Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happiness Is A Choice

A strong determination to be happy will help you. Do not wait for your situation to change; thinking that therein lays the trouble. Try to be happy under all circumstances. If your happiness sometimes seems dependent on certain conditions, then change your circumstances so that you will be happy all of the time. (Paramhansa Yogananda)

This passage which I have used today is what it is all about. What Swami Yogananda says is a great reminder for us all when it comes to our lives, our life situations and our happiness. Today as I drove to work I thought about the direction that my life has been going and I also thought about the “what ifs” within my life as well. I began to dwell on past events and then I thought about what may or should have happened within those situations. I got a bit angry because of the way certain things turned out and then I got a little sad right after. But then, I realized something, no one was in the car with me and none of the situations which I thought of were happening yet I still began to feel bad. I was choosing that feeling. It was all me, I wasn’t determined to maintain my happiness within that moment. No condition should dictate our happiness whether it is the pass, present or future. This happiness that we all crave is something that we were born with, it’s inside of us and until we realized this fact in full we will never be in a state of pure happiness which is always everlasting. So if you are mad because of the economy it’s not the economy’s fault that you feel mad. If you are sad because of a “failed relationship” it’s not the relationship’s fault that you are feeling sad. Make a choice; make it your nature to simply remain in a state of happiness. No condition should ever dictate the type of mood you choose to be in, none. We all are all powerful, we all are everything that we ever wanted in life; all we need to do is claim it. Have a knowing that everything you want is already here; don’t even think of it as being on its way, think of it as already here because in truth it already is. Everything that will ever exist, exist already. Everything that ever was, is. When this concept is fully understood it becomes quiet apparent that everything that we could ever want is already with us and thus, it is we who need to claim what we want. We do have the power, that very fact should be enough to make any individual who feels down happy. Make the choice, don’t wait for a circumstance to unfold, just do it and claim happiness!!!


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