Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Within this year 2011

Within this year I’ve seen folks try and hurt each other not knowing that all they were doing was appeasing a demon that lurks within. I’ve have my ups and downs and I’ve wished for situations that have not yet occurred. I’ve looked towards the sky and I’ve asked the questions that I thought I would never ask. But even so and with all of my dilemmas and situations I have something that keeps me going and keeps hope a live and it only grows stronger with each day. This something that I hold dearly and that gives me that hope is God and within me I maintain my faith. It may seem that this God character doesn’t exist and I do have a love and a strong belief in the sciences but when push comes to shove who cares. What I consider God is something that can never be disproven because I don’t believe in a man that sits in the clouds and judges us. I simply believe in the power of Love which to me is the road to all that is good and all that is joyous. I love the fact that life is a mystery and my belief in God isn’t for reassurance. It’s not there to give me a comforting feeling about death; it’s not there so that I can feel good about myself because I feel that those who have died whom I care about and love are in a “better” place. My belief is about life and living, about strength and faith and most of all it’s about Love. It’s about knowing that life is on purpose and that everything that occurs in life was meant and has happened for the benefit of life. It’s about living because I think that God and life are one in the same. It’s about oneness as well because in order to truly want greatness for all is to see oneself in that all itself. It’s about happiness, the sheer feeling of it and when I say happiness I mean the type that is everlasting. It’s not about attaching myself to an outside belief for more reassurance on life and the way things will turn out for me, like I said, I enjoy that fact that life and everything in it is a mystery. This way I am able to grow more freely then I would if I simply knew it all. I feel that my enlightenment began when I realized that God isn’t something that is separate and apart from me and then it got stronger when I accepted the mystery called life. So as this year comes to a close I say that I enjoy and revel in the mystery. I don’t need to believe in some super man who lives in the sky with promises that would be revealed to me when I die if I happen to pick the right religion. To me death is something that is just as important to the universe as life and they are in a way one. You can’t have one without the other and if death was a bad thing then it would only happen to bad people. I do have my beliefs about what may happen to us after we die but if someone was to come to me with cold hard facts that all of my beliefs about death were wrong I wouldn’t be upset because I don’t claim any attachments to my beliefs. They are what they are and I will continue to learn about them and grow within them. But let’s say that there really is no type of consciousness after life just as the atheist say, so what is what I say to that. So all that means is the worst thing that could happen to me after I die is that I feel nothing, what’s so bad about that? I mean if you feel nothing you won’t have to go through hard times and you won’t have to feel pain anymore so why is it so bad? Is it bad because the nothingness that we may feel after we die is something of the unknown? As if you “know” what will occur in your life tomorrow or even within the next moment. Some terrorist could drop a bomb on your house and this bomb could maybe not be enough to kill you but it may just burn you so bad that you may have to go through the rest of your life disfigured. Poison gas could be leaking out of some pipe under your house right now slowly killing brain cells and you may wake up tomorrow not knowing who you are. Anything could happen within even the next moment and the next moment just like life will always be unknown. Do you fear the next moment? Do you fear the next year to come? So why fear something that is going to happen to you one day simply because it may entail the unknown? There you go, nothing to it and with this year I will go in to the next one holding God within my heart and radiating what I feel he stands for. I will live for him which means I will live for Love and I will growth within that space within my very own mysterious life. I will maintain faith in good and I will maintain and believe in the goodness that dwells in everyone. I will continue to grow and gain strength within myself and I invite everyone else to do the same. I feel that we are all one still, its call the universe not the multiverse so let’s start acting like it and make this happiness that we all crave for a reality. What a year it’s been and we all are going to go into the next one in mystery whether we accept it or not and man what a beautiful feeling it is going to be!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Own it to change it

“I have learned from experience that happiness is an acquired skill. There is always something to complain about, even in the best of times. And there is always something to celebrate, even in the worst of times. Happiness is not an objective reality so much as a subjective decision. Chronic complainers miss the boat.”(Marianne Williamson)

If I decide to claim being a victim I am submitting my situation to chance in other words I am taking the easy way out which tends to lead to roads of suffering. If I wallow in a pool of regret and I blame everything that happens in my life on me how can I move forward from the situation? How can I move at all if I am living in a place to blame, that my friend would be me living in a place that doesn't exist. In order for me to even consider my blameful situation I would have to use my mind and place the siuation in the now, why would I do that? But if I am not to blame myself and if I am to take full responsiblities for my action how is this to be done. By owning my situaiton and also by letting it go. If I own my siutation I am able to make a change whether for better or worst. To say, "yes I did cause this and I don't like this so now I will change this to a more preferable outcome" would work in everyone's benefit. So in closing I want to just say that we are only victims if we claim to be as such. We are able to preceive a situation any way we chose to. I chose to preceive every situation an oppurtunity for growth and growth in life is always for my benefit. Why sit and complain? Learn, grow stronger and move forward to that place which always dictates joy.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Remain childlike

Adults kill dreams and believe they are doing it for the best interest of another because the other person isn’t being “realistic”. Adults think they know everything because they’re “grown” so you can’t tell them anything because if you do they will say, “don’t talk to me that way I’m a grown man/woman”. Adults spend over half the day almost every day working at jobs they don’t like then they give half the money they earn away to bill collectors then lie to themselves and say things like, “I work hard to support myself and my family”. The only reason they spend over half their lives doing something they despise is because they are afraid to stop because they don’t know what will happen if they do. Adults stay in dead end relationships and keep people around them that bring them down simply because it’s what they “know” and what they are used to. Adults are afraid to step out of their comfort zone no matter how bad their comfort zone may be. They work too much and don’t play enough. In other words adults SUCK!
A child knows that having fun and being happy is the most important thing in the world and will always dream. Life was meant to be enjoyed and children know this, Einstein once said that the reason he made all of his discoveries was because he never stopped thinking like a child. Being humble, smiling, laughing these are all things that children embrace. I don’t see myself ever “growing up” from any of this. I will always dream and follow my heart, I will do things I enjoy, things that truly helps my soul expand and I still am trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I will humbly remain in the mystery of life because I know I don’t know everything and I will embrace that as fact in a childlike and mature manner. I won’t whine about people or relationships that I chose to be in and around, what since does that make? And I don’t mind stepping out of my comfort zone because I know that outside of it is where my growth occurs. Your opinion about me is not my concern and never will be, as a 33 year old child I will simply be truthful to myself and remain in that positive place. I say join me and never grow up!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The optical delusion of separation

"A human being is a part of the whole called the “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of…consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affections for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in all its beauty, Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."  (Albert Einstein)

For me this quote by Einstein really hit home because it makes a point to speak on what life should have within it for everyone. It’s too often that yea, we help our family and friends when they are in need but if someone who we don’t know asks us for a favor we turn our noises up. I remember an incident that occurred in front of a 7 11 which is a quickie market for all of you who may not know. This gentleman whom was dressed in kind of dirty clothes asked another person who was entering the story could he have any change that the person who was entering the store could offer. Do you know what? The man who got asked the question said in a very rude tone, “No man go away.” As the man whom asked the question started to go the other man quickly said, “hey man, why don’t you go get a job and stop asking people for money? It’s because you are too lazy to work huh?” Then man whom asked the question in the first place replied, “Hey, I have been trying to find work” then the other man simply uttered quietly to himself, “yea right you bum” and walked into the store. Now was all of that necessary? I mean if he didn’t want to give the man any money he should have just said no and left it at that. Who knows what the man who was begging had gone through in his life? Who knows what type of upbringing he had, who knows what wrong doing may have occurred within his life. It’s a wonder that people are so judgmental to others when the truth of the matter may be that if they would have gone through half of the things that the person who they are judging went though they may be in a worst off condition.

When I look at a person whether it is someone I know or not I can always see a spark of myself within them. I know that they have good in them and if they are in a messed up situation they didn’t consciously choose it. At times in life we all do walk down the wrong roads and then we tend to find ourselves in a slump. When I was around 26 years old or so I made some horrible decisions with my money and because of those decisions I nearly got evicted from my apartment. There was a time when I fell behind on my electric bill payments and it got shut off for a day. Times when I have done things in the pass that may have caused hurt and pain to others. I have been in slumps plenty of times in my life and I’ve been in that sad place. These situations do tend to make us stronger once we get through them but they do occur for all of us. You can’t judge someone in a way that you aren’t judging yourself anyway because we really can’t give out what we don’t have within ourselves.

To come to a realization that we all are One in this world is to come to a freeing insight. Some people hang around only people that they have known for a long time. Some people never leave there neighborhoods, they never venture out so that they may broaden their horizon and to me this is ashame. They never give to a person who looks as if they are in need, instead they judge, assuming that the person is just going to go and use the money that they may give them for drugs. How can anyone make a judgment on what the person will use the money for? I say if you have it and someone asks, if giving a person a little money isn’t going to hurt you financially you should give to them every single time no matter how the person may look. You have no right to judge anyone, you don’t know what they have gone through or if they are going to use the money for food or not, if you were in their shoes you may be the one who would be on the drugs. Plus even if they are on drugs who gave you the right to tell them that it is wrong for them to do the drugs. I say this, at lease this person won’t break in someone’s car or house looking for something to sell so that they may appease their drug habit. My house and car has been broken into before and for the things that were taken I am assuming a person simply did the act so they would have something to sell for money for drugs, or maybe for food who knows but imagine what would have happened if when that very person asked a stranger for some money and they would’ve just given it to them? That person may not have broken into my car (the repairs cost more money than what the person took) or my house. Think about it that way.

Again (this statement needs to be repeated plenty of times) we all are One. Yes I do love certain people who are in my life but I have love for everyone to whom I meet and even those that I don’t. This light of love is bright enough to shine on everyone, not just the people that I know on a personal level. We are all One with the universe because we are made of the same stuff as the universe is. We are made of energy just as the universe and even the particles which make up our bodies can be found in space. We are One with each other, with all of the plants and animals. We are One with people who live in a way that we may not understand, that aspect of them does live in us and remember, if we were to have gone through whatever that person went through then we probably would be similar to that person if not the same. We are all One, One universe One Love and One light and we all need to start acting that way. Animals like that ants who come together as One and live in harmony have been around a lot longer than animals who don’t live in this way because it is all of our true natures and it is the way of things. So remember, every time you make a negative judgment on a person you are simply calling out an aspect of yourself that you simply don’t like. Why not give away a smile or a little cash, some food and some insight that is worth getting. Why not be love, share love and look at everyone to whom you meet as a part of yourself. If everyone thought this way there would be no wars, no robbing, no murders and no issues in this world. This Oneness thing is the answer to all of the issue that we are having and it is a spiritual thing; it’s an inner thing so let’s get it started. Remember, we are all One. ONE LOVE!!!


It makes no since to be a hypocrite!

A woman once went to Gandhi to ask a favor. When she arrived within Gandhi’s presence she said, “Please tell my son to stop eating sugar because he eats too much of the stuff.” Gandhi instructed the woman to come back in two weeks and ask of him the request. So in two weeks the woman returned and once again made her request. Gandhi quickly said to the boy, “Stop eating sugar.” The woman then asked why Gandhi didn’t say this in the first place two weeks ago and Gandhi replied, “Because two weeks ago I was eating sugar”.

In any situation or within any circumstance it makes no since to become a hypocrite in order to have your wishes meant. Change is an inner thing and one cannot claim a change unless one undergoes a change within themselves. Everyone wants the best for their loved ones. We all want the best for our friends and family, for our children and for any children that look up to us so we may give orders to these people so that they will find health and happiness in a way that would bring greatness to life for them. But as I stated before, being a hypocrite in any circumstance makes no since and is just as dishonest as telling a bold face lie. Hypocrisy is truly on the same level as thievery because you are stealing something that you cannot possibility claim because you don’t practice it within your own life. Let me say it again, being a hypocrite makes no since in life, none at all.

So don’t try that “they should do what I say and not what I do” mess because (and I don’t mean to sound negative when I say this but this truth needs to be spoken) that is just plain dumb. If you smoke and you don’t want your child to start smoking then I suggest you kick the habit first. If you are having premarital sex and you want you a child to wait until they get married to have sex you really need to kick yourself in the pants. If you drink and you feel that I should stop drinking so that I may think a little clearer and not make dumb decisions well…what I said speaks for itself because if you decide to make a statement like that to me or anyone you are doing just what you don’t want me to do. So come on people, you cannot sit somewhere and tell someone that they need to stop doing something that you do yourself. If you want your spouse to be more loving YOU BECOME MORE LOVING FIRST and I don’t care if you are the most loving person you know. Don’t ask of others of something that you don’t do yourself. Because (and I know I said this already but I am going to say it again) that is just plain stupid!

Everything that you want someone else to do for their personal betterment you should want for yourself. Yes I do tell people they need to adapt a workout regimen so that they will live a life of wellness but do you know what? I work out myself. I tell people they should eat healthy and I do so myself. I tell people that they should be more loving because every day I work on becoming more loving myself. I tell others to have an open mind on things because my mind is open. I say that people should read and learn something every day because this is what I do. But do you seriously think that I would tell someone that they should wait until they get married to have sex? No because I didn’t do that myself. I don’t tell people that they shouldn’t drink because I like to drink some wine a few days a week myself. So in closing of this blog I just want everyone to seriously be the change that you would like to see occur. With that you yourself will make this world a more loving place to live and then after you have made the change within yourself you can start spreading a message of the same change but still, not in a forceful way ether. The best way to spread any message is not to speak it anyway but to simply do it. You will have an easier time convincing more people to follow a certain change if they see the benefits that it has in your life anyway.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life arising in suffering

"When I was young I believed that life might unfold in an orderly way according to my hopes and expectations. But now I understand that the way winds like a river are always changing ever onward following God’s gravity towards the great Sea of being. My journeys revealed that the way itself creates the warrior, that the very path leads to peace, every choice to wisdom and that life has always been and will always be arising in mystery." ( Quote is from the book 'The Journey of Socrates' by Dan Millman)

I loved and then I lost and following wondered why or how it could have occurred. I was kind and they made fun of me, poked at me because I didn't think or act like them. I was too shy at times and missed out on a great much in my younger days. I felt lost but I still had this spark within that dictated to me that I deserved love and only love and with that my happiness would be found. Lost and alone, confused and upset I set off on a journey that would forever change my life. Love ones have passed and many loses have occurred, I've been rob and stolen from, I've been placed to the side as if I was a pain within another’s life and with all of that and because of the spark I still chose love. Then with that decision I arose from it all like a phoenix from the ash. I realized that with the pain came pleasure, I grew and became stronger, I researched, started to read more and study to widen my mind but most of all and most importantly I decided to take a glace within. To find something that was never lost, to come up the mountain of life and to reach the peak and then on arrival come to a realization that this peak was actually just the beginning and I had a long way to go. I became a warrior of such, to fight the battles that were brewing within and to take charge. In this war I captured the flag from the enemy within and brought it to base so that my lieutenant would give me horror and reward, the flag I took is love and my lieutenant is God. I brought Love to a Loving place, I allowed Love to realign with itself because all and all, God is Love anyway. But these battles that were fought all unfolded within. With that I learned that heaven is within and so are the burning pits of hell. I then understood that everything that occurs in life is for my higher purpose and benefit. No matter how harsh it became, it was for my benefit because life is about the simple joys of the matter anyway. It’s not about the suffering but sometimes in order to reach a destination I may have to walk through a few storms here and there. But to say that my destine place was for the storms is to not see the truth at hand; BUT to gain an understanding that these storms may be part of the journey and also to gain an acceptance of this fact is to gain a simple and needed peace. So with these words yes life in itself does arise in mystery just as your mother went through her birth pains to bring you into this world. Just as our greatest God realized masters have gone through certain types of suffering so that you could gain insights and become free. Do you think that Jesus' life was simply about the hanging on the cross or the love and light that he brought to the world? But even though his life wasn't simply about the suffering the suffering had to occur so that his mission could be accomplished. His life just like yours and mine is about the joys and the happiness. Happiness is the key to life and the only way to gain happiness is through Love. Sometimes it does takes a big pile of shit to fertilize a blossom for growth just as it takes the mess of suffering at times to bring forth the Love and the beauty that life was meant to become for you and me. Remember that and take it in strive to realize that everything that happens in life is for your greater benefit and always, always be and radiate love; I simply can’t say that statement enough!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Being proactive!

Its one thing to act in response to what another's actions would entail and it's another to ONLY act in response of what another's actions would entail. In my life I have truly never been a simple reactive person. At one time I was a person who didn't act at all to any situation, simply sitting in my own fear shell making a dying instead of a living and in many ways being that way is worst then being a reactive person but I still am not excusing the reactors of the world. We all have a purpose, a dharma, a personality and a place in the universe. If we only react to others then we are simply puppets with strings that the person who we are reacting to made the actions are pulling in the first place.

Let me quickly explain what a reactive and a proactive person is. A reactive person is a person who doesn't do anything or make a move unless it is off of another. You can easily control an individual whom has this personality trait. Just simply insult their mother (you don't even have to know their mother) or there girlfriend or there kid. Insult their ethnicity, their religion, their life philosophy and they will act in a way of anger and probably attack you. Or say something sweat to them, this will make them smile, say something that goes with their life's philosophy and they will love you (not real love by the way). Say something nasty and they will cringe, say something so called smart and they will come up to you with admiration. Don't take a person like this out anywhere to have fun. If you do and this is a dancing spot they will wait until everyone in the spot is dancing before they even begin, if you take them to a eating establishment, even though this person may be hungry and the food is out they will still wait for someone else to grab the first chicken wing before they make an attempt to eat. If they want a raise at a job they will wait for two or three other employees whom do the same task as them to ask before they even make an attempt. Even though they may be interested in a certain individual on a future significant other level they will wait until someone else gains interest before they do something. That is a reactive person and to me a person like this is nothing but a puppet.

Then you have a proactive person. A person who has control over their lives. A person who isn't going to wait for people to start dancing before they dance, a person who will grab the chicken if they are hungry and the chicken is out even if no one else will grab a piece, a person that will make a move on an individual whom may be a future significant other even if no one else show interest, a person who will ask for that raise the moment they feel they deserve it. This is a person who truly Loves themselves and who really embodies the meaning of a strong individual. This is a person who even if they don't acknowledge it does radiate what God is and means to the fullest. This also is a person who I can admire to the fullest.

So there it is. I put this in my post because I want more proactive people in the world then reactive. Reactive people don' t really live and have no control over there actions. Why would you put your life and the actions you take in someone else's hands? I want all to read this post and to say yes, I want to be proactive no matter how weird I made seem or how afraid I may be. Have courage, love yourself enough to take that power that you have within and use it to make your life exactly what God put you on this earth to make it. Do it, be proactive, take that chance, love that person, go get that raise, heal the world and make it shine from the inside out!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

shades of grey exist

"The good guys and bad guys aren't as easy to tell apart as I used to think they were. You can't look at someone with your eyes and take their measures. You have to look with the heart"

As I finished reading a fiction series of books which I have been reading for the past four months I came across this quote which was literally the last sentence at the end of the last book in the series and I couldn't help but realize and feel the truth that those very words held. So remember, as we go about our days working to make a living and to do what is just for our friends and family to judge someone simply for their stark actions or by their appearance alone simply doesn't begin to define what's really brewing within a person's soul. There is a saying that goes like this, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck" and I have to say that things simply aren't that simple. Come to everyone you encounter with a heart full of love and an openness to accept them. Look at them in a grand light, a light which can only shine goodness and go with the feeling that you gain from them instead of simply their actions and physical appearance. Look with your heart instead of your eyes and you will see a beauty that isn't seen by many but a beauty that is more real then any other beauty that exist. There are shades of gray in the whole scheme of things so to see a person's try nature you really do need to use that heart of yours and open those eyes of the heart to see the in real sight. So as we go with our weeks of struggles and life lessons we should take heed and gain the lesson of the heart so that we are able to see the true loving intentions that we may miss if only looking with our eyes which have more so been dirtied by this fear based world that we find ourselves in anyway. Look with the heart, not simply the eyes and the truth of it all will be told in full.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Light Breeze (by Rumi)

Tonight as I sat, reading poems by Rumi I came across a poem that I feel I must share with all whom comes across my blog post. I need not say anything else about this beautiful poem because it truly does speak for itself.

As regards feeling pain, like a hand cut in battle, consider the body a robe you wear. When you meet someone you love, do you kiss their clothes? Search out who's inside. Union with God is sweeter than body comforts. We have hands and feet different from these. Sometimes in dream we see them. That is not illusion. Its seeing truly. You do have a spirit body. Don't dread leaving the physical one. Sometimes someone feels this truth so strongly that he or she can live in mountain solitude totally refreshed. The worried, heroic doings of men and women seem weary and futile to dervishes enjoying the light breeze of spirit.


That inner growth

If not for that inner growth I would not even bother. Yea, I workout a lot but if only to appease the vanity, I would not even dare. If not for that inner growth I would not even try. I make an effort to express Love because of that inner aspect, this is where worlds are created from mere dreams and passions are discovered. That inner aspect, where my true soul mate lies, where heaven dwells with all of its perfections. That inner growth is the only true growth. Allow your inner dwellings to sprout as a plant from a seed and then water it with the essence of Love which is the food that this inner aspect does crave. That inner growth is the only true growth that exist. Its best you realize that now before its too late!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The blasphemy challenge???

While surfing YouTube to see what new videos might be going viral I came across this one video which for some reason I checked out. Now I'm not going to spend a lot of time or energy writing about this subject because I kind of thing its silly but within the subject I feel a message that we all need to embrace could be learned. Let me get to the point. In the video this lady sat in front of a camera to say that she denies God. She just wanted to let the world know that she denies God or any other deity because to her they aren't real and they are stupid. She claimed that religion makes people wait to die to get rewards and she wanted to live. When I heard this message I thought that it was simply a waste of time and silly. I mean why would you spend time and energy to deny something that you don't believe in? If it doesn't exist then why deny it? Something inside of you does believe in what you are denying if you need to deny it in the first place. If I enjoy my life I don't need to say, "I deny unhappiness in life" because if I did that then its like I really don't enjoy life and am trying to convince that aspect that lives within me which is telling me that life really is an unhappy experience. I mean I don't sit around and deny Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, I simply don't believe in them, they don't exist so why spend any time and energy denying them? Belief is a verb, to believe in something is to hold something in your brain as in you need to give thought to something if you believe in it point blank. When we deny or believe in something we are simply using two sides of the same coin in our efforts, its all the same. If I put thought to something I am putting thought to something whether it be negative or positive and I am still promoting it regardless. This is why in the world of entertainment they say any press is good press. This is why when a movie or book is slammed in the media of being bad or evil they usually do better then they would have done if the people who didn't agree with the message would have kept their mouths shut in the first place.

I say just be love. I for my personal reasons do believe in God. With all that I know and learned, all that I have experienced and done within life and through my simple perception a lone I can't help but believe in God. But this belief that I have in God works for me and is my decision for my life. If one doesn't want to believe in a god then fine but if there is no God then why even bother speaking on it at all? Just believe in what you believe in. There is no point in trying to insult or bring down someone elses beliefs because anyone who tries to bring another person down in any way is just looking for company. If one thinks highly of themselves and their beliefs then they try and uplift others, if one thinks of themselves as something low and ugly they will try to bring others down to their level so they won't be a lone. Love is the way, the answer and Love is happiness. I say God is Love but if you don't want to say that or believe that, fine. Just believe in Love. Be loving and life will be better, express love and you will receive more love in life. Just be love. If you feel you can be Love without religion, fine, but if you are expressing Love you are a person who really wants all to find Love and express it as well even if they need some guidance from a religion to do so. Religion does help a lot of people find themselves so I won't down religion. I am not a religious person but that is just me. I am spiritual but not religious but again, that is just my take on things. So to end this blog post I will say this, believe in what you believe in and leave everything else a lone because if you put energy and thought into something you don't believe in you actually do believe in it whether you want to admit it or not. This blasphemy challenge is so silly anyway. All these people who take part in the blasphemy challenge are simply trying to piss off people who chose to believe in God so that those people can feel angry, thus bringing a God believing person's energy down to the level of the so called "denying" person's. Express Love and Love only, gain understanding on why some people need religion within their lives and others don't and simply respect it. If you spend time denying a god you are just as bad as a person who sits and tries to force a belief of god down some one's throat. You are all in the same boat and don't even know it. Simply be love and all will be well.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

We can live in a great economy now

If a person who lives in a place with a booming economy believes that he or she lives in a place with a horrid economy that person will experience just that as fact. If a person whom lives in a country that has a so called perfect economy reads newspapers and watches only television shows from a country that has a bad economy that person will live as if they are in the country with the bad economy thus manifesting horrid economic situations for themselves. WE ARE OUR ECONOMY AND THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE THE ECONOMY IS TO CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS TOWARDS IT POINT BLANK. The economy isn't like birds that migrate south every winter, it has nothing to do with nature and it doesn't even exist outside of us. There isn't a political leader that can change the economy if the people who are counting on him continue to hold on to the thought that the economy stinks. So this is what I want everyone who reads this blog post to do. I want YOU to truly start believing that we live in a great economy and I want you to do it NOW. The media does brain wash us, it plants memes (mind viruses) in our heads and because of this we are controlled but this doesn't have to be the case. Let's change this so called economic crisis of ours right now by simply gaining a knowing that we all have the power to do so. So in closing I want everyone who reads this blog post to repeat after me, WE LIVE IN A GREAT COUNTRY WITH A GREAT ECONOMY. It is just that easy.

Always be and remain in a place called Love because Love rules all. Love even rules the economy and a loving economy is a great one.


Claim your issues!

I know a person who falls a sleep all of the time and even though this is constantly occurring he doesn't accept the fact that this sleeping thing may be an issue of his. He tends to put it off on him not getting enough sleep at night or it being late or even him drinking and so forth. In other words he puts his issues off on outside sources, they are never of him so he keeps the deluded feeling that anyone and everyone would act the way that he does so he doesn't have to do anything about it and that falling asleep in the middle of a conversation when he is the one talking or falling asleep in a loud club with all types of people dancing around him is normal. I looked into the sleep issue for him and presented some ideas of what it may be, he shot the ideas down cold and is still living in this la la land of his.

No one is exempt from what I am about to say so listen up. We all have issues, all of us. I have a skin issue and if I never acknowledge this, I would have a body odor issue just to name a few of my own. If I were to name all of the issues I have I would be able to start a blog post named "My Issues" and it would be a very long blog post too. But this doesn't mean I am not healthy or that something is wrong with me, it doesn't even mean that my issues are truly my fault at all.

In a very, very, very metaphysical aspect everything that I am and everything that I will become is my fault and my doing so in a way I believe that our issues are our fault but in a very metaphysical way. This doesn't mean that we are totally conscious of how our issues manifested within our realities so in saying this there is no point in blaming ourselves for our issues. We may have physical issues, mental issues and so forth, I believe that we all have some of both of the aspects that I named that issue derive from. But even though the metaphysical does exist I will never say that it is truly a person's fault that fears men in general because they were raped as a child. I will never say that for the most part children with cancer hold any of the blame for their condition, I will never sit and say because people are starving in the world they should hold there heads in shame, I just won't do it because on a conscious level they are not to blame. But if an issue is had the best way to do something about it is to claim it and admit to yourself that YES you do have an issue. If you don't claim your issues then you will never be able to do anything to rectify them.

So that is what it is about, claim it so that you have a chance to change it. Everything that we are is apart of us, it makes no since for anyone to allow the ego to have them believe that an issue that they have isn't theirs. Ever since I was a child I have had an issue with my sweating and because of it when I became of age and since I am not a small person I had an issue with my body odor. I could have said to myself, "I don't stink" and just lived in that deluded place but imagine if I did do that. I would be walking around at my age today stinking. I may have a strong body odor but I can honestly say that I really don't smell bad and this is because I claimed my body odor issue a long time ago. My mother told me that as a baby I use to just lay in the crib and sweat for no reason so do you think it was truly my choosing to be this way? But even so, I still claimed the fact that yes, I stink. Me claiming this drove me to do research on the issue and to come up with a solution to it so that it wouldn't run my life. It took me a few embarrassing moments too because I didn't come up with a solution for my odor issue over night. But still imagine what I would be today if I would have never acknowledged the issue in the first place?

A lot of people try to be and live this lie that our fear based society has deemed normal in such a way that they deny aspects of themselves in this task thus rendering all control to chance. Well let me share a secret with you, no one is "normal". We all are different and yes, we all have issues, some which are down right embarrassing but this is only the case because so many of us believe in what this society of ours deems to be right or normal. So I have told you first hand, don't be embarrassed about your issues, claim them with pride. Claim them as if you were the person who chose them, claim them just as you would claim something of yourself that others would look up to. Own them and then if they are issues that could really cause problems in your life, change them. Once you own something it is yours to do what you like with, that is the key here and that is why there is no point in looking at something in a way that your egos or our society would have you look at it. Everything that you are is a part of you point blank. Overcoming our issues is an aspect of life that causes us to grow. They cause us to grow into stronger, wiser, more understanding, and more loving people. Nothing that is of you exist outside of you, it is all located within. Be Love and use that very Love that you have to rectify every issue that may hold you back from being all that you were meant to be in life.


Friday, June 10, 2011

The Blessing

The blessing could be found in a book or poem, it could be also found in a smile of a child or the meow of a kitten. The blessing could be acquired in nature, in giving, in caring, in sharing and the unnecessary selflessness that thrives to bring out world as it should be. The blessing is located within heaven: it lives in the perfection that could only be expressed through the truth at hand. The blessing is something that shows us who we are and also shows that we all deserve to gain all out happiness and joy within life. But the blessing has to be looked a pond not over. It has to be embraced just as if it was a small child which is a perfect example of innocence and joy. The blessing lives within all of us and was endowed within our hearts and souls the day that God breathed life into out feeble, earthly bodies making them divine at the very moment. The blessing has to be recognized to be gained, even in the harsh times and that light which the blessing promises to shine will find us and show a path which is ours for the keeping. This path is a path that can only lead us to our personal heaven which is a promise for all who keeps Love at the forefront within life. Receive this stark insight and with it you will get to know and understand the true living God and with that understanding you will always be in a place of living, seeing, expressing and being Love. The blessing is there within you and if only you would open yourselves up to receive it, then you would see that this gift called life and the blessing are one in the same. Gain your blessing, bless others and watch the world become a beacon of light and joy for all to cherish and thrive a pond

The Blessing, what a beautiful thing!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simply Love

"If I have faith that moves mountains but have not love, I am nothing" Corinthians 13:2

My faith which I have in you is as potent as it gets and with that, there is nothing that will stop me from reaching you. Happiness; that is your name and you are my sheer reason for life. Within her I find you, within passion you dwell with patience waiting for me to achieve, with health and strength you are there to see me through but with that faith a requirement is a mist. With me and within me something is leaving holes, blank spaces and I don't feel complete. But AH, it is you, Love that dwell within that hole, I just wasn't aligned and aware. Without Love I would be no more. Love created me and Love is all that lives within the truth of this universe. But of this love, it doesn't pout, it doesn't demand and it doesn't disappoint. Love is with me when I see her, Love is walking beside me while I pursue my passion and love is embedded in every strain of happiness and joy. So the message is short and simple tonight. Love is the key and always the answer. Yes, with faith one could literally moves mountains aside but without Love an empty space will remain where that mountain once stood. So have faith, have hope but most of all; be and express Love because it is your power and your true reason and Love is always all out joy.

"there is no fear in Love but perfect Love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in Love" 1 John 4:18

Love is all out perfection, strength and also...Love is the way so express it proudly and do it with faith that can and will move mountains.

Namaste and God bless

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ask questions of life and THINK before you believe!

A prediction was made not all that long ago that a "dooms day" would occur on May 21, 2011 which I didn't take seriously at all and thought no one else would ether, man was a wrong. Obviously I wasn't wrong about not taking the whole dooms day rumor serious otherwise I don't think I would be sitting here writing on this blog right now but the part that I was wrong about was the fact that I didn't think so many people would have taken it seriously as they did. Are people of the world so lost and in need of a leader or someone to follow so badly that they would listen to some guy who claims to know the day and time that the world would end, its crazy but it seems so.

There is nothing wrong with having a teacher or leader that teaches a particular spiritual or religious practice, as a matter of fact there are various people that I admire from various religions and various philosophies and they have all been great guides for me within my life and have shown me so much which has truly brought out something of love within me. But to be so lost in life that you follow a person who tells you some fear based information like the world is going to end and if you don't claim what he claims in the way he claims it you will burn and suffer isn't really a spiritual teacher at all, always remember this, love always empowers and fear disables. No matter who a true spiritual teacher is or what religion he or she claims to be part of or no matter what authority the individual may claim to have, if the so called wisdom that he or she is sharing doesn't feel as if it is giving you some sort of self empowerment he or she isn't a spiritual teacher at all. This is the easiest way to tell if someone is authentic or not, this is the way to tell if they are sharing REAL wisdom as in if this wisdom really does make YOU feel like a more powerful, free individual. This is the way and I don't understand or see how the person who started the dooms day rumor did this for anyone in a REAL since.

If one is to do research on the whole dooms day issue they would see that this idea is fairly new. Yes, it hasn't even been around for that long. Now there are verses in the bible that do speak of last days, raptures and such, but in order to understand these verses in full I believe that one needs to sit with them on there own, read them with an open mind and also do the research to learn and understand how people thought in the days that the passage was written. Everyone doesn't look at the bible as a spiritual book for themselves and this is a fact that I realize and respect to the fullest. Some people have the Koran, some have the Torah and some have other books that they hold dearly for the sake of there growth. Its up to you if you choose the bible or any other books, I myself do look at the bible as a book of spiritual truths but for me it's not the only so called spiritual book that I use on my path of enlightenment. My purpose of this blog is not to promote any particular religion or philosophy and also it isn't to put any of them down ether. My purpose in writing this or any other post that I write is a purpose that is surrounded by love and love only. If I learn something I share it with loving intentions, I make an attempt to empower everyone who reads my post to the fullest whether you believe in God or not. Love is what I am here to promote, not a certain religion but as I have said already I gain insight from various sources so I have used bible verses in my past blogs a long with sayings from other sources and will continue to do so. So in saying all of this it is up to you if you want to look at a person who claims to know what day the world will end as a leader or not but this is what I tell everyone; no matter what you feel will happen in the future (which doesn't even exist right now) or what you feel is truth or not, if you feel that the bible is literally the words of some god out there somewhere or if you look at it more so in a symbolic since remember that spiritually starts within, not on the outside of you.

Spirituality starts within. That is where it starts and that is what it is all about. Spirituality is about inner growth. Its about realizing that inner self and having it grow to everything that it was meant to grow into. Its about realizing your purpose, your strengths and your joys. It's about an inner growth and since everyone doesn't go through the same issues in life, speak the same languages, live in the same country, are exposed to the same media and don't come up in the same culture do you think that everybody's journey was meant to entail the same aspects in full? This is where I ran into a lot of walls back when I did consider myself under one particular religion. It seemed that within it, I was supposed to follow a certain set of rules, act a certain way, be a certain person and it was being told to me from an outside source. I couldn't be me because within the religion I was told to be something else already. I had questions and thoughts that were never answered and I also had thoughts that were thought of to be sinful or even blasphemous so what did I do with those? I covered them up and with that I didn't express a true aspect of who and what I truly was. When push came to shove and when all of the clouds settled I did and do still to this day believe in the love of Jesus, but he isn't the only one whose love I believe in and to me this doesn't take a damn thing away from him. To some people it does but not me and for those people I say keep up what you are doing if it does that growth thing for your inner self. No one can tell you what your purpose is because only you know that. No one can tell you what path to take in life because YOU only know that and a guide never tells the person that they are guiding where to go ether, remember that. If you asked me if I know how to get to 5th street all I can do is be a guide for you and tell you the best way that I know to get to that street. I'm not going to tell you, "You don't want to go to 5th street, let me tell you how to get to where you really want to go. You want to go to 8th street instead and I will show you the way to get there because if you go to 5th street you will burn." That isn't a guide at all, you didn't need me to tell you where to go because you already know where you need to go, you told me where you need to go and I simply told you the best way I know to get there. It is the same with spirituality and these so called guides. So if someone tells you that you need to believe in a certain philosophy in a certain way or if you don't then something really bad is going to happen to you why would you follow them in the first place? Why would you give them money so that they may spread a message of fear throughout the world? Why would you even give them a ear to listen? Where is the growth in that and seriously, does it make since to know when the world will end if it is going to end? What would be the point of having a judgement day if you knew the day anyway? How would you get judge if you knew, you wouldn't be judged off the authentic self you would be judged off of the person that you pretend to be when that day occurs, how silly is that and what is the point anyway?

As I said earlier if you feel that there is a god somewhere who judges and will judge you there is nothing wrong with believing that. Maybe that belief helps you to be the best person you can be so nothing wrong with it if it does that for you. I myself chooses to believe in a God that is all out love. To me true love is unconditional and unconditional means unconditional as in under any condition. I don't know if saying "yea god is unconditional but if you don't act and believe in him in a certain way you are going to be judged and burn in an eternal hell" is a god that is truly unconditional in his love, I mean what kind of free will or unconditional love is that anyway? Sounds pretty damn conditional if you ask me. What kind of god judges people anyway? Certainly not one that is "all forgiving". I mean if this god is all forgiving as certain individuals say he is why didn't he forgive the ones that are damned to an eternal hell? Also, if I am sitting in some hell burning everyday don't you think I would get use to the burning sensation? After that I don't think it would even be suffering to me anymore now would it? Do people ask themselves these types of questions before they believe in things of these types in a literally way?

If I had a child and they did something wrong, no matter how wrong I thought it was I would always forgive them and I would always want happiness for them. I don't think I would want them to suffer eternally if I truly loved them. I don't want anyone to suffer eternally, what kind of person would I be if I did. This individual who claimed to know when the world was going to end acted like he wanted the so called "wicket" people to suffer eternally and he wanted the people who agreed with his philosophy to gain the eternal bliss. What kind of spiritual leader is this???? I feel that love lives in all and in everyone and I want everyone to gain that feeling. I believe that when people do wrong they are being misguided therefore they are making mistakes. Why would I or anyone want someone to suffer eternally for a mistake? I mean I make mistakes all of the time and if I didn't make them I would never gain the opportunity to grow and become a better person. I've said wrong things and believed in false wisdom in my life but my question is who hasn't? I've made mistakes and I continue to make them day after day and because of them I grow. So if I was to make a mistake in believing in a god that doesn't exist or isn't real would the real God really punish me eternally for that error or forgive me and allow me to rectify that error? And for the people who consider God a father of all of us let me ask you this, what kind of father punishes his children eternally anyway and puts them through eternal suffereing? I will tell you what kind does that, a child abuser does and I don't think God is a child abuser.

As I have said already I do look at the bible as a book of true wisdom but also I understand the context and the time that it was written in. I understand that within this book there is history, there are some myths and there is a very old culture which it is attempting to speak to. The wisdom is there yes but in order to use this wisdom in MY life I would need to understand the mind set of the people back when it was written. I would also need to understand that even if this book is the world of God it came through people so some of what it came through is going to get mixed up in it. Its like if I were to swim across a lake, when I got out of the lake some of that lake is going to be on me. Some of the water and germs from that lake is going to be on me, it just is but this doesn't mean that I am not who and what I claim to be. With all of the scientific discoveries and all else that we have discovered about the world, ourselves and the universe it would be a bit on the elementary side to look at the bible in such a literal since as if I am still in the same mind set as people were back when. Plus I am also growing within a different culture then people back then, all if these things need to be looked at and thought about when reading any old spiritual book. I am not taking anything away from this great book because it has and still to this day helps me with my spiritual growth but if I were to blindly follow anything whether it be a person or a book in life in general I might as well simply ask someone to remove my brain from my head, I mean I'm not using it anyway if I am allowing someone else to run my life in such a way now am I?

So in closing of this blog post I say ask questions of life, make mistakes and know that the only suffering you will gain within making the mistake is within the mistake itself, there is nothing out there ready to punish you for your sins because our sins punish us within themselves. I wrote in an earlier blog post about sin and what the word sin really means but just to refresh your memory on the whole issue sin means miss the mark as in missing the mark in your life and we all do this from time to time, there is nothing wrong about it ether because this is how we grow. If dooms day is going to happen I believe that it will happen in different ways for different people and also at different times. We all are One, we all are One in the same but in the same token we are different. All the cells in our body are cells and they all live for one and the same purpose but yet they all are different. Red blood cells do not do the same thing as white blood cells and none of these cell do the same thing as the skin cells. One in the same but different. This is how it is for us as well. So before you start buying some story that some so called spiritual teacher is selling look within and see how it make you feel. You emotions and intuition are your indicators on this. If you are feeling better about yourself, more knowledgeable and self empowered you are looking at truth in its purest form. But if you feel that this teacher has you co-dependent on him or her or if you feel you are losing self empowerment in following this person then they are not a true spiritual teacher and they shouldn't be followed. And above all please use your brain, use common since and think for yourself. This is your life you are living, you have to live with your believes, you have to wake up to yourself every morning, its all about you when it comes down to it, you and your happiness because happiness is the point to this life not suffering. Research your spiritual books, understand the context of the time that it was written in and use your spiritual practices to uplift and inspire others only, not to scare them in any shape, size or form. This is what spirituality is about anyway, that inner growth not to sit somewhere and make a prediction about the world ending in order to gain more followers for your cause. To me that is nothing but the ego and the ego really has nothing to do with God. Spread love, be happy, live this life and simply enjoy because that is your birth right. Be free!!!


We are all LOVE!!!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Passion IS life!

"When work, commitment and pleasure all become one and you reach the deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible." (The person who quoted this is unknown)

To reach this place and to find this place with thy self is to reach the point of life and the place where life truly begins.

"If there is no passion in your life then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become YOU and you will find great things happen for you, to you and because of you" (T Alan Armstrong)

If one were to ask me if I knew what my passions were in life I would have to say yes but if one were to ask if life was any easier because I know what my passions are I would have to quickly say no. But what is life if a passion isn't felt and lived? Is that even truly living or what? There was a time in life where I never felt a lost, I never had a broken heart, I never truly knew what it was like to stare fear straight in the face and allow its glare to engulf my body and soul. There was a time that I didn't express my true self but I didn't express a self that was a carbon copy of what this fear based world that we live in wanted me to ether. So as I wasn't phony and as I didn't even express my TRUE it was like I didn't truly live BUT, as it was life was easier in a lot of ways. Then as I opened myself up I started to find a truth. This truth was something that I had to look within to find, within that truth I also found and then felt the true living God and also I found a love that was lacking within my existence before that day. Love was present within my life yes but not much of it was what I felt for myself. To learn that these truths were always present and lingering was also to learn something that was a bit scary within itself. I was different, way different then what the world said I should be. I saw the fear based aspects of every placed rule that makes the fear which thrives within this world go around and I also found that within these rules and ways were lies. If I were to live them they would be lies within themselves with me so I figured why even try. So as life went on and I started to learn more about the TRUTH of the world thus learning more about my true essence my passions couldn't help but rear there heads for me to see.

We all know what our passions are because we are born with them instilled within us. There is no one who can tell us what they are, there is no place which we can find them accept from within and with our passions being lived, and at the moment when we say to ourselves that we are going to truly LIVE our passions we are truly born to what life really is. No passion, no life but we are all a live at this moment, aren't we? If that were true then it would be totally possible to live without a passion but I tell you this, it is impossible to LIVE without a passion. Simply because you are taking air into your lungs and your heart is beating doesn't mean you are truly living. To live means to be a live not to have LIFE and our passions are what makes us live.

Our perceptions of events which occur in life are what makes those events into whatever they end up being and meaning for us. Also, the point of life is HAPPINESSS, there is no other point to this life but just that. Within our passions happiness is inevitable but to gain this passion may not be easy. Now if your passion is to gain a union labor job, work a whole bunch of hours and gain a great retirement plan a long with great health benefits even though this type of situation isn't really EASY to obtain, it would be easier then if your passion was..say...painting nature or writing music. But to be honest and I humbly believe this, no one's passion would entail gaining a job with long hours, great benefits and a great retirement plan and I mean NO ONE. How do I know this? Because I happen to know where we all came from and WHO instilled our passions within us in the first place.

Some may call this aspect that we all are from God, some may call it Source, some make call it the great creator. Others may call it the Universe and some may not call it anything at all, then there are some who look at it as just plain Love but whatever you call it our passions would be aligned with what it is because we are from it and every aspect of us has it within. If I dip water out of the ocean it will be salty. This is because the source of where I got it from is salty. If I cut a peace of pie from a fruit pie that peace will be fruity as well came from a "fruity" source. So where do we come from and what does what we come from do? Whatever you call what we came from know that this entity in whole creates. Everything in existence was created, whether you consider yourself a creationist or an evolutionist you have to realized that creation does exist. Evolution is a form of creation as well, whether you feel there is a supreme being at the head of this creation or not, things were created and that which creates is that which WE all come from. So that makes us all creators too point blank.

The world that we live in will tell us that we need to get a high paying job with benefits to be happy, even if we don't like the job that we do but in doing this we are not doing the world or ourselves justice. If a job is needed to be done in this world there is someone with the passion to do it in a creative manner. We all want to create and if one comes across a child who says they love to write one might look at the world as it is and find that becoming a writer isn't a sure shot thing. One may think it more loving to sway the child to want to become something more "stable" like a public transportation driver or one may try and convince the child to gain the want to go to one hundred years of schooling to become a lawyer because these jobs are more stable. But let me tell you this, nothing at all is stable. When I get done writing this blog I may get up and my heart may just stop beating or someone could walk up to my open window and open fire, killing me where I sit. Anything could happen, I am not even guaranteed the next moment to live, even that isn't "stable" so why let that fear based aspect stop you from your passion. If you don't live within your passion you are not living at all and your passion will always entail something creative.

Whether you have a passion for racing cars and you want to become a NASCAR racer, or if you have a passion for building and you want to build homes for a living, or even if you have a passion for partying and you want to basically make a living by going to parties it all has been done by someone. I don't care if your passion is collecting dead bugs or bird watching, all of these things entail a creative mind and they can be what gives you life point blank. Even with NASCAR racing, one has to create a style of racing that will win races, all passion entail creativeness and we all do know what our passions are. The easiest way to see what your passion is would be to look at what you think you want to do with your life and ask yourself if you would be willing to do this task for FREE; as in not get paid one red cent to do the task. If your answer is a no or worst a HELL NO then you are not pursuing your passion. I am going to share the easiest way to see what your passion is. Think about things that you really enjoy doing and I don't care how silly or crude this act or task may be, I don't care if you say "I really enjoy laying in the grass and looking at the clouds go by". It would be better if you would write down 15 things that you enjoy doing even if you have never done them before. Within this list you can have things that you always wanted to do as well. Look over the list and pick out the 3 most forefilling things and then within those things your passion will more then likely lie. These have to be things that you really find make you, complete you and things that you really think would help life to basically become more enjoyable for you. As I said, nothing is exempt, I don't care if you say your passion is to have sex, I don't care if you say your passion is to clean houses or write on walls, as I have said, all of these things are things that people do take part in and things that they also live off of. I don't care if you feel that your passion may not be accepted by your family or culture, it doesn't matter because a person who doesn't accept you for all that you are is a person that doesn't accept the true YOU.

If we all lived for our passions this world would be a better place for all. Everything that got done would be done to the best ability that it could be done. This world would be cleaner and more loving. People would smile as they made there way to there work places because they would know that they are about to do something they really love. Now as I said, a passion may not be that easy to obtain and it may seem that things may get damn hard in the path to your passion. For this reason a lot of people give up on there passions and this fact is truly ashame. Do you know how many graves have people in them that would have come up with the cure to cancer? Or do you know how many great books were never writer, how many great movies were never made, how many great spiritual leaders were never able to stamp there aspect of love on this world as much as that is needed? All of those broken and lost dreams now lie in graves because of those who didn't pursue their passions. If you live your passion you WILL make this world a better place so I am telling you now, for the sake of this world DON'T LISTEN TO IT WHEN IT IS TELLING YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD DO WITH YOUR LIFE!!! Pursue that passion, do it for your kids and grandkids. Do it for your loved ones, for the lost ones, for us all. We are one in this situation called life and we are part of a grand puzzle. We all fit but we have to place ourselves in the spots that we do fit and then and with that, this world will become that of love and heaven will manifest itself right in from of you. Never give up on that passion, you know what it is so pursue and enjoy. Life was meant to be enjoyed and without passion life isn't being lived at all.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's death, a lesson in violents.

An event occurred yesterday which sparked plenty of celebration in America and also other places in the world. A terrorist was so called brought to justice, killed where he hid for his life. When this occurred I first felt a bit of joy spark in me. For any American, the 911 incident was more so one of the most horrific events to occur. So many innocent lives were taken, people who were just going about there daily business were killed. People who wouldn't have hurt anyone for any reason were killed, so many lives, so many dreams, so many great events could have occurred through some of these people and on the date of September 11st 2001 all of that was extinguished. So yes for a moment I felt joy, I felt relief and I felt as if justice had been serve but...this feeling only lasted for a moment within me.

Osama Bin Laden was one of the most wanted men in the world. He was a terrorist, he was a killer and he had millions of deaths on his hands. But to understand the whole situation in full is to gain a bit of insight on why someone would do such a thing. Why would someone chose to be so misguided and take the lives of people who would have never even occupied the same room with him, let a lone hurt him. But to come to this realization is not to gain any sympathy for this individual. Because if someone aligns themselves with a certain energy then they will attract just what they are aligned with. If someone lives by a code of violence, violence will follow and more then likely violence will take them as well. Laden was an exstremist of the worst kind. He for years had declared a jihad(holy war) on America, saying things like Americans are cocky, they are arrogant, they want to makes us(Laden's people) do what they feel we should and they don't know what they have coming for being this way. He (Laden) took the darkest parts of a religion which is more so based on love and threw it to the forefront as if this was all that this religion was all about. Bin Laden sincerely felt that he was doing God's work by killing Americans, he more then likely thought he was doing the same work that Muhammad did all those years ago. But to really look into Islam and to be educated in the slightest bit is to realize the misguidance which Laden radiated to the fullest.

Muhammad is the founder of Islam. He was said the be the last prophet of God. Muhammad was a very intelligent individual. He was intelligent well beyond his years and on top of that he couldn't even read, it seemed as if he just knew things, he had insights which help a lost people find a way to the all loving God. More so to understand what Muhammad was all about and to understand why Muhammad called his jihad all of those years ago is to understand the misunderstanding that Laden gained for the religion and the phophet that he claimed to love so much.

No matter how peaceful or serene a religion is, it's had it's day in the dark at one moment in time, Islam is no different. Muhammad did call a jihad on non-Muslims. He did order armies from ailing tribes to fight for his cause. But Muhammad wasn't always a person who involved himself in war. He was a dear husband to his wife Khadijah, a loving father to his kids and one of the most trusted individuals in the area that he lived in. But then Muhammad started gaining insights which he claimed the angle Gabriel relayed to him and with that, knowledge started to fall from his lips like never before. With this always comes strife, Jesus dealt with the same type of strife when he spoke his insights to the masses. Just as Jesus Muhammad had a message to a lost people and the message was said to come directly from God. Muhammad was so humble that he didn't even take any credit for any of the insights which he shared. But the insights were troubling to certain people. People of the tribes which Muhammad lived among already had gods which they prayed to. Muhammad was turning a lot of heads with his messages and he was giving a way to a people who really didn't know why they prayed to these gods. People started to convert to Islam by choice and this didn't sit to well with the folk who were more so loyal to their gods and their religion. They threatened Muhammad and chased him out of his country. Muhammad ran and continued to spread his message, some people felt him and converted and others shunned him. Certain Christians, Jews, and people of the tribe gods alike made it hard for Muhammad to live in a joyous and peaceful manner. Then it got to the point which Muhammad's life was threatened and that is when he called for the jihad. Now I am not excusing this action because it was a very dark time in Islamic history. The jihad in my opinion got out of hand at a point not to far from when it was first called; it got to the point where Muhammad's forces were going to all of the countries in the middle east and forcing people to become Muslims and people who refused were killed. The darkness continued until the day Muhammad was poisoned; the once enlightened man of peace killed in the line of his cause which at the time was inbedded in a code of violence.

As I said before all and every religion had a dark point in its history. But every religion holds a truth as well. Every religion has a message of love, hope and joy and every religion can be taken and grown from for the happiness and enlightenment of the individuals whom chooses to take them on, none are exempt from this equation but every religion also has extremist. Bin Laden thought to capitalize on the dark aspect of Islam with his cause at the forefront so like Muhammad he (Laden) reached out to those folk who were lost and looking for a leader. But it was more personal at the start for Laden. This man simply had a hate for America that burned his soul to a deep crisp. I can't even imagine why he hated America so much BUT...I can make guesses on some aspects of the country which I live in that may have helped to spark his hate. Point blank, I can understand why Laden felt so passionate for his cause. He truly thought he was doing the work of God and there was no one who could have told him otherwise. He lived by a violent code and because of it he died in a violent way. This is the over all lesson to be learned in this individual's death. There really isn't much to celebrate in this situation because I don't see how justice was done. Laden's death didn't bring back the people whom he had a hand in killing, it didn't do anything accept add on to the violence which already thrives in this world. Do you really think that Laden's cause will die with Laden? As soon as this man was killed someone else stepped up and took his place and now this person is going to spend his life on attempting to avenge Laden and also to let the world know that the Tali Ban still thrives. Violence leads to more violence and the only way to stop the violence is to STOP THE VIOLENCE. To me God is love and love is the answer to all issues, all of them. Not fear, love. Gandhi freed his beloved India by not ordering one person to be killed. He didn't have an army, just a heart of love and he is a perfect example of how love trumphs over all.

Now because of the Laden death issue I will not live in fear in any aspect of the word. Life will go on as it may and I am going to enjoy it. I am going to be the love which I feel God is because I am from that love and that love is my true essence. I encourage everyone else to do the same. The Dali lama said that if every child in the world meditated for one hour a day on compassion then all worldly wars would end in one generation. To me this makes a lot of since. We need to see the underline fact that we are One. We live in the universe, uni means one and a verse is a part of a song which is part of a vibe. One Vibe, One Verse, this is what we all are and we need to start acting like it before we all end up dead. I don't feel bad for Laden because of his code to a violence lifestyle. He was going to end up dying in the way that he did because he simply attracted the situation to himself. Like attracts like, this is a universal law and it exemplifies no one. Its ashame Laden didn't see the beauty and the love in Islam over the darkness. Its a shame that he was so misguided by his ego and his fears. But what is done is done and and I hope a lesson is to be learned from this event. Islam is a beautiful religion whose founder was a very enlightened individual on many levels so why not align with the beauty of the philosophy just as people like Rumi did. Ether way, more violence will more then likely occur because of the violence that occurred yesterday but this is no reason to fear. I only hope that the new leader of the Tali Ban becomes awakened and recognizes the peaceful aspect of the religion he loves. But as of now each individual has a choice in matters of the universe. We can chose love or we can chose fear. Hate is a fear aspect and strength and forgiveness are love aspects. The only way to change this world to a place of love is to radiate love. Radiate it so bright that it reaches the eyes of the Tali Ban thus redeeming them with a new realization. One of love, one that dictates love will also bring them more justice and happiness over fear. Let's simply radiate love. We are all One in this; let's start acting like it.


Friday, February 11, 2011

You're a firework!!

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again. Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin, like a house of cards. One blow from caving in. Do you ever feel already buried deep. Six feet under scream But no one seems to hear a thing." (Katy Perry, Firework)

Everyday waking up to a loveless world. A world which my place isn't found. Feeling like I'm drifting along in the wind with no direction what so ever. Or even with my screams for some answers, they are never heard. I feel as if I am buried deep within the earth. Why does it matter? Why do I need to feel this way? Simply paper thin. This is how I've felt for a big part of my life and how many people still feel. This is how I feel at times in my life even now. I try to love but I feel as if I get left, I try to be that person whom is happy and joyful but still I feel empty and lost.

"You just gotta ignite the light. And let it shine. Just own the night. Like the fourth of July" (Katy Perry, Firework)

We all go through the "dark night" of life. It seems that at times life is nothing but at dark night within itself so why try to fight it? Why try to make something more then what we know it out to be? But the trick is to simply own the night by accepting the darkness within it. These days which no one understands us, these days where life seems to keep on handing us one hard situation after another. Simply own the night, make the night as truthful as it is. And within that owning and only then will we be able to shine and within that shine the night will be ignited. Within the realization and only then can the night be ignited like the Fourth of July.

"Cause baby you're a firework. Come on show' em what you're worth. Make'em go "Oh, oh, oh! As you shoot across the sky" (Katy Perry, Firework)

This light, the one that you ask of the world will never be found within the world. This light that will ignite the dark skies of life will never be caught within this fear based world that we live in. But as the realization becomes full circle and once we come to the fact that there is nowhere outside of us that the light is located, then and only then should we look within. And with that one simple gaze a shine will begin which will ignite those dark skies like never before.

"You don't have to feel like a waste of space. You're original, cannot be replaced. If you only know what the future holds. After a hurricane comes a rainbow. Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed. So you could open one that leads you to the perfect room" (Katy Perry, Firework)

Your reason on this earth is a reason that literally holds the universe in place, this is how important you are. You have to know that you are as much apart of this universe as the universe itself and their would be no universe if not for you. You are like a unique piece to a very large puzzle, this puzzle could never be complete without you. This puzzle IS the universe so never believe that your purpose is a purposeless one. Then; within that realization you may still wonder that if you are as important as I've just stated why so many hurricanes are occurring within your life. You may wonder why you can't seem to get this task call life right. Always remember, after EVERY hurricane comes a rainbow. This rainbow of yours will be bright and colorful, so full of joy, so full of good feelings. Full of strength and vigor. Full of all the opportunities that life can hand you. The storms of life do have a purpose, they are there to give you strength, and with this strength comes energy and joy. You will have wisdom and knowledge that you may not have gained if you hadn't gone through some of the hurricanes and storms of life. Because of some storms that I've personally gone through I am a more loving person and I am stronger as well so never curse the storms because rainbows are coming up next.

Doors in life simply may not open because they simply don't lead to the best rooms for you. Life has many doors and one may wish they knew which one to go through. Remember, the door to the room that will lead you to straight euphoria will open but it may be masked by other doors. Never stop believing in yourself. Know that you have it all with you and know that once you find that perfect place within life it will invite you in with open arms.

"Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow. And when it's time, you'll know"(Katy Perry, Firework)

The knowing will be within the joys of the realizing. Never lose faith in Love, happiness or yourself.

"Boom, boom, boom. Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon. It's always been inside of YOU, YOU, YOU and now it's time to let it through" (Katy Perry, Firework)

Never stop believing in YOU. You are a firework so allow your colors to bust. No matter how strange, weird or dumb others may view you as. No matter of they don't agree with your sexual preference, your way of living and the things YOU believe in it doesn't matter because they don't control your destiny. Be who you are, stay real and true to your cause, love yourself and give love out FREELY. Be that firework that this world needs. Be the one to ignite a light that is so bright that it will blind all of the lies and thieves. Let it shine, let it gleam because this world needs that light and this world needs YOU.

So now the day comes when you need to be self empowered. Lets do this the true way, lets be that light. Lets explode and lets radiate that happiness and joy that lies within. You are brighter then the moon and this light has been inside of you since the day you were born. You deserve all out happiness and joy. You are worthy, you are kings and queens, you are children of the most High and you are FIREWORKS!

"Baby you're a firework. Come on let your colors burst. Make'em go Oh , oh, oh! You're gonna leave'em all in awe-awe-awe!!!" (Katy Perry, Firework)
