Tuesday, July 7, 2009

sins will punish us within themselves

"We’re not punished for our sins, but by our sins."

What is a true sin? Is a sin really some list of rules and regulations written in an organized religion’s doctrines? Are sins the wrongs that we were taught growing up? In my humble opinion, I think not. These elements can be considered sins but they aren’t’ “true” sins, there really are just ether an individual or a group of people’s opinion on what is right and wrong for them. True sins aren’t written rules for us to follow, true sins are things we do that actually diminish us on there own. There is no supreme idol that sits among the clouds and punishes us for our “wrong doings”; no one needs to because our sins punish us themselves. If we live a life of selfishness then we will end up alone, if we live a life of lies and deceit then no one will be able to trust us, if we steal and cheat people then we will always be looked on in a bad manner and who wants to help someone who has stolen from them. There really isn’t a true “wrong and right”. The wrongs and rights which we believe in are nothing but rules which were handed down from our elders. They are derived from our traditions and ethnicities, they are but just rules made up by us so that we may get a lone in the world in an easy manner. These rules are only needed because we are taught to live life from a fear driven view, a view that says if I don’t get mine I won’t be anything. This way of living is why the economy is as it is now but I think I will save that subject for another day. Today it’s about simply LIVING (forget sinning), it’s about living life to the fullest and knowing that if we feel we need to do something and it goes against what our tradition may dictate we still should go for it. There is a voice that speaks to us, it is located deep within us and it is aware of us and what we do. It will speak to us if we are “sinning”. We will feel as if we are doing “wrong” if we truly are. That would be our true divine selves guiding us. It isn’t the voice of fear but the voice of truth and strength. This voice never tells us to directly hurt anyone; it never tells us to do anything which will cause harm to anyone. It is there, it is our true guide and it is all we need, not some written rules.

Our “true” sins can be a good thing as well, they can teach us the errors of our ways because they will punish us. I’ve learned plenty of lessons this year and these lesson are being learned because of my past sins. Hardships and misunderstandings may be derived from our sins when we are being punished for them but then, if we look deep into the situation a strength can be gain.

Live defiant, break rules if you must, go against tradition if need be, just make sure you live this life to the fullest. Live fearless, live for the joy of it, just live. We are punished by our sins not for them; there are no rules to this life, there are only our opinions, there are the rules that we make up for ourselves and that’s it. So in that case we might as well make up another rule and call it happiness with no barriers.

Also..... In its original text the word "sin" means to "miss the mark" as in to miss the mark in life. The word sin was never meant to mean "do evil". So in turn, if you are living an ego centered, unfulfilled life then you are living in sin. This is all the word means. It doesn't mean that you've broke some rules that some astablished originized religion said you should follow, it means you "missed" the purpose in "your" life. If you are in a relationship or in a career that doesn't fulfill you then you are living in sin. If you aren't taking care of your physical, mental or spirual self then you are living in sin. If you totally are mising your purpose in life (happiness and knowing who and what you are) then you are living in sin and believe me when I say this, these sins will punish you within themselves.
The word sin derives from Old English synn, recorded in use as early as the 9th century.[1] The same root appears in several other Germanic languages, e.g. Old Norse synd, or German Sünde. There is presumably a Germanic root *sun(d)jō (literally "it is true").[2]
But in the biblical Hebrew, the generic word for sin is het. It means to err, to miss the mark. It does not mean to do evil.[3] ( If we are looking at the word sin from a Jewish or Judeo-Christian perspective and we are going to make uneducated statements like "sin means to do 'evil'. It means that you are going against rules that are written in some book", then my friend, you are the one who is off and you've got it all wrong. In turn YOU are the one whom is "off the mark" so you are the one "sinning".)

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