s laws” is in our very own imagination. We are spiritual being having a human experience; we each are from and of the divine so in turn we are the divine. The world as we know it is the way it is because of the way we “perceive it”. It is like a book which is full of words. What are words really? Words are just markings on paper, this is all they are but to our perception they are so much more. It is because we’ve agreed to have certain “ink markings” have meanings that we can even perceive the gifts that books offer. There isn’t much else in a book but a bunch of markings on paper, that is truly all that is there but because of our perception, those markings are so much more. The world as we know it works this way as well. We are perceiving “vibrations” in a certain, agreed way, it is us who are working to create our physical reality. This is the truth in its brightest form. To realize this is to gain the greatest gift of all and with this gift unlimited possibilities open up. There is nothing else in existence but God, God is in everything and everyone all of the time. God is Love and Love equals strength, happiness and joy. What else is there to be had besides Love? Fear? Hurt? Pain? You are God’s only creation because it is you whom projects everything into existence. God is in you, of you and You and there is and could never be a separation. There is nothing else that is real but Love, there is nothing else that is real but God and in turn, there is nothing else that is real but You. Be of Love so that you are able to be of your true self. Know that You are everything that you could ever want or have within this life. You are Love, sing this fact out loud.


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