Monday, July 13, 2009

FLY !!!!

How does one become a butterfly?" she asked. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

Everyone is able to take flight in life and everyone’s purpose is to do just that. But, if we are in a form of a creature that is unable to fly, we may have to give up just that to become all of what we were meant to become. Imagine a caterpillar that became context with being just that. Something inside of him is urging him to spin the cocoon but he feels too afraid to do so. He becomes so comfortable with what he is so he decides not to change. He’s grounded, he’s stable and for him it has always been this way. He asks him self why would he change? Why would he take the chance of spinning that cocoon, he really doesn’t know what will become of him if he does. But, there is this tugging feeling that is located deep within him telling him that in order to become what he was meant to become he must spin the cocoon. But then, he thinks about it again and with fear driving him he decides not to do it. He lives his life as a simple caterpillar; he sits on that same branch, on that same tree, he doesn’t move he doesn’t even try and then one day he simply dies.

I don’t know about you but to me that is a very sad story. But to be quiet blunt that is what so many people do with there lives. They are like the caterpillar that knows deep within that he was meant to be so much more but yet they stay the same. They stay in the same neighborhood around the same people doing the same type of work and that is that. They just go to work, come home, eat sleep, watch the same movies, listen to the same music and when they become of age they simply retire from there jobs and that is that. They sit, they live then they die. They never fly. How sad is that? How sad is it for the world that it never gets to embrace the gift of beautiful that they have within. How would the world look if we didn’t have butterflies? How bland would it be if there beauty didn’t flourish in this world? When this happens everyone takes a hit, everyone misses out on a beauty that can never be replaced and will never be born.

I know that life can be scary at times and I know that we all can become content with what we are at this very moment even if it isn’t much. But even though we all have this feeling on the inside of us to be more, we have to really want it to achieve, we have to want to fly to become a butterfly. We have to sometimes leave it all behind. We have to have that want in order to experience new things, we have to have that want to become all that we were meant to become.

I am telling you now that we were all meant to fly. We are all like caterpillars because we were all meant to turn into exotic, beautiful butterflies in our own right. The spark of God lives within us all, we are all of this one Souce which dictates that greatness which is truthfully located in and of us all. We weren’t meant to simply remain, we weren't meant to simply be what we’re told to be. We weren’t meant to live life in a simple, bland way because that doesn’t dictate true living at all. We were meant to grow, evolve, flourish, love, enjoy, embrace, and fly. We are all exotic beauties in our own rights but we can’t be afraid to spin that cocoon and morph into that unique butterfly which we were meant to become. The old philosophies that we were taught may be left behind, we may leave behind the culture and traditions that we were taught all our lives, we may leave the very environment that we have known our whole lives behind as well but in doing this, we are coming into ourselves. We are turning into the butterfly that we were always meant to be so that we may fly. This is my plea for all; this is what I am asking of all. We weren’t meant to just sit on the same branch in the same tree all of our lives, we all were meant to fly as exotic beauties. It may even mean us changing just about everything that we were driven to believe about ourselves but I am asking you to listen to that voice which located deep within. It never lies; it is the same voice that speaks to the caterpillar before he spins his cocoon. This voice is the voice of the Divine, it lives in all of us and it yearns for greatness.


We were all meant to fly so let’s make this change so that we may do just that!!!


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