Friday, August 14, 2009


~ We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~

Getting a second chance is another word for making a change. We’ve all been in situations that have called for a second chance, it always has been that way and always will because change is real and second chances are apart of simple change. Its funny how in certain situations people tend to say no second chance should be given. Situations like the Michael Vick dog fighting thing. This man did something which he has admitted to being wrong about, he’s been in prison and he has been doing things which show he is willing to change but then we still have people who are still mad at him and are refusing to forgive him. These people call themselves animal lovers but you and I know there unforgiving ways are not about the animals at all. Vick isn’t still doing the dog fighting thing, it’s in the past and he can’t change what he’s done in the past. All he can do is take the “now” moment and make the best of it. He can use the past as a lesson learned and move on with his life. He just like everyone else who does things which they consider wrong deserves a second chance. For the people who say he hasn’t changed and he is never going to change, they really must not understand how the universe works. He can and will change because we all will change. Change is the realist thing in existence, evolution is always occurring, this very universe is expanding as is; nothing stays stagnant so to say that an element in this universe won’t change isn’t feasible at all. Regardless of what is going on in this man’s head or how it is truly, personality affecting him he is changing and he isn’t going to do the dog fighting thing anymore. He had been doing public service work as in regards to stopping animal cruelty and he has given a public apology as well. He was fired from his previous job (the football team that he did play for) and he spent time in jail, he’s already done what society has asked of him so why shouldn’t he deserve a second chance? Like I said before the people who are angry that he is receiving a second chance are not angry because of the animals, they are just angry because of themselves (their egos). It has nothing at all to do with the animals. They feel that this man personally attacked them when he did the dog fighting thing, they stand for a cause and they identify with the cause. They feel that they were personally attacked but in all reality when he was into the dog fighting it had nothing to do with them at all. Theses people are so bent on themselves (ego) and how they feel things should be that they can’t even see pass any of it in this situation. Forgiveness is the key and I mean total forgiveness. These people will be able to do more for their cause if they simply forgive Vick for his past actions. He can’t change what he did and he is making steps to do what he can to make the best out of his future. Everyone should realize that the actions Vick took in the past are actions that we all are capable of taking. As I’ve always said, we all are of the same Source so that makes us all One. We all are together in this and because of this we should want all and everyone to be happy, even the people who do things that we simply don’t agree with. This is why forgiveness is such a powerful weapon in growth. If a person is able to forgive another for doing actions that simply goes against all that they believe in, that person is truly aligned with God in the greatest measures. That person truly sees what it’s all about, that person truly is in a moment of enlightenment. There is power in forgiveness too, imagine if all of the so called animal lovers were to totally forgive Vick for his past actions? Do you know what that would do? If this were the case then Vick himself would become a true animal lover and he would do even more then he already is in regards to stopping things like dog fighting. Holding him in a place that he isn’t even in anymore isn’t helping his cause; it’s not helping the animal cruelty cause ether, its doing nothing but giving the people who won’t let it go a false feeling of justification. The ego makes them thinks that they are too good to “mess up” in life; it has this false sense of separation thus telling the lie which dictates one person is better then the other. Again, we are all One. It really doesn’t matter if you stand for a cause and you could never see yourself doing something against it, you are capable of doing anything that you can witness being done. It’s all in you. Even quantum physics states that we are actually projecting our reality. We are surrounded by vibrations; it’s up to us to how we interpret these vibes. Everything we witness is within us; we are the ones who are interpreting it as it is so that means it’s not outside of us. In turn we are able to do just what we see being done, none of us are better then anything we see. No one knows what this man has gone through in his life to cause him to do what he did. No one walked in his shoes so no one has the right to judge him. I’m not excusing his actions ether because he did what he did because he chose to do it. This is why I always say that we aren’t punished for our sins but by them. He has paid for what he’s done, his sins did not go unpunished; he did pay. Now it’s time to forgive him, let it go and hope for the best for him. Forgiveness is the key; it’s a powerful tool in life; always remember; we are all One. It doesn’t serve us to hold negative thoughts on anyone, it really doesn’t.

“If we could understand almost anyone we could forgive almost everyone” Marianne Williamson

It’s simply and ego issue, not an animal rights issue. Try and understand this man, know that we all are One and that he has and will change for the better. Hope for the best in him and simply more on.


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