Friday, October 16, 2009

Setting the records straight (things to think about)

Time to set the records straight. Now, as I’ve always say, everything that I do say in these blogs are just my humble opinions on things, they are not meant to be taken as the only, gossip truth (my blogs are meant to get the mind going. They are not meant to tell people what to think or do, their purpose is to get people thinking, period.). It is not necessary that anyone think like me or believe in the things that I believe in to gain happiness in their own way. But let me just thrown your mind a good one and say that I believe that I am the way to happiness (heaven); ME. I only say this because the way to happiness is Love and I (along with everyone else) am Love. That part of Me that is the Way is located in everyone else who reads this as well. That makes all of you the Way to happiness also. You have the power within you to gain Your happiness. Okay, here we go; here are the basic principles of the Way of things.

Number 1: Everything that has every happened and that ever will happen has or will occur because You allowed it to. There is no such thing as a victim. In knowing this a great power is gained. I don’t say this so that we may sit back and blame ourselves for “bad” situations. I say this because quiet frankly IT IS TRUTH! It is the way of things. Point blank, you caused everything that has happened to you in life, YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM!

Number 2: Everything that is happening to you is a part of you. Everything that you go though is going on inside of you. Everything you see, hear and touch is inside of you. YOU ARE PROJECTING YOUR REALITY! This very universe (and everything in it) is within you.

Number 3: Because of the principles that I revealed in number one and two, it should now be realized that YOU HAVE UNLIMITATE POTETIAL! This means you can achieve anything that you perceive. You have the power to manifest anything that you desire within your reality. You have GOD powers, point blank.

Right now we are reading vibrations. This is how we project our physical reality. Our minds are literally telling us what to experience. This concept kind of works like reading a book, here how it goes. All a book has in it is markings on a piece of paper. There is nothing more to it, there’s nothing more in a book then a bunch of lines and curves on a paper. Now, when we learn how to read we all come to an agreement on what those markings will mean. We come to an agreement on how a particular marking will sound if we speak it and we come to a universal agreement on what physical aspect a marking will represent. When I am reading a book I actually can visualize imagines. This is happening because of what I’ve agreed (a long with everyone else who can read) on what the markings that I am looking at will represent. These “imagines” which I am seeing are NOT in the book that I am reading they are in ME. Nothing is in the book except markings, no meanings or imagines are in the book NONE. If it wasn’t for ME then the book would be NOTHING but a bunch of paper and ink. I bring life to the words in a page on a book. I DO IT. The book doesn’t do it, I do. I can sit and say that it actually is the book that is giving me the information but it really isn’t. The book is useless without ME. Everything that I experience from a book is something that lives within me, I create all that a book gives me, I was the one who agreed to the markings meaning what they mean and I am the one that gives them their meanings.

Now imagine the universe as one big book. This book (the universe) has readers (Us). We are reading VIBRATIONS and WAVES which we’ve made an agreement on how those vibes and waves will translate. The word universe means ONE (Uni) SONG (verse). One vibe, One verse, One song or whatever you want to call it. With in this One there are many and the only reason why there are many is because of US. This is why I say we are literally ONE, we are the ones who makes it many (there is nothing wrong with wanting to experience life in different ways and on different levels but we still should be aware and conscious of our Oneness). We see, feel or hear something in a particular way because WE HAVE AGREED ON THIS just as we have with words and letters when it comes to reading. It is us doing it; the universe is nothing without us because WE ARE THE UNIVERSE! If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to witness the sound of it falling then it makes no sound. This is true because sound doesn’t make itself OUR EARS MAKE THE SOUND. We make the sound, the sound doesn’t make itself. If this wasn’t the case then there would be no such thing as deaf people. When we learn about the sciences and such (the law of gravity and things of that type) it is like we are learning more on what we are reading, we are learning how to read BETTER, we are gaining understands on the way things work. We are also learning (actually we are remembering when we are learning because since we already have everything in us, we also know everything, we’ve just forgotten) about things that we’ve agreed to. When we gain wisdom and knowledge we are learning how things that we’ve in the most metaphysical way have agreed on work. It intrigues me to learn how things work; it intrigues me because I am simply learning about vibrations that I along with everyone else have agreed a pond just like reading words in a book.

When we come into this physical world we are NOT truly being born. We have always been. We are just coming to the physical world in a physical form with a physical understanding of things. We come here to learn and experience growth. If we didn’t come as we do then we would never be able to experience growth. Everything that we witness is within us; we are a part of each other just as a wave is to an ocean. Everything that is in existence is within us. We are creating life as we go. We are creating our physical reality.

Who has really created this physical reality? Who made everything that ever is and ever was? Who is infinite? I will tell you who is infinite, you are and I mean the REAL you, not your ego (I’m not going to go into what the ego is because I’ve covered it in past blogs. If you want to know what I mean when I say ego go back to those blogs and read up on them. I wrote a blog called “My ego” which will describe it along with other blogs.)

If everyone came to a conclusion that an S would mean what an A means and an A would mean what an R means then those small changes in the meaning of lettering would make the whole definition of words in books differ. We actually can do the same thing to our reality. We can change all of our fear based rules and fearful thoughts into thoughts and rules of Love. We can agree on this, we can make it so.

We are all from Love because Love is of everything that strengthens us and it is also of everything that makes us feel good. Now when I say we create our physical reality it doesn’t mean that I am saying reality is a figment of our imagination, reality is definitely real and book knowledge is real too. The information we learn from books could be information that is able to save lives, it definitely is real. The earth and the universe are real as well but they need Us so that they will be real. Also, when I say we are God it doesn’t mean that we are some far off beings sitting in the clouds throwing lightening bolts and needs praises from underlings. It doesn’t mean that we are better then anyone or even better then anything that exist for that matter. Being better or worst or equal for that matter is nothing but ego tools (there is no such thing as one person being better than someone else.). Our ego isn’t making our reality, the REAL us is.

A belief is a thought that we have over and over. If we believe in something long and hard enough it will manifest itself to our physical reality. The ego uses fear as a tool because the ego feels like we actually can “lose” out. We can’t really “lose” out on anything because everything that is in existence is within us already. Fear isn’t real; the only thing that we have to fear about fear is fear itself. Think about that. Nothing of fear is real. If I am afraid that someone is going to kill me, if I am killed then I am not fearful anymore of being killed no am I? I am only fearful while I am a live and since I am not “dead” (death isn’t real ether but I am just using this as an example) then me being dead isn’t real. I may be afraid of falling off a one hundred story building but am I actually afraid of the fall itself or is it something that I’ve made up about what will happen if I fall that I fear? If I’m not falling now how can me falling be something I fear, its not happening. I am choosing to be afraid of NOTHING, me falling is not happening now, it simply isn’t happening but I am choosing to be “afraid” of it; this is what fear is. When I do fall off of the building I will no longer be afraid of the fall, once we face our fears we will lose the fear in itself. My fears may switch to the actually impact of the fall while I am falling, not the fall in itself. Then when I do hit ground I won’t be afraid of the impact any longer, that fear will be gone too. People have actually fallen off of one hundred story buildings and lived to tell about it so I really don’t know if I will live or die if I fall. I may say that I am afraid to die from the fall but the fall just may not kill me so again, the fear isn’t real, I am believing in something that simply doesn’t exist (the only thing that exist is the NOW. If it isn’t happening now then it isn’t happening at all).

Energy is a force that cannot be destroyed, it only can change from one form to another (this can be looked up in any physic’s book). We are energy (check out my blog on this subject call “The quantum universe and Us” to learn more about this.) so how can we die? We can have a physical death but in all reality we are not physical. We are SPACE, we are ENERGY which is forever change and pulsating in and out. Have you ever witnessed a set of light bulbs which are set up in a line and are different colors flash on and of at an in sync rate? What does that look like? It may look like the light is actually moving down a line but in all actually the lights are just flashing on and off. We perceive the lightshow as the light moving down a line but that is not what is actually happening. It works the same way with the physical. If I was to take a very powerful microscope and look and my physical surface with it I would see atoms flowing around in SPACE. Because the atoms are moving so fast and are so small it gives us an image of a true physical surface but we are NOT REALLY PHYSICAL BEINGS. We are of energy, we are intelligent energy; we are spiritual beings. We actually are spiritual beings who are having a physical experience. Every God realized master from Jesus to Buddha to all of the others new this. They all knew that they were One with the creator (God, Source, the universe, or whatever else you want to call it), they knew that there was no different between them and the creator and they knew that everything which they felt and did could be felt and done by everyone else too. They knew that we all are of One. Love is all that is real and the only way to happiness is Love. Happiness lives within us just like everything else. There is only One God, One, but within that One there are many. Just like a radio which is one radio in itself but has different stations which it plays we are also of One but are different all together. Also like the radio, Oneness doesn’t mean sameness. One radio is able to play all different types of music, it is one radio but it is able to be many all the same. This is what we are, this is Us and like I said before I am now setting the records straight. There is a lot more which I can talk about to add on to what I’ve said here and I will write a lot more about this in later blogs but this blog’s purpose has been meant so I will end it here. I hope this blog raises many questions and even some doubts (from doubts come questions and from question come answers which in turn translates to more knowledge and wisdom) and I hope this blog gets anyone who reads it truly thinking about who and what they really are as well so that they may have the realization from within.


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