Monday, August 10, 2009


“A life by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.” Conversations with God – Neale Donald Walsch

I’ve said this before and I am going to say it again. Nothing in life simply “happens” to us. That would be like saying there are actual victims that exist in this world. It may seem that saying that we choose everything which occurs to us would be a bit harsh because there are situations that arise which would be crazy for us to call a pond ourselves. Situations like being rapped, robbed or even murdered, these are situations which no one actually deserves to go through so why would someone call it a pond themselves? Well, this is why I like the quote which I am using today from the book “Conversations with God book two” because for what I know and what I’ve realized and witnessed over the years I am one hundred percent sure that everything which occurs in our lives are our choices and our responsible. Nothing happens without our allowing it to, nothing is apart from us so everything which occurs to us is something that we have happen. This is where the conscious comes in. This is where awareness comes in. This goes for more then just situations which are consider harsh; this goes for all and everything which does, will, and can occur. When simple “chance” occurs to us then we are in a state of unconsciousness. Everything that happens happens because of a decision we’ve made. Conscious living is living in a place which we choose; unconscious living is living in a place where we chance. If we call forth something then it will occur but we have to believe and know the power which we have in doing this. This thing that we call “God” or “Source” or “The universe” for that matter is inside of us. It is in us and of us and we have the same power that it has. It is our true being; this Source that we come from is truly who and what we are. Our ego is what tells us otherwise. It is the part of us which all fear comes from, everything that we woe comes from our egos, everything that brings us down comes from this part of us because it is the part the actually separates us from our Source. It tells us that we are basically just our name, what we accomplish and own. None of these things are our Source, our Source is within and so is the whole world which we supposedly live in. We don’t actually live in the world, the world lives in us. We create our world, we are the world which we create and if we remain conscious of what we are and who we are then the choices we make in life will always occur. It’s going to happens anyway, ether it is going to happen consciously or unconsciously point blank so we might as well make an effort to raise our conscious to a level which we actually are able to come together (as we should always because we all are One) and be the creators of our reality. We might as well make that choice instead of the latter.


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