Thursday, August 27, 2009

True Freedom

Freedom in general may be defined as the absence of obstacles to the realization of desires” (Bertrand Russell)

Freedom is something that a lot of us do take for granted, some of us truly do believe that we are really free but in a lot of cases this isn’t so. We actually are free to make our own decisions, we are free to think the thought we very well please and we are free to take any action that we deem necessary. Everybody craves freedom and everybody wants to simply do what they want to do but how can we truly call ourselves free if we don’t allow and support actions that people whom we care about take. We are what we express, we are everything that we say, do, and think. Love is something that radiates freedom; fear radiates imprisonment and it also radiates all obstacles which others may put before us. As a person claims to love another it is their duty to support the so called loved person in their transformation to their better selves, in other words, if I’m this person whom claims to love another then I am in their lives for their betterment. I’m not in their lives so that I can nit pick and complain about choices which they are now making or choices that they’ve made in the past. I’m not there to tell them that they need to be a certain way so that I may be happy, it is my duty to see them for who and what they are choosing to be, accept it and then only concentrate and see what I would consider the better parts of them and nothing else. It is my duty to bring the better part of them out by simply showing that part to them. It’s not my place to tell someone that they are doing something that I feel they shouldn’t be doing; it’s simply not my place to do this to anyone. The trick is to realize the truth of the matter, I’ve said it once before and I will say it again, WE ARE ONE. I will say it over and over again until it is realized. Oneness doesn’t mean sameness, even though we are One, we still are different in the way we express our selves and our lives. Still, we are One so the trick is to simply understand that we all are here for our own happiness and to see ourselves in each other. I’ve come into contact with a lot of good people in my life and the ones whom I was able to help the most are the ones whom I simply saw myself in. Because the fact remains that my happiness is the most important thing to me, once I gain a deep understanding that we are all literally One, it will also be easier for me to understand why someone may be acting the way that they may act. They are looking for the same things that I’m looking for. They are looking for themselves, they are looking for happiness, they are looking for love, and it’s that simple. When I see myself in others I help others to gain happiness in the way that they (not me, not my ego) see the need to gain it. I’ll concentrate only on the greatness of that person, I will show that person their perfections and gifts and within that place, I’ll come to an even better understanding of why they act the way they act. I will come to the realization that we are who we choose to be, not who someone else says we should be, this is the only way we will find our happiness, to simply be the person that we came to this planet to be. It is my place to spread love because I am love, not imprisonment. Freedom and love are the same, they in able us to express our life experience the way we see fit. No obstacles involved here, the only obstacles that would stand are the obstacles that one makes for themselves, obstacles shouldn’t come from other individuals. That is not why I or any of us are in each other’s lives. We are here to enjoy life, to learn, realize, grow, remember, and then we’ll gain deep understandings of whom and what we really are. Following, we’ll evolve to the next level of who we were meant to be. We are here to encourage each other and to bring the better part of each other out; we are here to bring the part that is us (utter beauty and perfection) out of others and that is it.

If you are bothering someone because they are doing things that you don’t understand just know that their reasons have nothing to do with you so don’t take it personal. It’s not about you so leave that person a lone. Let that person live, let that person do what they feel comfortable with doing, don’t nit pick, don’t complain, just let it be and I promise you that the person will appreciate it and life will be easier for all of us. Give that person the freedom they deserve, freedom without any expectations or obstacles.



Don’t worry about what happens after freedom is freely given. Don’t fret over things like if freeing someone would keep them in your life experience. If you are honest with yourself then continue to express life the way you see then after all of that you see that your loved one seems to be moving away from you then that means that this person isn’t serving your growth anymore so they aren’t meant to be in your life as they were at one time. Let them go and simply live your life, let them be free. Like I said, Freedom is love.

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