Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The great Benefits of READING

Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body. (Richard steel)

For me it wouldn’t be fair in any shape, size or form if I were to never talk about the benefits of having a habit of reading. I could never express how much reading has helped me out in my growth process as far as life is concerned. Reading has introduced me to so many different worlds, different philosophies, different view points and just simply different paths which would be available for me to travel down on the road called life. Because of reading I’ve had the honor of meeting highly intelligent, God realized people like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Neale Donald Walsch, The Dali Lama and so many more. There is so much that I have taken away from simply reading different books. I’ve learned how to become the most fit of people that I know, I’ve learn how to be more loving, compassionate and giving as well. Reading has helped me to remember who and what I really am. Because I know that God lives in us and with that so does everything else and that we actually come into this world knowing all and having all within us already, reading has helped me to remember who and what I am. If not for my reading habits I would have never remembered simple facts about myself like how strong of person I really am. I would have never remembered that life is truly about happiness and that we were put here to grow and gain different ways of joy. I would have never been able to help all of the people who I’ve helped to walk the path which would ultimately take them to that place that they crave to be in. I would’ve never traveled to all the different cities, states and countries that reading has taken me to. I would’ve never traveled to different worlds and different universes. I would have never witness events that most would consider fictional but I consider exciting and life giving. I can’t stress as of how much reading has helped me with my travels, trials and tribulations in life. If I would’ve never picked up a book and gained this reading habit that I have I would have never come into knowing myself as I do. As a youth I was very withdrawn from just about everything that life had to offer. I was plagued with all types of fears and I was at a crossroad with life in general. I knew I was different but I didn’t feel that it was okay for me to be different. I knew I was special but that felt wrong as well. I was being misguided in so many different ways that it wasn’t funny. I didn’t do much except what I was told because I didn’t know that I could do anything else. I told myself that there had to be more to life then what I was experiencing and that in order to know what life really was about I would have to gain some type of knowledge and understanding of life of some type. I knew that knowledge was found in books so I made myself pick one up and that is what started my reading habit. It wasn’t easy at first because I was so use to watching TV and having someone else relay everything to me instead of me using my own mind to gain info. I was so deeply into things like video games, rap music, kung fu and japanimations (Japanese cartoons) movies and these were basically my only form of entertainment. I really didn’t know much else but I did know that there was more to life then what I was experiencing. I just knew I was different and I had a need to gain more knowledge, a need that was like a pain from the inside which threatened to consume me whole if not meant. From my first fitness magazine I learned how to take better care of myself. From there I stopped doing so many things which threatened my well being (like eating fast foods everyday and not being active). I became educated and then enlightened; from there I took my new knowledge to the limits and beyond. Because of those books (along with certain influences like my mother and also people like Bruce Lee) I turned my physical body into the shape that most people claim to want for themselves. I began feeling better about myself, I was able to think clearer and I became more self confident. All of this started with me knowing that I needed to gain knowledge and then reading. After that I began reading the Bible and then I started reading other spiritual books which widening my horizon on what spirituality itself. Other then that and before that I just had what people told me and what was said in the church which I attended (this obviously wasn’t enough otherwise I wouldn’t have felt like something was missing from my life in the first place). I started reading books on different sciences and philosophies as well. I added some fictional readings to my arsenal, which in turn helped me to gain back a love for writing that I always had within me. As a youth growing up I lost so much of myself in the attempted to gain the meaning in life. I gave up so much of myself doing my growing up stage in life, my reading has helped me remember simple things that were lost in my upbringing, it helped me to remember exactly who and what I really am. From educating myself came deep understands, from understands came great accomplishments and from great accomplishments came utter happiness and then came my God given freedom which I had to remember because I had certainly forgotten about it.

Read more!! (gain knowledge, travel to different countries and worlds, gain deep understands, achieve greatness). I will say it again, read more, reading to me is just a very important aspect of my life. We already have everything that we could ever want within us already, all we need to do is simply understand and then remember that. We have God living inside of us (or Source or the universe, it all is the same) and if we become beings of the deepest of understand of that fact then not even the sky will be the limit for us. All it takes is a deep understanding of something to achieve what we’ve always wanted and a great way to gain this understand is to crack open a book and see what’s inside. For your own happiness and freedom I encourage it, read more, learn more, then you will be able to change the world as you see fit, I promise you that you will, don’t even take my word for it, just give it a try.

“One in four adults read no books at all in the past year, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll released”

Let’s not allow this sad statistic to stand. READ MORE OR JUST READ PERIOD!!!


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