Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Kingdom Within

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20-21)

To reach a place of uttered euphoria is to be within the grips of true love. Love is the heart of all creation and also love is within the hearts of all of us as well. To me God is the creator of all, God is the highest of the high, the highest point of conscience that can be reached and also God is everywhere. The place where God’s presence is most potent is in our hearts. God is in our hearts, in our bodies and flowing throughout our veins. We are created in the image of our creator. We are everything that our creator is and this creator does dwell within us. When I speak of God I don’t mean some man who is better then us that sits among the clouds and looks down on us. When I speak of heaven I don’t mean a place that we go to after we die if we are good boys and girls. I feel that the whole God sitting on a throne in heaven among the clouds is nothing but a bunch of fairytales. Last week I took a trip to Georgia to visit my family and in order to get there I had to ride in a plane. This plane took us so high; we were well above the clouds and guess what? I didn’t see any “god” there sitting and looking down. There’s nothing up there, that isn’t where God dwells, maybe Zeus but not God. God isn’t a single being; God really isn’t a being at all. God is our source, God is our strength; God is our truth, not some single being to praise. To reach God is to reach the truth of whom and what we really are. It is to know that we are not apart from God which means we aren’t apart from anything or anyone. We all come to this life experience by our own whim so that we may experience this life in the way that we choose to experience it. We all came with the Divine within us because we are as much apart of It as a wave is to the ocean. It is our Source, our Source energy is God and this Source is nothing but pure Love. Jesus was God; He was God because He knew who and what he was. He knew that He and God were one in the same; He knew that there truly is no difference between him and the creator and he knew what true Love was. He also knew that he was not apart from any of us ether. He and all of us are One, “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you”. This is what Jesus said; when he speaks of believing in him he is not referring to believing in the simple, physical, fleshy individual whom was known as Jesus son of Joseph (Yeshua Ben Josef). He is referring to his True self, the self that is with all, in all, all of the time. There is no reward given to us for just dying. There is no heaven in the clouds waiting for us, there is nothing apart from us at all, all is already with us and it isn’t necessary to die to gain the kingdom of God (Heaven). It’s already a pond us, there is no trips to take, no fairytales to believe in because in all reality we are already there. We are in the Kingdom right now, the Kingdom is a pond us and within us. Not only are we a pond the Kingdom but we actually are the Kingdom. The delusion is the separation. Love is God, Love is the way, Love gives and doesn’t expect anything back in return Love is joy, Love is happiness, Love is who and what we are and Love is the Kingdom, just like us. All God wants from us is for us to be in a state of pure happiness. When we are happy, God is happy point blank. The purpose of life is to gain true, all out happiness and the way to do that is through love (Through Jesus, God, or what ever label you want to pin on it, it’s all the same thing). In Love dwells the Kingdom of God (happiness).


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