Thursday, July 9, 2009


I want a decision to be made today which is in dire need of being made. That decision which is needed would be simply to change what society would have us believe, it really needs to be change and that is the point blank truth. As I look at my county’s situation I can’t help but notice what’s become of our current economy. Its one thing to sit and blame pass political figures for our current situation but if we continue to do just that (because it is what we do) we are setting ourselves up for more failure and hardships. If we play victim then we will never get out of this so called situation which we now find our selves in. I’ve thought deeply on the now economic situation and I can’t help but feel that we’ve only gotten ourselves in this situation because of one reason, and that reason would happen to be a bunch of believed fear.

Our fears have led to nothing but a certain type of selfishness, this is a selfishness that dictates, “If we don’t get ours then we won’t have any”, and then in turn, we take away from so much of what we truly are. We truly do posses everything we ever will need, we have everything we could ever want but the trick is to simply just claim it, we need to claim what we already have. We truly don’t need to take away from each other to get what we may feel we need because it’s always and will always be there for us. The situation which has arisen dictates that ether a group of people or an individual for that matter with influence (which we would have to give them or they wouldn’t have it) owns or controls an element which is imbedded in this country as important and they’ve ether put the price up on it or they’ve somehow taken it out of our easy reach so that they a lone may prosper. We also have these influential individuals lie to the masses about what power they truly have in all of this, we are lead to believe in a victim mentality, this mentality is a lie, it’s nothing but fear(which in itself is always a lie) and since we as a society are fueled by the rules of fear (loss of something that we never can lose) these people with the influence uses this fear to keep us all under a certain level and thus, taking away from us and having us believe that we are truly in a slump. This belief that we harness will manifest our situation as it is, it makes the situation real. For some reason (the reason would be fear) people feel that they have to keep certain people in fear so that these people will remain without power and then they feel that then and only then will they prosper in there own rights. That is what it starts off as, a way to get more for themselves, a way to take a way from those whom they feel are under them to gain more for themselves. They do this and we fall right in with them when we believe in this. Everyone believes so feverishly in fear!!

How can this be? How? If all of the jobs that ever were still need to be done, we are breathing the same air, we are walking on the same land and we are the same people. That is the case but then again it isn’t because change does occur. We are the same but yet we aren’t. We are evolving to the next “us” and we are only going in the direction that we have chosen. It is all up to us; if we give certain powers to individuals and they take us down a path we can’t help but be sent down that very path. We are the ones in control, when we’ve evolving it should serve us in a way as if to place us in a situation which should better us. This is our growth; this is our mission, this is who and what we are, we grow and evolve because we were meant to thrive and prosper, we weren’t meant to live in the grips of fear. We weren’t meant to sit around afraid to put ourselves out there and take chances because we feel we may loss something which we will always have. We are the ones with the power and now it’s time to take it back. It begins with giving and sharing. We need to make sure that everyone whom is a live never has to worry about where there next meal is coming from or if they will have shelter for the night. There is too much space and there is too much food in this country alone for anyone to ever feel as if they may not have enough of ether of them. We shouldn’t be afraid for these things, we just shouldn’t. It begins with this, we all need to come off of our high horses, realize that we are all in the same boat and make sure everyone is taken care of. There shouldn’t be one person with 100000000000 dollars in the bank and another with 1 dollar in the bank, this shouldn’t be. Everyone will feel the pains if things don’t change. We are all running ourselves in a deep hole with this way of living; we all will find ourselves in this hole if we deny each other of simply living elements. This healthcare thing is out of hand as well. It’s funny because these are more lies which we are taught as we grow. Why do we need to depend on drugs and doctors to live anyway? We have resilient bodies which are able to take what is given and heal from anything on its own. There are natural remedies, certain foods, exercise and just simply our way of thinking which will dictate how we get a long in this world as far as our bodies are concern. The doctor’s purpose should be to simply give us advice on how we can overcome an ill alignment on our own, they shouldn’t tell us that we need to be on certain drugs to live which in all reality doesn’t help us in the long run and also we really can’t afford. It’s this feeling of fear that keeps us down, it’s this “I better take something away from them if I want myself to thrive” thing that is killing us. There is no way things should be the way they now are, no way.

There are too many existing situations that truly shouldn’t exist right now. We need to educate ourselves on whom and what we really are. We need to realize why we are even alive right now. We weren’t put on this earth to strive and struggle, we were put here to grow, evolve and enjoy. It’s this fear thing that keeps us down. It’s this element of ignorance which stops us from enjoying every minute of life. We are at this moment creating our reality. If we claim we are victims of society then we always will just be that. If we fear that we have to take away from each other to have enough for ourselves then we will never have enough. We won’t have enough because when we take away from each other we take away from ourselves. This is a fact because we truly are One. We are on the same earth, we breathe the same air and we come and are sustained by the same Source. This Source is what dwells inside of us, this Source is all around us, and this Source is what we truly are, point blank. We are everything that happens to us, if we align ourselves with the vibe of fear then we ourselves are fear. There is nothing to fear, we need to give and share to began, we need to come together, except each other for whom and what we chose to be, support each other and then we will always be supported. We are One, we have the divine within us and we are creating our own realities. We need to change the way we perceive this reality, we need to not only love but become love and we need to act just as the sun does. The sun gives its life giving rays to us and doesn’t ask of anything for it. It just gives, it doesn’t worry if someone will thank it, or praise it; it gives regardless. And do you know what a love like that does? It lights up a world. Let’s illuminate each other so that we all will shine and this situation of darkness that we find ourselves in will end.


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