Monday, August 17, 2009

Imagine that !!

Albert Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.

When we were children we knew that happiness was but a simple thought away. We dreamed of the so called impossible and our imaginations were wild and rapid. We dreamed of walking on clouds and going to lands filled with games, enjoyable times, and fun foods to eat. We dreamed of walking with happiness, we dreamed of being around fun people and we dreamed of consist laughter. When I was a child I use to love writing. My imagination would run so wild and rapid with all types of situations which came to life when I wrote them down. I was so innocent and free, happy and joyful and I just knew that I was living in a world which had my best interest in mind. But then something happened, I was shown a different side of things and it really confused me. I was told that I couldn’t do this and I shouldn’t do that. I was told that I needed to act, feel, and believe in only certain things. I was told that reality is harsh, I was basically told that life wasn’t all about fun and games, it was about doing what you were suppose to do whether you agreed with it or not. I became afraid of so many things and because of this new attitude which I was being taught I didn’t know what to do or think. I felt that because I still had certain thoughts and because it seemed that the world simply didn’t work in alignment with my thoughts then I was strange and something was wrong with me. Because of this new thought process which I was being taught I became really shy and simply afraid. I became afraid to be me and because I didn’t feel right being anything else I just simply choose to be nothing. I sat silently, too afraid to express who and what I was. I was taught that I was less then I believed myself to be, I was taught that things just happened to people and that we had no control over them. I was told that I needed to get an education so that I would get a simple good paying job with benefits and that would be that. I was taught that I should look and act a certain way, if not I must be ugly and something must be wrong with me. I thought for so long that I was weird, ugly and stupid. I didn’t think that any girl whom I liked would ever like me, I didn’t think that anyone actually saw me as anything more then just a mere, shy, small person who thought to be afraid of just about everything.

I’ve always said that this world is run off the rules and regulations of fear. We are taught that we need to work hard at getting jobs which we don’t even want so we can make a bunch of money and then that will make us happy. We are taught that we need to get ours and we need to make sure that we do no matter what the cost. So many situations which we are taught about tell us that sometime we need to “stab others in the back” to get anything and therefore to gain happiness. We are born happy, our happiness is taken from us and then we are told a false way of gaining it back. We are told that if we aren’t a certain way then something is wrong with us and we need to shape up. If we have a talent but it isn’t up to the status quo (some group of people’s opinion on how it should be) then we aren’t good at it. If you don’t believe me then do this experiment. Go in a room full of preschoolers and ask the class if they can sing. As a matter of fact ask the people who think they can sing to raise their hands and see what happens. I already know what will happen, every single person in that class will raise their hand. They all know that they can sing, they know this because everyone can sing, we all may not sing in the same manner but everyone can sing. Then, right after you go in that class go in a class full of 4th grades and ask the same question. I bet you maybe two or three people will raise there hand. What happened? Do you think their singing ability diminished in five years? No that isn’t what happened at all, they were told that they couldn’t sing because they didn’t sound a certain way. They were taught that if they sounded any other way then they couldn’t sing. When a friend of mine was a child she wanted to be a model but because some adult told her that she could never be a model because of her height she lost the dream. She grew up to be one of the most beautiful women that I’ve laid eyes on and I believe she could have easily been a model but because of what someone told her when she was a child it never came to pass.

Albert Einstein was a genius. If you ask anyone if he was anything but a genius I’m pretty sure they will disagree with you. His discoveries catapulted the whole human race to another level of thinking, he made that big of an impact and he did it because he never gave up on who and what he truly was. He had a wild imagination and he never did waiver on it no matter what. A lot of people don’t know this but Albert had problems with a lot of his classes in school. He wasn’t a person who did everything according to the books and rules and there were people who told him that if he kept it up with his attitude he had towards a lot of his classes then he would never achieve anything. He still kept his imagination as was, he did keep that attitude that they told him not to keep, he knew what he liked, he knew what interested him and that is what he pursued. He kept at his interest and dreams and because of his no quit at his dreams attitude he made some amazing discoveries about time and gravity. He kept on dreaming, he never stopped. He didn’t let the world put a blatant lie into him, he didn’t allow them to put their fear based way of thinking into him and because of that I admire him a whole lot. He remained a dreamer; he remained with that “child mentality”. It is a gift that we are all born with and it gets lost within our lives. We replace what we really are with a false, made up, fear driven way of thinking and living. There are so many lies which we are taught, lies about how we should view other people, lies about how we should view ourselves (view our bodies and the way our minds work); lies about our true abilities on what we are capable of. As kids, we know we are great. We know we are supposed to be happy and we know it’s (life) all about fun and good times but then we are taught the lie. Adults tend to project there fears onto their children and that is when it all goes down hill.

“We are all meant to shine, as children do” (From a Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson.)

Never stop dreaming, fear is a lie and happiness is what’s most important. Just because something isn’t done in the status quo way doesn’t mean it is done in a wrong or bad way. We are all from the divine, we are all divine and we are all meant to achieve whatever we dream of achieving. It’s our purpose and there is nothing else to it

Continue to dream, don’t listen to the lie that you are not supposed to enjoy ever aspect of your life (including your job. You can be whatever you want to be. Who cares if it sounds like a ridiculous thing to be or if people tell you that what you dream of doing won’t pay enough to life off of. All of these things are lies and quiet frankly I am tired of these lies which get fed to us. You can do anything and I mean anything that your heart desires. You are supposed to do what your heart desires; it’s why you are even a live.) Remain with that child mentally of dreaming and knowing that your dreams are the most important thing and then your dreams will be manifested to reality.


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