Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fear of the Will of God ????

Fear of the Will of God is one of the strangest beliefs the human mind has ever made. It could not possibly have occurred unless the mind were already profoundly split, making it possible for it to be afraid of what it really is. Reality cannot “threaten” anything except illusions, since reality can only uphold truth. The very fact that the Will of God, which is what you are, is perceived as fearful, demonstrates that you are afraid of what you are. It is not, then, the Will of God of which you are afraid, but yours. (A Course in Miracles)

To fear the Will of God is in the realms of the strange. As a matter of fact it’s more then that, it’s just plan ludicrous if you ask me. To fear anything about God period makes no since, do you fear your own happiness? Do you fear your own joy? Do you fear the feeling of love? When we fear anything about God it’s like fearing things which make us happy. Happiness is all God wants for us and it’s really just that simple. God wants nothing of us but our truth which is our happiness and joy for ourselves. Fear comes from a conflicted mind which wants one thing but doesn’t want to do what it takes to get there. The conflicted mind makes up reasons why walking a path to gain happiness won’t work. It makes up situations that don’t even exist, this is the ego in action; the ego causes confliction within the mind. God and We are One, Our will is God’s will and God’s will is for us to be happy. Our truth is the now as we are, not us in the past or future and the “we” that exist right now is okay otherwise reading this wouldn’t be possible. Even if we are dealing with a dyer situation in life right now, we still do have the choice to do what it takes to get out of it, it is up to us and fear shouldn’t be a reason why we don’t go to that place which we know we should be. Walk that walk and walk it fearlessly. Earnestly pursue what your heart desires and don’t let anything stop you. Don’t even listen to yourself in the matter, if something inside of you is giving you reasons why you shouldn’t be pursuing something that you know you should be pursuing then it is nothing but the ego relating the message and the ego just isn’t real enough to even have an opinion in this. The reality of the situation is that you are Divine and have unlimited potential, anything else is an illusion. The only thing reality truly does threaten is illusions, that’s it and fear happens to be the biggest illusion of all. The ego and fear work together to hold us in a place which is separate from God. The ego could never understand the concept that we all are of One, it could never understand the fact that we have unlimited potential, it never could gain the reality that we are the same as the God which we come from. Even so if we were to really think about it then it is quiet understandable as to why the ego runs off of fear. All the ego can fathom is us in the physical world, all it can understand is what appears in front of your physical eyes, it is that limited in it’s ways, this is the same ego that told us that the earth was flat because it couldn’t see anything beyond the ocean’s line. Why believe in such a folly source, why fear something that is of love and only love. Why fear happiness? Why fear joy? The trick is to know and realize what the ego really is and to simply use it for the purpose which it is suppose to serve. The ego shouldn’t run the show, God should. When this fact is realized (remembered) then it will seem just plain stupid to fear the Will of God. The ego is what makes us our name, gender, ethnicity, and whatever other label we use to be identified with while we live in this world. The ego thinks that we actually can die simply because the physical body dies. We are more then what the entire ego identifies us with. The things which the ego identifies us with are things that we have, their not what or who we are really are, they are what we have and they shouldn’t be thought of in any other way. We are One with our Source so in turn we are the same as our Source so with that fact being stated then why would we need to fear anything? There is nothing to fear but fear itself and fear itself is nothing.


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