Thursday, July 16, 2009


My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day's a gift and not a given right Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind. And try to take the path less traveled by. That first step you take is the longest stride

Lyrics from Nickelback – If today were your last day

This Nickelback song which I’ve used the lyrics from has become one of my favorites because I love the message. It gives a message of truth and strength. There is nothing more to life then to have this realization. There is no other reason to live, no other purpose or place, this is the realization that will truly bring out the best of us, it will bring out the strength in us and as I have already stated, these lyrics hold utter truth to them that shouldn’t’ be ignored. It humbles us as well as drives us to go for all that we’ve ever wanted. No day is promised, no minute or second that we gain is a given and this could very well be your last day of life. With that realization we see it silly to live from a place of limitations and fear. If someone was to tell and prove to us that we only had one more day to live we would make sure we enjoyed it. We would make sure we got everything out of that day that we could and we would make sure we did everything that we ever wanted to do. Fear wouldn’t be an issue because we would realize what fear is. We would realize that fear is truly nothing but a bunch of False Evident Appearing Real, fear truly isn’t real because if it was then we wouldn’t be afraid of it. We are only afraid of what “may” happen and that is silly because the only moment that is real is the “NOW” moment and as we exist here in the “NOW” we are getting a long, if we weren’t then first off no one whom is reading this wouldn’t be able to do so. If today was our last day we would know that we have nothing to lose, we would know that we only have things to gain. This is true in any situation. The only things we truly could lose are material things which can always be replaced; if this were our last day do you think we would even care about losing things of that type? Think about it, what if today was our last day? It very well could be. We are not promised any day that we receive, the days we gain are a gift not a given right. Why leave a stones unturned, why not cause havoc, have fun and make sure this day is an enjoyable one? Would you spend your last day mad or miserable? Would you waste time moping around if someone were to tell and prove to you that when tomorrow gets here you won’t be a live? Today is your last day, this day is the only day of this day that we will get. This day will never return so in turn nether will the opportunities that we gain within this day. Let’s make the best of this day, let’s live it like it’s truly the last.

Against the grain should be a way of life. What's worth the prize is always worth the fight. Every second counts 'cause there's no second try. So live like you'll never live it twice. Don't take the free ride in your own life (Nickelback)


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