Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A true priceless possession

There is a widely told story that speaks to the value of compassion. It seems that a woman who lived a Tao-centered life came upon a precious stone while sitting by the banks of a running stream in the mountains, and she placed this highly valued item in her bag. The next day, a hungry traveler approached the woman and asked for something to eat. As she reached into her bag for a crust of bread, the traveler saw the precious stone and imagined how it would provide him with financial security for the remainder of his life. He asked the woman to give the treasure to him, and she did, alone with some food. He left, ecstatic over his good fortune and the knowledge that he was now secure. A few days later the traveler returned and handed back the stone to the wise woman. “I’ve been thinking,” he told her. “Although I know how valuable this is, I’m returning it to you in the hopes that you could give me something even more inquired. “What would that be?” the woman inquired. “Please give me what you have within yourself that enabled you to give me that stone.”

Just reading this short story is like a breath of fresh air to me. The message is simple and beautiful within itself. There is something more valuable which is located in us all that would hold more value then even a precious stone or a precious piece of jewelry. Within this is all of the joy and happiness that one could ever want. When it’s realized then there really is no reason to not give someone what they would ask for, no matter what it would be. We aren’t in the need of simple “precious” materialistic items; we aren’t in need of anything of the type because we truly already have everything we could ever need or want. We truly are everything, we’re everything we could ever want, it’s all located within us so with this realized why would we sit and try to hold a so called “precious idem” to ourselves. This “something” that harnesses everything is something that when realized, all and everyone would want to harness. This something is the truth of love and joy, you all already have it so harness it, claim it and realize that there is nothing else out there but that “something” needed in this life. This is what the traveler in the story realized and this is why he returned the stone. He wanted the compassion that the wise lady had; he wanted the confidence, the joy in giving and the joy in watching one rejoice when they receive something. He wanted that all out joy which is obtained after doing a loving, caring, deed. He wanted the feeling of love and happiness without fear or lost, he wanted all of these things and he knew the wise lady had these things. He wanted all these things and more, he wanted the world which is truly of love. He wanted that divinity which the wise lady obviously had. This is what he wanted and in all reality he already had all of these things within. Him giving the precious stone back to the lady proved it. He gave it back without the fear of never gaining an opportunity to get something of its type. He gave it back in hopes of taking advantage of another, better opportunity. Its in all of us already, once we realize it then we truly will be living a heaven on earth with no fears or worries. Compassion is the key, compassion and understanding.


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