Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Now !!!!!

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future

What is reality? Is reality this moment or is it a moment not yet born. Is reality a moment that has past? Which one of these moments is reality? Well to be quite frank any of these moments can be our reality. If I were to sit and worry about events that have happened already then I will be living within those events whether they are still happening or not. If I were to sit and worry about the future, even though it isn’t here yet I will be living in that place which doesn’t even exist. There are very few people who know how to live in the present moment but yet the present moment is the moment which we are now in. It’s about preparing for the future or it’s about feeling regret for situations which are in our past. We waste our “now” moment worry about moments that aren’t even real. This makes us truly not within the grasps of the “now” when we do this to ourselves, when we waste the present moment worrying about the future or the past then our present moment becomes lost. We can’t do anything about a moment which isn’t here, there is nothing we can do to change the past, we can’t do anything about what will happen in the future ether but we can do something about the moment at hand. It’s been said that people don’t have control over there lives. This is where the victim mentality comes from; this is where it all begins. The secret to dropping the victim way of thinking and taking control is to come into the “now” moment and leave everything else a lone. We have total control over the “now” moment, the “now” moment really is all there is and all there ever will be. There is nothing else but “now” and we totally can control what occurs at this moment. Our past and our futures are intertwined with “now”. The past, present and future all exist in the now, everything that ever will be and ever is exist now. It is up to us to come into this moment and start living, it is up to us to come into this moment and take our lives in the directions which we wish it to go. It is time to come into the now, it is time for us to truly take control, it is time, now.

If I am a person who wants to gain means which I have never harnessed before what good is it for me to sit and think of the hard times which are in the past and which takes me away from where and who like to be? Its okay to recognize what the past was but it’s not necessary to keep on running thoughts of those times over and over in your mind as if they still exist if you want to change from that way of living. This is why in certain situations certain people never grow in the ways that they were intended to grow. They can’t leave the past in the past. There are people who’ve been poor all of their lives and they wish they were rich but yet, they identify with being poor. They run there poor pasts through there minds over and over again, “Oh I’m from a hard neighborhood, I’ve had a hard live and I wish life was better but it’s always been hard and it won’t get better.” Instead of taking steps towards a better life they sit and dwell on there hard past. There are people who’ve been overweight all of their lives and wish they were thin but instead of taking steps in the “now” and using these steps to achieve this goal they leave their minds in a place of being fat which dwells in the past. “Oh I’ve been fat all my life. I wish I was fit but I’ve just been fat for so long, I don’t see me ever being thin.” They are looking at there “fat” past, holding on to it and remaining in that place. Since they can’t see pass this fat past they will never come into the “now” moment and claim something more and better for themselves. Let’s take the “now” moment, take the needed steps and begin to live as we have always wished to live. Let’s take steps “now” in creating a better life. If you really want change to occur in life stop living in the past and stop worrying about the future. Now is the only moment that is real, put that in your mind and with that, you’ll be able to achieve anything. Do it now!! Now is the time and the “now” is yours to do as you please.

Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.

There it goes in a nutshell, simply live in the “now” and make these “now” moments count.


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