Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New year and Namaste to all

"The darkness of the past is at hand but the brightness of the New year is a pond us peaking through the clouds. Soon that sun is going to come spilling through, that sun represents life in its fullest grace"

The road of my life at this time kind of looks rocky in many ways. As of now I am being dealt with situations that could really alter my life and switch it over to being something different. I am in the mist of coming into a place and being within an essence that will place me somewhere which I have never been before. But am I being dealt a situation or am I dealing myself that very situation which could lead to an unheard of outcomes? Within this very month I’ve gone through changes that could be compared to what a caterpillar goes through before it becomes a butterfly. Within this year (2009) I’ve been in places of confusing, hurt, pain, joy, growth and most of all, love. But is it in my perception of my situations which dictate whether they are painful of not or is it within the realms of the uncontrollable. A new year is a pond us so that equals NEW opportunities. This month a lone has opened up plenty in which we could consider NEW openings within themselves.

Winter Solstice

Then first big date in this month would be the winter solstice. The winter solstice is observed on the 21 of December. It is rightfully called the “longest night” (The winter solstice has been celebrated since ancient times. Throughout the centuries, the winter solstice has been celebrated with family gatherings, festivals, singing, dancing, and the burning of fires throughout this longest night of the year.) I look at this day as a day to start from a point in my life and begin moving towards the “brighter” parts where the sun shines all of the time. The earth itself will be moving towards the sun, it will be changing its route. Now it is on its trip to bringing “us” to be the closest to the sun that we can possibly be. The earth is returning to the light and I believe we all should do the same. We are connected to this earth; this earth is our “mother” and provider. We actually are so deeply connected with this earth that we could consider ourselves literally parts of this earth. So when the earth starts moving towards the sun, so do we. It would serve us right to be in that type of connection with the earth and move towards the sun as well within our own lives


Christmas is a day of love and joy. This day is a day of giving; it should be looked on as an opportunity to be as God is, to give without expectations or demands. Christmas is a freeing time for us, everyone seems to be full of joy and everyone is extra generous. It is good to align with this energy; the truth of the matter is if we all were always to be as we are during the holidays a lot of our problems of the world would be lifted. The economy wouldn’t be in bad shape and nether would we, we should learn from the ways of the holidays, embrace it, and always express it throughout the rest of the session.

New Years

The New Year promises something “New” of us. It is an opportunity to truly break into the newness of life. Even though every day is a new day of opportunities it would do us well to take advantage of the “New Year” because there is a “new” feeling vibe going around and it is easier to align ourselves with the newness because of it. Everyone in existence who identifies with the “outer” world identify with the “newness” of the year so in turn, that vibe is simply put up front. Take advantage of this New Year and make big changes for the better within life.

With all of these events in this month it would be something to not make some type of big change in life. Remember, “Life is a chose, happiness is a decision and Love is the way”. Also, “Love empowers and fear disables”, the answer to every hardship is Love, always look within and pay attention to your feeling when dealing with life’s issues. The divine does live within you and that aspect of you (your true Self or your Higher Self) will always lead you to a place of happiness. I have a lot in store for this blog in 2010 so look out for it. I love writing on this blog, it has shown me a part of me that I hadn’t even known existed and I will continue to make this blog bigger, more interesting and better the unborn future. I will continue to push the envelope without fear within this blog and I will continue to honestly express and explain spiritually, philosophy, science, life and any thing else that I can think up in truthful manners. As I grow so will this Blog and as I expand and evolve so shall this Blog so on that note have a Happy New Year, party hard, mediated and plan for the year which is to come. Look at the coming year in a light which radiates joy so that you too will walk the road to eternal bliss.


There is a lot more to come within the New Year so look out and watch for your blessings because they are all around you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Start at your NOW point

A few days ago I made a discovery. This discovery happened to be a discovery about my cell phone. I never realized this before but my cell phone is able to give voice by voice directions when I am driving. It has a navigational system that is equipped for the car. It’s been kind of like a new toy for me ever since I made the discovery. I used it yesterday so that I would be able to find this restaurant that I was driving to. The reason for the drive to the restaurant was because of my mother’s birthday which will be on the 15th of this month (we were celebrating early). As we drove because I’d just made the discovery about the navigational system in my phone allowed it to give me directions to the restaurant. When my phone told me to make a turn on a particular street my father (who was sitting next to me) told me that if I did that I would be taking the long way so I should just go straight. I totally disregarded the phone and I kept on going straight. My mother then asked me if that would make the phone mad seeing as I totally disregarded its directions. I knew she was joking but I decided to play along. I told her that the phone wouldn’t get mad because I disregarded it, it would just reroute itself from the position that I was at and do it’s best to direct me from there. At that moment, when I made that comment I gained a true realization which I would like to share today.
Imagine if people thought as my phone’s navigational system did. It seems that when people find themselves in a situation which seems different then what the expected they cling on to what things "should" have been like. But just imagine if people did just as the phone did, when I disregarded the phones directions all it did was start itself over from the point which I found myself in and started giving directions from there. The phone didn’t try and figure out what went wrong or why I hadn’t listened to it. The phone didn’t try and my some type of reason or meaning out of the situation which it found itself in it just simply looked at the place that it was found itself in, accepted that it was in that place and then looked towards going forward so that it would come give directions to the destination that I was trying to give directions to. I’ve always said that everything happens in a life for a reason but it may not always be a reason which can be put in a way for the brain to decipher. It may not be a reason which can be written about in a diary or a book and it may not be a reason that could even be verbalize in any content. It may be something deeper and it may be something which really gives no reason to ponder on ay all. What difference does it make that you arrived at the point in life which you are at? At this point that very point is the only point that matters so why not start there? Why not start at the point you’re at now and move towards where you want to go? Why do we punish ourselves with regretful feelings? Why do we haunt ourselves with painful memories which simply don’t serve us in the now? Why do we try to make up for something that is lost, why do we try to compensate for something that is not yet born (the future). If you want to be a better person then start from where you’re at now and with the knowledge that you now have to become that better person. If you strive for a better life then first accept the life that you have now. Accept it with open arms and then do what you need to do from the point which you are at to move forward. There really isn’t much more to it, if you find yourself in a bad relationship, in a bad job situation which really isn’t serving your higher self, a bad living or financial situation then why dwell on the reasons which put you there?
Why not look at the point which you are at and start from there? Each minute of the now is new and real, each past minute is old and not real. Concentrate on the real (the now) and move from there. Stop allowing your brain and ego to drive you crazy because you are trying to figure out why you came to the point which you’re at now. Stop trying to figure out why you are feeling like you are. If you are feeling bad that means you are NOW in a bad place and you need to accept that so you can move to a better place. All of the answers you need to all of the questions you ask are actually in the questions which you ask. There really isn’t anything else to figure out here, it is time to do as my navigational system does on my phone and move forward from the point you find yourself at now (if you need to reroute from that point, simply reroute). I heard something on the radio which was meant to be an advertisement for a show which I will probably never watch but in that very advertisement I heard a very enlightening message. It said, "It seems that we spend all of our life trying to figure out how to live and now it is about time for us to stop trying to figure out how to live this life so that we may actually begin living it." So do as that message says and stop trying to figure this life out. If you keep that up, the next thing you know you will be on your death bed still trying to figure this life out. Do what you enjoy and just "BE" around those who you enjoy. Simply live this life for enjoyment and if you know you want to be somewhere within your life start from this now point and begin, move forward from where you are NOW and stop worrying about how you got there or even where you were before.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people Living for today... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

What if there wasn’t a God in existence that judged us in such ways that we would ether go to heaven or hell. Imagine if there really wasn’t a physical place called heaven or hell for us to go to at all. What if we could live a life in which the day that we found ourselves in was the only day that we’d live for? Imagine a world which left us no reasons to judge and hate each other. Imagine that.

Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too. Imagine all the people Living life in peace... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

Just use your imagination to the fullest and imagine a world with no countries existed. Imagine a world with no religions and no governments. Imagine a world with nothing in existence which is right and wrong to prove and nothing in existence to claim for one’s own. Imagine that for a moment for me.

Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people. Sharing all the world... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

Imagine if no one ever claimed anything or anyone for there own. Imagine a world that Love was the driving force for our lives instead of fear. Imagine happiness was a feeling that we actually wished for all, regardless of who and what they were. Imagine a world where all of earth’s resources were shared with all. Everyone whom lived always has at lease 3 square meals a day and shelter without worry.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one….. (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

I truly want all to sit somewhere by yourself, close your eyes and try and imagine all that I’ve stated so far. For one moment simply let go of all that you may hold dear and just imagine. Let go of your social statues, let go of your claimed ethnicity and let go of the religions that you may identify yourselves with. Just imagine a world with no expectations but love, no judgments but greatness and no lack of what is needed for basic survival. Imagine everybody embracing love; imagine a world of people that don’t expect anything out of each other, just use your imagination and see what you come up with when you do. What a world it would be, just imagine. Imagine the Oneness between us all. Imagine what this world would become if we just allowed each other to be happy and joyous. No attachments and no limitations, everyone is allowed and able to be around whatever, and whoever brings joy out of them without any worries. Know that this is possible in our imaginations and also know that all reality actually starts with imagination, something won’t be changed if the change isn’t imagined first. Imagine a world which one is able to view God and Self as they please without being called any negative names or chastised in any way. Imagine if we were all able to all be “receivers” and “giver” all the same. Imagine if all difference were respected and never feared. Just imagine for a second longer before you return to the “real world”. Just sit back and imagine; imagine these thoughts as reality before you return to the reality that is already at hand.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A mistake is an open door

“The path to happiness is not determined by whether or not we made mistakes in the past. What paves the way to happiness is whether or not we turn our mistakes into catalysts for personal growth and illumination” Marianne Williamson

What is a mistake? Is a mistake a mishap or is it something more? Mistakes leave bricks in our paths but these bricks that the mistakes leave can very well be considered stepping stones for us to rise higher in life. Every event that occurs within this life can be looked on as a needed event; we should never damn an occurrence within our lives because once we do that we will not see the benefit that we may gain from the event. Nothing happens without reason, it just takes a calm and collective person to see that much. Doors open in life all of the time but we need to recognized a situation as a door when it does open. Always look towards the positive and use your mistakes as catalyst for personal growth. Use the mistakes for a tool of illumining so that your dharma will be realized and your happiness will be gain. All events which have occurred in the past are events that were meant to happen and they each can be thought of as tools for growth and strengthening.


Monday, November 16, 2009

He did suffer the "cross" for us

Jesus the Christ did die on the cross and he did it for all of our sins. This Jesus dying for our sins concept wasn’t one that I completely grasped in the beginning of my awakening but before I was awakened I did believe in it. When I was at a point in my life when I just accepted with no questions my Christianity I totally believed in Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. I didn’t know exactly what that meant but because I was what I was I believed in it blindly. Then later in life when I began to awaken I started to ask questions about the belief and started to have doubts about it more then any other Christian belief. I would ask people questions like why we as Christians hold such a painful event like Jesus being slain so dearly. I thought that we held the suffering and the painful part of Jesus’ life more dear then the actual time that he spent teaching and waking people up to who and what they really were. When I put this question out there I got answers like, “Well you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins because if you don’t then you are going to hell.” Also people told me, “Some things you just don’t question, you just accept them for what they are and simply believe. You just don’t ask certain questions.” Some people tried to make me feel sorry for doubting, they would say with tears in their eyes, “Jesus loved us so much that he died for us. He suffered for us. Isn’t that enough for you?” I thought to myself, “Shoot, I didn’t ask him to suffer for me so why should I feel sorry.” The answers that I got were mostly fear based and just didn’t line up at all for me. Also I was starting to realize what “love” really was so that didn’t help the Jesus dying on the cross for our sins belief out much at all. I came to a realization that love is not painful and love does not hurt. If someone is in pain it isn’t because of love, if someone is suffering it isn’t because of true love at all. Love is joy and love is happiness, love is God, love is Source, love gives and asks for nothing in return and love always, always, always empowers, this is what love is. Hurt and pain come from fear; fear is produced by our egos because it comes from us identifying with things that exist on the outside of us. Then in turn this hurt comes from us losing these things which we identify with, hurt comes from us becoming confused and worried because certain events (something else that we identify our self worth with) didn’t happen the way we expected it to happen. This is us identifying with things and events that are outside of us. This is also where fear comes in. Fear is a lie because first off we are only afraid of what is not, we are never afraid of what is. It is silly to be fearful because everything that we fear isn’t real and also, nothing exist outside of us so when we identify with things that exist outside of us we are again believing in what isn’t real. With all of these changes happening inside of me I started to feel that there was no need for me to identify with any organized religion, part of this choice came form me learning what the true purpose of religion is. The purpose of religion is to connect and bind us back to God, or Source or whatever you want to call that which we all are created by. Since this Source has always been with me and always will be then what’s the point of religion? What’s the point of identifying with any particular religion of God is already with me (something else that I realized)? I have embraced the teachings of the Buddha and of Jesus but I don’t identify with the religions that people (these great God realized masters didn’t start the religions that were made in there names) made up in these great masters’ names. I simply embrace the teachings. In doing this I am also open to other teachings and I can gain more of what and who I am from a greater circle. So with me not identifying with any religion there was no need for me to embrace Jesus dying on some cross for our sins. I knew that Jesus was crucified but my take on the whole event was that he was crucified because the priests of that day were afraid of him. They felt that he was taking certain false powers away from them that fact scared them so they killed him. This is how I looked at the Jesus dying on the cross aspect and my way of looking at it in this way has remained unmoved, that is until recently.
My realization and then change in thought of the whole Jesus dying on the cross event began when I learned what the true meaning of sin was. To sin simply means to miss the mark in life, it doesn’t mean to break some written rules that some established organized religion has drummed up; it simply means to miss the mark in YOUR life. If you are a gay man who is living like a straight man then you are living in sin. If you are a person who is in a loveless marriage then you are living in sin. If you are a person who sells themselves short and does what they do because they are trying to live up to some expectations that this society has set, instead of living up to the expectations that the true THEY have set then that living in sin. There are no written rules to this life. If that were so then we all would be the same, we all would simply need to follow some rule book, be the same and then life would be grand but it isn’t like that. We actually have to dig deep within ourselves and figure life out for ourselves. There is no one who can tell us how to do it and there is NO book our there with all the answers. All of the answers we need are already located within us so anyone who is looking for this “Miracle book” which has all the answers to the problems of life is chasing a fake phantom. It just isn’t in existence; you need to look within; now, back to my realization.
It says in the bible that Jesus and God are One, which means Jesus and God are One in the same. Also, it says that Jesus said, “I am in you, you are in me, and I am in my Father.” Jesus always called God his father because he understood that he (just like all of us) is one of God’s children. But Jesus is also saying that he is within all of us as well just as his Father is within us because he did say that he is within each of us and he and his Father are One in the same. The true Jesus lives within us and we also lives within each other (We are One). There is no true separation, we are all truly One. Now, certain things were quiet obvious and Jesus was no blind fool, he knew that he was going to be crucified so why would he stick around for this? Because he knew that we all as One needed to come to a realizations about ourselves. The people were the ones that caused Jesus to suffer because the people were living in sin. Back then when the man Jesus walked among the people in that part of the world which Jesus lived society was run by a bunch of egotistical religions figures. These religions men had one thing in mind and that was gaining what they could for their lowers selves (their egos). They made so many people suffer because of it, they thought that they were greater and better then other people and they saw themselves as separate from others as well. They indeed were living in sin. Also a lot of other people that weren’t religions figures were also living in sin. People stole and hurt each other, people caused harm to each other for so many egotistical reasons and Jesus saw and recognized that things were getting a bit out of hand with all of this sinning. We were not put on this earth to suffer but sometimes suffering is definitely necessary. We are punished by our sins and when we sin, we suffer. When we let our minds and our egos run the show called life instead of letting God (our deeper, higher self) then we sin and from sinning we suffer. Now, when Jesus was crucified he actually wasn’t living in sin but since he himself was the greater part of everyone else, all others’ sins caused the suffering of Jesus and he accepted this as fact and embraced it to the fullest. He didn’t fight when he was in the mist of the suffering and he didn’t try to escape it, he embraced it full on. He suffered because just about everyone else was living in sin. He saw himself as God who is within all of us and he said himself that he was within and apart of us all as well. Because he was at full realization of whom and what he was and because he knew that he himself was within all he suffered and died for all who ever had sinned. He allowed them to slain him, he allowed them to beat and torture him and while they were doing this they were beating and torturing us all as well. He himself carried the load and took on the suffering for all of us so that we wouldn’t have to. He died on that cross for all of us so that we wouldn’t have to have this type of suffering death within ourselves. He indeed died for our sins and because of it I do acknowledge this as fact for the whole of us.

When sin is being lived then suffering always comes right behind it. If you are missing the point in life you will suffer for it. Jesus suffered so that we wouldn’t have to. He took all of our sins and he owned them (because he knew he was part of us anyway) then he took on the suffering that our sins inflicted. Now you may ask what does all of it really mean. This is my humble conclusion to the meaning of all of this, it isn’t necessary for us to believe in a single man whom died on a cross for us all. It is necessary for us to believe in ourselves and know that if we sin, we suffer. It is always necessary to know that we are not living to suffer but yet, if we live in sin (miss the mark in life) then we will suffer. There was a man whom walked among us that was not living in sin but yet he took on the suffering for the sins that were being lived. He did this so that we wouldn’t have to so yes, we are free from suffering and it is all because of him. Jesus doesn’t really care of you acknowledge his human self, he wants you to acknowledge his true self which lives in us all.
Even with all of this happening it seems that some of us (including me) still need to carry and bare our own cross. This means that we need to sin and then suffer. Then from that we come to a realization, we then become resurrected (reborn) and then we rise to heaven to be One with God. In this way suffering is a good thing. It makes us see ourselves for whom and what we really are. Our old selves actually have to die so that the new us is reborn.

“The fire we endure in life is only to refine, polish, and perfect the diamond we are meant to be”

Eternal (A.S) Blossom

The quote that I’ve just used holds a meaning that is so divine that the individual whom wrote it probably doesn’t realize how divine it is. The fires we endure are caused because of our sins. We go through so much suffering because we’ve missed the mark in life so many times. We sin over and over again but every time we come out of a harsh situation we seem to become closer and closer to becoming who and what we really were meant to be. We are like perfect diamonds, this perfection is our birth right and it’s so because we ARE all children of God. So there it is and now I can say I understand the meaning of the cross. Because Jesus already died on the cross for our sins we do have a choice. He already suffered so that we would have a choice. WE DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER IN LIFE, EVER!!! When we suffer, this suffering is not love; it is not God making us suffer it is us. It is our sins that cause us to suffer. God doesn’t have to punish us for our sins because our sins punish us already. All of the happenings that cause us to suffer are happening that are located within us so until we take it a pond ourselves to make that change and be exactly what we know and feel we should be we will continue to suffer. We are Love because God is Love and we are One with God. Be love and you will not have to ever suffer. Be of fear and shame and you WILL suffer. It doesn’t matter of you believe in a man who they called Jesus some 2000 odd year or so ago or not. Believe and have faith in God (your higher self). Sit in silence and quiet your mind so that it along with its best buddy the ego won’t run a muck in your life and then simply be and follow your higher self. Just become what you were meant to be no matter how scary it may seem. You do this and you will be acknowledging and thanking Jesus for what he did, you will be thanking him more then you would be if you simply believe that he did die for our sins. Be happy, be joy and be of love. WE ARE ALL ONE!!!!


Monday, November 9, 2009

I am that I am

“Not Christian, Muslim or Jew, Not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or Zen. Not any Religion or cultural system. I am not from the east or the west, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam and Eve or any origin story. My place is the placeless a trace of the traceless, neither body nor soul. I belong to the beloved, I have seen the two worlds as One and that One call to the know; first, last outer, inner, only that berth berthing human being.” Rumi

Who is this person that occupies my being? Am I a thinker, a writer, or an insurance agent? Am I a Christian, or Buddhist, or agnostics? What am I composed of? Am I composed of cells, blood and water? What am I to do to figure this out? Am I simply a black man in the struggle or am I something more? Am I he who hopes for a bright future for my loved ones or do I even care? I am what we all are which is of the Isness of our Source. I am an aspect of the whole which in turn is the whole. I am all that is good and all that is considered bad as well. My essence is in the timeless because time is not a reality that I chose to identify myself with. Speaking of which, my identification is not real because I actually made it up. My ego is my identification while I occupy this physical plane and what is the ego but a figment of my imagination with its histories and tragic stories. We all are as we are; we are just that which we perceive ourselves as and nothing more. We are from the no-thing, we are of the no-where and that no-where makes us now-here. My story has tragedy and my story has lost but as I sit here with myself I am just the one whom is being. It isn’t that hard to figure out, my path is set clear, my love is in sight and all I have to do is accept what is so that what will be will be aligned with what is to come.
If what I’ve said is confusing and if the Rumi poem that I use today (which is one of my favorites) is as equally confusing then you are thinking from a fear based ego perspective of life. Everything that was uttered within the words above speaks a simple truth. It is a truth that when realized all else that stands in our way for fulfillment will fall away. There reality is nothing which is located outside of us to cling onto because there is actually nothing that is located outside of us. To just be without having a definition of what is good, bad right, wrong, pretty or ugly is the truth of what is. If I say to you that this universe began with a collision and then expansion of energies which scientist call the big bang, then I say because of the Hubble telescope we are able to see that there is proof of this in space because it can be seen that the universe is now expanding and will more then likely one day start imploding and you are able to prove me wrong then you know what? It will just be. It will just be because it just is as it is. You are what you are and I am that I am. I am that I am just as we all are as One. Nothing more matters but to come into this one, true moment of now and be clear of it. There is nothing to fear within this moment because within this moment all is well. This moment is the only moment that is real so this means because all is well within this moment all is always well. There is nothing to fear. You don’t even need to fear death because death occurs all the time. Death and birth is occurring within our very physical bodies, old cells are dying away and new ones are being born. Old moments are dying away and new moments are being born. Death is in the realms of the unknown but so is the next moment. Do you fear the next moment which is about to be a pond you in a moment? This is why there really is nothing else to be but to just be period. Lets just be what we are, lets embrace the “I am” of it all and lets not try and use our ego’s perspective to figure anything out. Life is always within the unknown, the moment is now, it is in the realization of this which dictates NOW is the only moment there is. All is well right now so that means since now is all that’s real all will always be well. Let’s live this life as it should be lived. Do what this moment dictates to do and just enjoy the experience. Let’s just be as we may and always remember that we are all One.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Unlimited potential to tap in to

“Whatever else we are, no matter how much of a mess we may have made of our lives, it is always possible to tap into the part of the soul that is universal, the infinite field of pure potential, and change the course of our destiny.”

Deepak Chopra

It doesn’t matter if you’ve done something so bad that it is unforeseeable in getting out of. It doesn’t matter if no one has faith in you anymore. It doesn’t matter because you seriously do have an infinite field of pure potential to tap into. You have it all within you; you are just like what you’ve come from so in turn, anything is achievable, no matter what. Change is our birth right; none of us truly stay stagnant. So no matter what you’ve caused remember, all you have to do is switch your mental perception. Go into that place that is of the infinite and make the change for the better. Never give in to any woe and never give up. Keep on traveling down the path that you feel is for you and don’t dwell in the thoughts of “mess that you’ve made” within your life. Don’t keep on thinking about the “mess”, simply keep moving forward and then if you do this you’ll be able to gain the heaven on earth that you want and that you crave.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is 2012 "Doomsday"

On December 21 2012 the Mayan calendar’s 26,000 year cycle will end. There WILL be a galactic alignment that may affect us all here on earth but the big question is will the date of 12/21/2012 mark the end of this world? The day of 12/21/2012 hasn’t been the only so called doomsday prediction, there are groups of people who thought to predict the end of the world and you know what? They all were always wrong. It is said in so many different ways that the world will end. It is said that one day all of us here on this planet are going to be extinguished in some shape, form or manner but here is my question, why do we want the world to end so badly? This world was designed to last forever so to speak. There is actually nothing totally new that exists in this world; this world is designed in a way so that it uses itself over and over again. It has already been said that energy cannot be destroy, energy can only change from one form to the next and we are made from energy so with us knowing this as fact here is my question again, why do we wanted the world to end so badly? Why do we have so many end of world prophecies around to believe in? Do we want to be extinguished so badly?

We as a society have flipped and switched the meanings of certain words so that they in themselves may tell of something negative. Apocalypse does not me the end of the world. That is not what the word really means: “Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the majority of humankind.” This is what it is all about; it’s not about an ending but a new beginning. No one has to “die” and nothing really has to end, OUR WORLD DOES NOT HAVE TO END, IT JUST DOESN’T HAVE TO HAPPEN.

I have been doing quiet a bit of research on the whole 2012 issue and I do believe that something is going to occur on or around that day (12/21/2012). The world very well could end if we choose for it to so that means if the end does happen then it will be our fault and our fault only. This so called “end” never has to come, it’s up to us as a whole to come together, be of Love and gain the “awakening”. We are on the brink of a “new age” of thinking and living. We don’t even have to wait until 2012 or until any other so called “doomsday prediction” comes to past. There really is no such thing as a doomsday anyway, if one doesn’t see by now that we made the whole doomsday thing up (look at all of the other so called predictions and prophesies that have come to pass. You know what, we are all still here) then they really haven’t been seeing what has been going on. It is up to us, if we keep on aligning our energies with negative through patterns then we may just be asking for our end. If we align ourselves with Love instead and we “Life the veils” that blind us from who and what we really are then we can place our heaven right on earth, right now. It’s not even something that we all need to wait for; it’s not even something that we all need to have all at the same time. We are able to have our very own “apocalypses” if we open up. It’s not our place to wait for others to get there and it’s not our place to collectively believe in a so called “doomsday” because this belief really doesn’t serve us at all. Our savior, our Christ, our Buddha, and our divine one all live within us. Once we are able to see that we are the ones that we have been waiting for and the resurrection of the “Christ” is the awakening within ourselves then we will realize that we really don’t have to even belief in a doomsday. Lets be of love, lets follow our hearts and do what we feel we should do, lets drop all our fears and just go for our dreams, lets make the impossible possible, let’s resurrect our Christ consciousness within so that we may shine like we were meant to shine.

From these perspectives (which are of 2012 “apocalypse” as a whole), the solstice of December 21, 2012, becomes a powerful window for our collective emergence into our greatest potential. Such a moment is so rare that we have been preparing for it for over 5,000 years, and it will be another 26,000 years before the same opportunity cycles around again. As the source of our light-our sun-moves into perfect alignment with the center of our galaxy, are we ready to receive the greatest gift of all-the gift of our true selves? The stage is set, the choice is ours; the cosmos is waiting. Do we have the wisdom to marry science, history, tradition and belief into the miracle that awaits us on December 21, 2012? (Greg Braden)

It is time for us to open up and realize what is really going on here. It is time right now. 2012 is coming and when it gets here it will be the very point which the Mayan calendar’s cycle will end. The Mayan’s have never been wrong about galaxy predictions ever so something is bound to happen on or around that day (12/21/2012). The question is will we be ready when it does? Will we finally realize who and what we are so that when the apocalypse (unveiling) does occur we will truly see the light? We can start right now by being of Love; we can do this now so that when the 2012 window does open we will be ready for what it will have in store for us. Let’s come together right and get it going, lets be the heaven on earth that we all have been awaiting, let’s be powerful, lets be wise , let’s be Love, lets be who we truly were meant to be before it really is too late for us all.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Self Forgiveness

A few months ago I had a very special visit from a person who means a great deal to me. This person thought that I felt a negative feeling towards her because of what had transpired between us in the recent past. But even before she came to visit me and even before I even spoke to her again I had already forgiven everything that had transpired between us. This person is still to this day something who means a great deal to me and she is someone who I see a great deal of the better part of myself in. I already knew deep within my heart that her past actions weren’t done to cause pain to me. I already knew who she truly was and all I could ever see in her was perfection and greatness. I’d forgiven her the day after everything which had transpired between us was done. If she carried a load for what happened between us it was because she hadn’t forgiven herself. To carry a load of negative actions and self pity isn’t necessary when that load can always be put down. Self forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools that any of us could even have.

There is no such thing as a God that judges us and holds grudges on us. Forgiveness from God is a given, it’s we who need to be forgiving of ourselves. If we hear a voice inside of our head that tells us we should be a shamed of ourselves for past actions that voice is the voice of a lie; that is the deceiver; that is not the voice of God. God sees all that we do and understands our reasons, He would never hold anything on us because just as I saw in my dear friend, God only sees Himself in us; he sees nothing else. He is always with us and knows why we act as we do. We ourselves need to understand ourselves, it is us who need to come to an understand of why we do what we do and also, we all need to come to an understanding of who and what we really are.

The deceive (basically this is our ego using its greatest tool {fear} to maintain control over us) will weigh us down and control us if we allow it to. It is what tells us that we are less than perfect; it tells us that we are mere mortal humans who are flawed and born of evilness and sin. It is a liar because we are actually ONE with our creator. We are just like what we come from, we are as God is and God is nothing but perfect. We have the control and we have the power. It is up to us to forgive ourselves for past actions and then we will be able to move on with our lives and achieve the happiness that we all crave. Self forgiveness is a great tool and we all should use it for our own benefit and growth in life. We are all perfect and we are all ONE!!!


Friday, October 23, 2009

The Golden Buddha

This is the enlightening story of the golden buddha...

In 1957, a group of Tibetan monks were informed that a highway was being built and the highway would have to go through the location where the shrine for which they were responsible was currently located. The shrine, a huge clay Buddha, would have to be moved. Arrangements were made and the day of shrine moving arrived. The shrine, located under a roof to keep it safe from the elements, was prepared for its journey. A crane began lifting the clay Buddha. The Buddha, as it rose off of its block resting place, began to crack. IT was far heavier than all the engineers had estimated. The monk supervising the movement of the Buddha frantically called to the crane operator. Telling him to set the Buddha down. Quickly, the alert crane operator carefully set the Buddha on the ground. As the monks and the engineers examined the Buddha, they found several large cracks. A larger crane would be needed. That crane would not be brought in until the next day. The Buddha would have to spent the night in its current location. To make matters worse, there was a storm building and the next would be a stormy one.

The monks covered the Buddha with water proof tarps on poles to keep it dry overnight. All seemed to be well. During the night, the head monk awoke and decided to check on the Buddha. With a flashlight, the monk carefully checked the condition of the Buddha. As he walked around the huge clay figure shining his light on the cracks, something caught his eye. He returned to the spot on which he had just shined his light. He peered into the crack. What he saw he did not understand. He needed to see more. He went back to his quarters, found a chisel and a hammer and returned to the Buddha. He began carefully chipping at the clay around the crack. As the crack widened, he could not believe his eyes. He ran to wake the other monks and instructed each to bring a hammer and chisel. By lantern light the monks carefully chipped all the clay from the Buddha. After hours of chiseling, the monks stepped back and stared in awe at the sight before them. There, in front of the monks, stood a solid gold Buddha.

When the moving crew arrived later that morning to complete the job of moving the Buddha to its new location, there was much confusion and excitement. Where had the clay Buddha gone? From where had the Golden Buddha come? The monks explained. Historians were called and research was begun to discover the origin of the Golden Buddha.

After much research, the pieces of the story were put together. The Golden Buddha was the cherished responsibility of a group of monks several centuries earlier. These monks received word that the Burmese army was headed their way. Concerned that the invading army would loot the shrine for its Golden Buddha, the monks covered their Buddha with 8 to 12 inches of clay. When they were finished the Golden Buddha appeared to be a Buddha of clay. The invading army would surely have no interest. The monks were correct. The invading army had no interest in the Buddha. They did, however, kill all the monks before they moved on. The Golden Buddha was lost in history until 1957.

There is a Golden Buddha inside each of us. Hidden away and covered with layers and layers of clay. We start out life as a true Golden Buddha. Then our true self gets put on a shelf and we get involved in the survival game. We each begin to lose our true drive and we lose sight of the gifts each of has to offer.
Our “golden” perfection is always and will always be within us. To gain its essence all we have to do is chip away the “stone and clay” that has been layered over us throughout our lives from our culture and society. Everything will come to play and every aspect of our lives will make since after we chip away all of that excess mess that has been place all over our true essence. Drop all outer expectations; drop all “taught” fears, labels, and limitations. Do what your heart tells you to do and just do simply that no matter what it is. That “golden” perfection that you truly are is waiting under all of that “clay” to be realized and it will always lay dormant until YOU decide to have it revealed. We are all perfect; perfection is within all of us but in order to reach our God given perfection we need to simply follow our hearts in the most fearless manner. Release your golden Buddha so that all may gaze a pond its beauty, its beauty is your true essence, the world does crave to gaze a pond the true you.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Enjoy failing and rise to glory!!!

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is failure really? Is there really a such thing as failure? Well, failure is something we actually have to claim and the way of claiming failure is to simply give up. Some people seem to also see failure as not succeeding at a task in the first try. I think that if the definition of failure is simply not succeeding at a task in its first try then we may just need to be good at failing in order to be successful. In order to gain great glory failure may happen but if we continue to stand up, no mater how many times we are knocked down then we will succeed. Failure doesn’t feel good but maybe that mind state in itself should change. The person who learns how to fail with pride is the person that will gain all of the glory that they desire. If we change our perception of how we feel about failure then there will be nothing to stop us from getting every thing that we want. Failure is an opportunity; it is an opportunity to learn something. Thomas Edison failed over one thousand times when he was trying to create the light bulb but do you think he really “failed” at inventing the light bulb? If you say yes then you must not have any light in your house. When someone asked him how he could sit there and stand failing so much his reply was, “I haven’t failed at all. I just learned over one thousand ways which my invention won’t work. I am actually closer now to accomplishing my aim now then I was before”. He didn’t feel sorry for himself and he didn’t feel bad. He just kept on going until he did succeed and he “failing” one hundred times before he did succeed didn’t lessen his accomplishment. Before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb the only way that humans were able to control light was through fire and do you know how long ago humans discovered fire? Do you know what a great accomplishment inventing the light bulb was? Humans were still living in caves when they discovered fire. Because of Thomas Edison’s no-giving up attitude he literally catapulted the whole human race to a new level of thinking, he learned how to “fail” and he felt good doing it as well.

Some people may say to me, “it could never feel good to fail” and I ask those same people if living in “mediocrity” feels good to them. If living in the “plain” and “in the grips of fear” feels good then continue to feel bad about failure but if you want to live up to your God given ability to manifest anything you want then fail with pride and keep on rising every time you do. Go for your dreams, go for greatness and feel good if you fail while going for it. When you do fail just know that you just discovered something that doesn’t work and now since that is out of the way you can move on. Take the chance; don’t just accept things for what they are. Stick your neck out and take the chance then if you fall simply get up and keep on moving. Live in the great glory and succeed, learn how to stand up every time you are knocked down and you WILL succeed at whatever you are pursuing. Don’t live in the “plain” live in the “exciting” and take a chance with something new that will help to accomplish your goals and dreams. Live in the glory and keep getting up every time you fall. Keep on standing!!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't love what you do, do what you LOVE

The first thing I read in this news article which I was looking at this morning was a statement that read, “If you are lucky enough to love what you do for a living”. After reading this statement I had to shake my head and wonder why someone would ever do anything in life except what they love. It’s not about loving what you do; it’s about doing what you love. What kind of life are we living if we simply do things because we’re told we should do them? Why would someone even bother to wake up in the morning if they lived that way? As a matter of fact, why would anyone choose live that way in the first place? To be quiet frank, a lot of people do live in a way which they simply do what they don’t like doing. They don’t do what they love or even what they want to do. It simply makes no since. If I put a buffet of food in front of you and I told you that you could have anything you want from the buffet are you going to waste time eating foods that you don’t like? I mean why would you? It makes no since. It is just like people doing things that they don’t want and trying to simply “love” what they do. Would you try and “love” how a nasty entry taste or would you simply not eat from it? People also seem to stay in relationships and make an effort to “love” the person or people who are in the relationship with them. None of these things make since because we really don’t have to put any effort in loving someone. Loving someone is effortless because we actually are LOVE. Does the sun put an effort in shining or does it just simply shine? You don’t need to try and love the person who you are with; you simply need to choose to be with the person whom you love. I think if people tried to do things from a perspective of love then life would be a lot smoother for all.

If you feel that you aren’t in the position to simply drop what you are now doing for a living to do what you love you can at lease step on the path that will lead to the destination of what you love (start planning for your passion. Look into starting something within the brackets of what you love and pursue it). Open your minds to unlimited possibilities. Know that you don’t have to do anything other then what you love in life. It may be a hard vibe to align yourself with if you were told all of your life that you simply need to “work” if you want to live. If you can visualize your dreams then they are definitely a possibility. Relationships shouldn’t be hard ether and I don’t care what type of relationship it is. Everyone that is in your life should be people who help you to grow and also people who bring joy and love out of you. It isn’t hard to love people like that at all. There should be no “challenge” in the relationship. Yes, if you are in a relationship with someone other then yourselves you and the other person will have disagreements but these disagreements should open up great discussions which in turn should help you to grow, they shouldn’t open up anger and arguing. Love is life and life is living point blank. Life is growth and evolution. Life is joy and life is happiness. If you aren’t living in the grips of love then you are nothing but a dead person breathing. Just because you are breathing doesn’t mean you are a live. We all can simply do what we love if we choose to (the trick is to change your thinking pattern from just doing work for a live to doing your passion for a live. From there opportunities will manifest themselves to you so that you may just do what you are passionate about). Simply do what you love, do what you enjoy and live this life to the fullest. We are not supposed to suffer!!!!!


Monday, October 19, 2009

we are all SUPERHEROES!!

Who are these so called superheroes (we consider them fictional) who do supernatural acts and who we all have admired at one time or another? Who are these fictional characters that we flock to in millions to see in these Hollywood movies? Who is this Superman character really? What is this Batman character’s real identity? Who is this Spiderman person really and who is this Wonder Woman person? Even though all of these characters may be so called “fictional” they actually do exist. Yes, I just said that all of the superheroes that we flock to see in save the world in movies and shows do exist. You may be wondering why a grown man like me would even make a statement like that or if you simply believed me off the back, you may be wonder where you could find these supernatural characters. The answer to these questions may be easier then one may think. All of these superheroes actually exist in the most real place ever to us all. They exist within us, this is where they’ve always been and this is where they always will be. This is why as kids we idolized them so much (our children know what they are doing when they idolize superheroes. They have it right, we are the ones who believe in falseness {fear} not them). The word “idol” means a “god” so in turn an idol really is a god to us whether one wants to admit this as fact or not.

We idolize these characters for the same reason we idolize anybody, we ether want the greatness that these characters have within ourselves or we simply we want to just be these great characters. It simply feels right looking up to these characters because we feel a very personal connection with them. We felt their essence inside of our souls, we feel their strength within our grasp and a lot of us can even visualize ourselves doing what these superheroes do on a day to day basis. Superman fell from the sky and was raised by regular people so one would think that he would just accept a “regular” life style. That isn’t what he did at all; what he did was first plummet from the sky (he fell from the heavens like some type of god) as a child, grew up among the “regular people” and then after all of that and after realizing who and what he really was he made a decision to use his superhuman abilities to become a hero and save the people who dwelled in his “fictional” world. Superman is probably the most popular superhero of all because he basically embodies everything that we all want within ourselves. He is supernatural and superhuman. He is able to do just about anything he wants, he is basically invincible but still after all of that power that he harnesses he still chose to help the world be saved He’s superhuman and this means he can do anything he wants but he chooses to selflessly help others, as super as he is he still sees himself in us all and this is why he chooses to help. He sees himself in us all and gives help to all that needs it without asking for anything in return just as God does.

This is what we all want within us and quiet frankly this is what we all honestly have within us already. This rule goes for everyone else we look up to as well whether they are super human or not. They are idols (gods) to us and we want what they have with them (godliness) within ourselves. If we didn’t want the power which we feel they have within ourselves then we wouldn’t idolize them at all. Some people go as far as simply wanting to be the people who they idolize. They don’t realize that they already are that person who they idolize in such a great way. We see greatness in all of the famous people and all of the celebrities we look up to. We see that they themselves are idolized by others as well and we want that feeling, we see that it seems they have more power and freedom then us (a lot of the times this isn’t the case but this is what we see) because of the influence they have on people like us. We want to feel that “important” and “influential” feeling within ourselves and within our very own lives. We see greatness in our idols and a lot of times we feel that they are greater then us but this truly isn’t the case at all. They aren’t “better” then us in any shape, size, or form and everything that they achieve we can do as well in even greater measures then they do. So in turn it is okay to admire or look up to greatness in people (fictional or real) but in turn we should realize that every one of us is able to achieve all of the greatness (fictional or real. Never close your mind to possibilities) which they’ve achieved ourselves. We have the Divine within us so this gives us an unlimited power. We just need to believe in that and simply go with it. We wouldn’t even be able to perceive greatness at any level if we didn’t have it within ourselves. Keep on admiring greatness but know that we are One with all idols, we are One with what we consider great so we ourselves are the idols that we look up to. It’s all within Us already. We ourselves are the “saviors” they we are looking for, it truly is US. We are One with our Idols so this means that we are One with God (Love).


Friday, October 16, 2009

Setting the records straight (things to think about)

Time to set the records straight. Now, as I’ve always say, everything that I do say in these blogs are just my humble opinions on things, they are not meant to be taken as the only, gossip truth (my blogs are meant to get the mind going. They are not meant to tell people what to think or do, their purpose is to get people thinking, period.). It is not necessary that anyone think like me or believe in the things that I believe in to gain happiness in their own way. But let me just thrown your mind a good one and say that I believe that I am the way to happiness (heaven); ME. I only say this because the way to happiness is Love and I (along with everyone else) am Love. That part of Me that is the Way is located in everyone else who reads this as well. That makes all of you the Way to happiness also. You have the power within you to gain Your happiness. Okay, here we go; here are the basic principles of the Way of things.

Number 1: Everything that has every happened and that ever will happen has or will occur because You allowed it to. There is no such thing as a victim. In knowing this a great power is gained. I don’t say this so that we may sit back and blame ourselves for “bad” situations. I say this because quiet frankly IT IS TRUTH! It is the way of things. Point blank, you caused everything that has happened to you in life, YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM!

Number 2: Everything that is happening to you is a part of you. Everything that you go though is going on inside of you. Everything you see, hear and touch is inside of you. YOU ARE PROJECTING YOUR REALITY! This very universe (and everything in it) is within you.

Number 3: Because of the principles that I revealed in number one and two, it should now be realized that YOU HAVE UNLIMITATE POTETIAL! This means you can achieve anything that you perceive. You have the power to manifest anything that you desire within your reality. You have GOD powers, point blank.

Right now we are reading vibrations. This is how we project our physical reality. Our minds are literally telling us what to experience. This concept kind of works like reading a book, here how it goes. All a book has in it is markings on a piece of paper. There is nothing more to it, there’s nothing more in a book then a bunch of lines and curves on a paper. Now, when we learn how to read we all come to an agreement on what those markings will mean. We come to an agreement on how a particular marking will sound if we speak it and we come to a universal agreement on what physical aspect a marking will represent. When I am reading a book I actually can visualize imagines. This is happening because of what I’ve agreed (a long with everyone else who can read) on what the markings that I am looking at will represent. These “imagines” which I am seeing are NOT in the book that I am reading they are in ME. Nothing is in the book except markings, no meanings or imagines are in the book NONE. If it wasn’t for ME then the book would be NOTHING but a bunch of paper and ink. I bring life to the words in a page on a book. I DO IT. The book doesn’t do it, I do. I can sit and say that it actually is the book that is giving me the information but it really isn’t. The book is useless without ME. Everything that I experience from a book is something that lives within me, I create all that a book gives me, I was the one who agreed to the markings meaning what they mean and I am the one that gives them their meanings.

Now imagine the universe as one big book. This book (the universe) has readers (Us). We are reading VIBRATIONS and WAVES which we’ve made an agreement on how those vibes and waves will translate. The word universe means ONE (Uni) SONG (verse). One vibe, One verse, One song or whatever you want to call it. With in this One there are many and the only reason why there are many is because of US. This is why I say we are literally ONE, we are the ones who makes it many (there is nothing wrong with wanting to experience life in different ways and on different levels but we still should be aware and conscious of our Oneness). We see, feel or hear something in a particular way because WE HAVE AGREED ON THIS just as we have with words and letters when it comes to reading. It is us doing it; the universe is nothing without us because WE ARE THE UNIVERSE! If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to witness the sound of it falling then it makes no sound. This is true because sound doesn’t make itself OUR EARS MAKE THE SOUND. We make the sound, the sound doesn’t make itself. If this wasn’t the case then there would be no such thing as deaf people. When we learn about the sciences and such (the law of gravity and things of that type) it is like we are learning more on what we are reading, we are learning how to read BETTER, we are gaining understands on the way things work. We are also learning (actually we are remembering when we are learning because since we already have everything in us, we also know everything, we’ve just forgotten) about things that we’ve agreed to. When we gain wisdom and knowledge we are learning how things that we’ve in the most metaphysical way have agreed on work. It intrigues me to learn how things work; it intrigues me because I am simply learning about vibrations that I along with everyone else have agreed a pond just like reading words in a book.

When we come into this physical world we are NOT truly being born. We have always been. We are just coming to the physical world in a physical form with a physical understanding of things. We come here to learn and experience growth. If we didn’t come as we do then we would never be able to experience growth. Everything that we witness is within us; we are a part of each other just as a wave is to an ocean. Everything that is in existence is within us. We are creating life as we go. We are creating our physical reality.

Who has really created this physical reality? Who made everything that ever is and ever was? Who is infinite? I will tell you who is infinite, you are and I mean the REAL you, not your ego (I’m not going to go into what the ego is because I’ve covered it in past blogs. If you want to know what I mean when I say ego go back to those blogs and read up on them. I wrote a blog called “My ego” which will describe it along with other blogs.)

If everyone came to a conclusion that an S would mean what an A means and an A would mean what an R means then those small changes in the meaning of lettering would make the whole definition of words in books differ. We actually can do the same thing to our reality. We can change all of our fear based rules and fearful thoughts into thoughts and rules of Love. We can agree on this, we can make it so.

We are all from Love because Love is of everything that strengthens us and it is also of everything that makes us feel good. Now when I say we create our physical reality it doesn’t mean that I am saying reality is a figment of our imagination, reality is definitely real and book knowledge is real too. The information we learn from books could be information that is able to save lives, it definitely is real. The earth and the universe are real as well but they need Us so that they will be real. Also, when I say we are God it doesn’t mean that we are some far off beings sitting in the clouds throwing lightening bolts and needs praises from underlings. It doesn’t mean that we are better then anyone or even better then anything that exist for that matter. Being better or worst or equal for that matter is nothing but ego tools (there is no such thing as one person being better than someone else.). Our ego isn’t making our reality, the REAL us is.

A belief is a thought that we have over and over. If we believe in something long and hard enough it will manifest itself to our physical reality. The ego uses fear as a tool because the ego feels like we actually can “lose” out. We can’t really “lose” out on anything because everything that is in existence is within us already. Fear isn’t real; the only thing that we have to fear about fear is fear itself. Think about that. Nothing of fear is real. If I am afraid that someone is going to kill me, if I am killed then I am not fearful anymore of being killed no am I? I am only fearful while I am a live and since I am not “dead” (death isn’t real ether but I am just using this as an example) then me being dead isn’t real. I may be afraid of falling off a one hundred story building but am I actually afraid of the fall itself or is it something that I’ve made up about what will happen if I fall that I fear? If I’m not falling now how can me falling be something I fear, its not happening. I am choosing to be afraid of NOTHING, me falling is not happening now, it simply isn’t happening but I am choosing to be “afraid” of it; this is what fear is. When I do fall off of the building I will no longer be afraid of the fall, once we face our fears we will lose the fear in itself. My fears may switch to the actually impact of the fall while I am falling, not the fall in itself. Then when I do hit ground I won’t be afraid of the impact any longer, that fear will be gone too. People have actually fallen off of one hundred story buildings and lived to tell about it so I really don’t know if I will live or die if I fall. I may say that I am afraid to die from the fall but the fall just may not kill me so again, the fear isn’t real, I am believing in something that simply doesn’t exist (the only thing that exist is the NOW. If it isn’t happening now then it isn’t happening at all).

Energy is a force that cannot be destroyed, it only can change from one form to another (this can be looked up in any physic’s book). We are energy (check out my blog on this subject call “The quantum universe and Us” to learn more about this.) so how can we die? We can have a physical death but in all reality we are not physical. We are SPACE, we are ENERGY which is forever change and pulsating in and out. Have you ever witnessed a set of light bulbs which are set up in a line and are different colors flash on and of at an in sync rate? What does that look like? It may look like the light is actually moving down a line but in all actually the lights are just flashing on and off. We perceive the lightshow as the light moving down a line but that is not what is actually happening. It works the same way with the physical. If I was to take a very powerful microscope and look and my physical surface with it I would see atoms flowing around in SPACE. Because the atoms are moving so fast and are so small it gives us an image of a true physical surface but we are NOT REALLY PHYSICAL BEINGS. We are of energy, we are intelligent energy; we are spiritual beings. We actually are spiritual beings who are having a physical experience. Every God realized master from Jesus to Buddha to all of the others new this. They all knew that they were One with the creator (God, Source, the universe, or whatever else you want to call it), they knew that there was no different between them and the creator and they knew that everything which they felt and did could be felt and done by everyone else too. They knew that we all are of One. Love is all that is real and the only way to happiness is Love. Happiness lives within us just like everything else. There is only One God, One, but within that One there are many. Just like a radio which is one radio in itself but has different stations which it plays we are also of One but are different all together. Also like the radio, Oneness doesn’t mean sameness. One radio is able to play all different types of music, it is one radio but it is able to be many all the same. This is what we are, this is Us and like I said before I am now setting the records straight. There is a lot more which I can talk about to add on to what I’ve said here and I will write a lot more about this in later blogs but this blog’s purpose has been meant so I will end it here. I hope this blog raises many questions and even some doubts (from doubts come questions and from question come answers which in turn translates to more knowledge and wisdom) and I hope this blog gets anyone who reads it truly thinking about who and what they really are as well so that they may have the realization from within.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

God's perfection

The story below is a excellent example of God’s perfection.
In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to learning-disabled children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school career, while others can be mainstreamed into conventional schools. At a Chush fundraiser dinner, the father of a Chush child delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he cried out, “Where is the perfection in my son, Shaya? Everything God does is done with perfection. But my child cannot understand things as other children do. My child cannot remember facts and figures as other children do. Where is God’s perfection?” The audience was shocked by the question, pained buy the father’s anguish, and stilled buy the piercing query.

“I believe,” the father answered, “that when God brings a child like this into the world, the perfection that he seeks is in the way people react to this child.” He then told the following story about his son, Shaya.

One afternoon Shaya and his father walked past a park where some boys Shaya knew were playing baseball. Shaya asked, do you think they’ll let me play?” Shaya’s father knew that his son was not at all athletic and that most boys would not want him on their team. But Shaya’s father understood that if his son was chosen to play, it would give him as sense of belonging. Shaya could play. The boy looked around for guidance form his teammates. Getting none, he took matters into his own hands and said, “We’re losing by six runs, and the game is in the eight inning. I guess he can be on our team and we’ll try to put him up to bat in the ninth inning.

Shaya’s father was ecstatic as Shaya smiled broadly. Shaya was told to put on a glove and go out to play in center field. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shaya’s team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shaya’s team scored again, and now had two outs and the bases loaded, with the potential winning run on base, Shaya was scheduled to be up. Would the team actually let Shaya bat at this juncture and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knows that it was all but impossible because Shaya didn’t even know how to hold the bath properly, let alone hit with it. How ever, as Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved as few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shaya could at least be able to make contact. The first pith came in, and Shaya swung clumsily and missed. One of Shaya’s teammates came up to Shaya, and together they held the bat and faced the pitcher waiting for the next pitch. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shaya. As the pitch came in, Shaya and his teammate swung the bat, and together they hit a slow ground ball to the pitcher. The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shaya would have been out and that would have ended the game. Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field far beyond the reach of the first baseman. Everyone started yelling, “Shaya, run to fits. Run to first.” Never in his life had Shaya run to first. He scampered down the baseline wide-eyed and startled. By the time he reached first base, the right-fielder had the ball. He could have thrown the ball to the second baseman who would tag out Shaya, who was still running.

But the right-fielder understood what the pitcher’s intentions were, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman’s head. Everyone yelled, “Run to second, run to second.” Shaya ran toward second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the bases toward home. As Shaya reached second base, the opposing shortstop ran to him, turned him in the direction of third base, and shouted, Run to third.” As Shaya rounded third, the boys from both teams ran behind him screaming, “Shaya, run home.” Shaya ran home, stepped on home plate, and all 18 boys lifted him on their shoulders and made him the hero, as he had just hit a “grand slam” and won the game for his team.

“That day,” said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, “those 18 boys reached their level of God’s perfection.”

Story was taken from a book called “The power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Even though it has been a few year since the first time I’ve read that story every time I reread it I find my eyes tearing up from the sheer beauty of the story. The story is such a beautiful example of God’s perfection truly is. Those 18 boys a long with Shaya all reached that level of God’s perfection. They became exactly what God made them to be. If Shaya himself wasn’t perfect then he wouldn’t have been able to bring that perfection that God represents out of those boys so yes, Shaya himself reached that level as well. To be aligned with the God that lives within us and all around us is to obtain that level of perfection which we all crave. God has never made a “flawed” creation in all eternity. We were literally made in God’s imagine and also we come straight from God so that makes us exactly like what we come from. We have all of the unlimited ability that our Source has; we are One with our Source so this means that we are of Love (Love is exactly what God is). God’s perfection shines bright within the words of the “Shaya” story and it shines bright in all of us as well. Never for get who’s you are and more importantly Who you are. Keep on shining!!!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tall wave (ego based)

A professor from Columbia University came to have lunch and a very intriguing conversation with Paramhansa Yogananda in 1950. In my opinion Yogananda is one of the enlightened, God realized saint whom blessed the earth with his presence, knowledge and wisdom. He was a great example of what it means to live in the grips of Love. His teachings are amazing, enlightening and much more. Here is a small bit of this amazing conversation. There is much truth and wisdom to be gained within these words.

The Columbia professor had a probing mind. Among many questions, he asked, “How do you distinguish between yourself and your followers?All are waves on the same, one ocean, “the Master (Yogananda) replied, “composed, as ocean water is, of the same substance: Spirit. Some of the waves are higher than others. Some waves don’t even want to distance themselves from the ocean. All waves, no matter how high, are in essence one and the same. The difference between the guru and the disciples, then, lies only in their respective closeness to the ocean: in how conscious each one is of his essential reality. The greater the sense of ego, the taller the wave, and the greater, in consequence, the ignorance. The greater one’s awareness of the ocean as one’s sole reality, the smaller the wave, and also the less his sense of having separate individuality.” Professor: “Is there a difference, then, of evolution?” The Master: “That much is true, if we understand evolution to mean a progressive refinement of awareness. The tall waves participate more exuberantly in the play of delusion. The little waves, which are more enlightened, are no longer excited but the play. Enlightened beings enjoy everything, not for itself, but as a ‘play’ of God’s. Professor: “Is there any end to evolution?” The Master replied, “ No end. You go on until you achieve endlessness.” “Is man important in the scheme of things?” the professor asked. “Man is important in one sense only," the Master replied. “He was made in the image of God: That is his importance. He is not important for his body, ego, or personality. His constant affirmation of ego-consciousness is the source of all his problems.

There isn’t much more that I need to add on to this conversation. The truth in these words will shine with a light that will blind all who are accustomed to the darkness of a limited fear based thought process. Absorb the wisdom found in the Master’s words so that you may realize and remember who and what you really are. After that is achieved all out happiness will be a pond you, waiting for you to claim it.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fly your dreams like a kite

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new county.

Anais Nin
Our dreams are messages to us which tell us what our wants and our needs are within our lives. Our dreams reveal to us what we truly want to gain, do, have, or get accomplished in this life experience. Those very dreams truly do make the expressed wants that they reveal just as much a part of us as our blood cells are to our blood. This aspect of dreaming may be something that more of us just aren’t truly aware of. Our dreams are already a part of us, we already have what we want and need (and this includes our dreams too) within us. But still our dreams may not manifest themselves into our physical reality. One of the main reason for this may be that some of us just worrying too much that we’ll never gaining our dreams in our physical reality. So the best way to evade all of the “worrying” (or for that matter to not even have any hopes that our dreams will manifest) is to “throw our dreams into space like a kite” and simply let them fly as they may. It’s in the dreaming which begins it all; then it’s in the letting go of the dream and knowing that the dream is within our reach which will gain the attainment of the dreams. If we want to gain a new life all we need to do is have a knowing that it is already a part of us and then allow it to manifest itself for us. If we concentrate on the actual dream to much we’ll lose sight of why we even had the dream in the first place. The dream is already a part of us, we don’t want to start attaching ourselves to an outcome because in doing so we will bring all these other aspect within the dream to our thoughts which will have nothing to do with the reason of the dream in the first place. Throwing our dreams into space like a kite means simply letting them fly where they may without any attachments to any type of outcome. So the next time you have a dream simply just dream the dream freely without concentrating on the outcome (let it go). Simply spend some time sitting in silence just mentally visualizing the dream already being manifested and then let it go and let it be. When sitting in silence truly own the dream, use that time to make the dream a part of you (because it actually already is anyway) and then just move on with the day and with your life. Have a knowing that the dream is already a pond you (no matter how improbable or impossible it may seem) and just trust that the universe (like you trust in the universe to give you air, water and food everyday) will have the dreams manifested on to you. Watch a new life manifest before your eyes (that’s if a new life is what your dreams entail). Watch how you will recognize opportunities which you may not have recognized before manifest before you and then you’ll simply need to take advantage of them (the recognizing of opportunities is done with a clear mind which is a mind that isn’t so bent on attachment to outcome). Watch how the angels of your dreams will find their way into your life experience. These angels will present the opportunities which will lead to your dreams being attained and then you WILL recognize them for what they are like never before (these opportunities have always been there before they just weren’t recognized, they were always there). Just let it go, go with the flow and claim ownership of you dream. Let your dreams go, throw those dreams out there in the wind as if they were a kite and then just relax and watch what happens. These dreams will manifest in the EXACT way that you see fit (have faith that this will happen and your dreams will manifest into your physical reality), just watch.


Monday, October 12, 2009

The changing seasons of life

Autumn to winter, winter into spring, Spring into summer, summer into fall, So rolls the changing year, and so we change; Motion so swift, we know not that we move.

James Russell Lowell

Seasons come and seasons go and we accept that this occurs. We accept the change that comes with different seasons and also we dress and act accordingly to this change in seasons. Change in the seasons is inevitable and we recognize this as fact. We don’t run around in shorts when there is snow on the ground nether do we amble around in one hundred degree weather with a coat stuffed with goose feathers on ether. If we did then first off we wouldn’t be too comfortable and also it would just make our lives more difficult. Now as life goes on we as well go through personal life changes. What since does it make for anyone to simply live in a place, or season that doesn’t now exist? Seasons of live change just like seasons of nature change. It makes no since to try and hold onto or live in a pass life season just as it makes no since to run around in the dead of winner with summer shorts on. Relationships, jobs, and all other past life situations may have been true at one time but that doesn’t mean that they will always be. Things will always change regardless; it doesn’t matter if they were good or bad. Situations will always move forward just like water does in a river. If I go to a river and step in the water and then I return to that river five minutes later and step in the water I will not be stepping in the same river. Those waters which I stepped in five minutes ago would have moved on, it would be silly to think that we are stepping in the same waters within the river time after time. The river doesn’t try to remain, it naturally moves on. It doesn’t attach itself to being of one water it lets the flow of the waters move easily and naturally. This is the nature of all things and this is also the nature of us. Movement will occur; everything that happens within our lives will move to another aspect, nothing is forever within the same manner. We as people grow and change, for us as growing and changing beings to try and attach ourselves to the way things “use” to be is so unnatural, it’s unnatural just as it’s unnatural for the winter to act like summer or for a running river to always have the same waters within it. This is where letting go should comes in to play for us. This is where non-attaching comes in to play as well. Happiness is the reason for life and movement is part of this happiness. Personally I have had people who were once in my life and are not in my life anymore. It’s not that there was something wrong with these moved on folks, we’ve all just moved on to the next us, the season of these certain people being in my life has ended so it would be silly for me to cling onto that one season of life and hoping for it to always be. Things change; evolution will occur simple and plan. These changes are needed; we need to grow into the next us, a part of us needs to die away so that the next part of us will manifest. This needs to happen, this needs to occur just as the seasons do. My love for all who comes in my life will always remain constant (I will always want the best for them) so in that token it would be unfair for me to try and make someone stay in my life if their growth dictates otherwise. It wouldn’t serve anyone just as it wouldn’t serve me if I wore those summer shorts in the dead of winter. Things will always change, the good times and the bad times will come and go as they may, they will die away so other situations can be born in their place. To realize this and to let things go as they may is the definition of a stress free, happy life. To know that no matter how bad things are that they will change is a gift in itself. With this we’ll never lose hope because we will know that there is something more coming for us. The river doesn’t worry that new waters will not come. It is just the way of things, nothing stays stagnant, everything moves. The seasons change and people do as well. It isn’t fair to try and keep a growing individual from growing simply because there is a “fear” that they will leave your life experience (how small is that!!). Let them go, let them fly and wish for the best of them. Like I said, change will occur so if that person was meant to be in your life then they will find their way back into your life. When they do, a new season of life will be born and the happiness that you’ve always wanted for yourself will become a reality. Let things go as they may and know that heaven (happiness) is always a pond us. The seasons will always change, accept that and move forward with life.
