Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Plant Your Apple Tree Regardless

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
Martin Luther

In bleak times one may ask themselves what the point would be if they were look on the times in a positive manner. Bleakness does look murky and dark to the naked eye but we should always remember that nothing in existence ever remains the same. No matter how unlikely things may seem we still should always plan for tomorrow, we should always plan for our dreams to be a reality even if it seems at the moment that our dreams may never come true. Set up life and make plans for better times. Do things that you would do if times were better. Plant your apple tree even if it looks as if the world is going to fall apart tomorrow. Change is always occurring, don’t think that things will always be the way they are now; in all reality we don’t want things to remain the same because if they did then we would never gain the opportunity for growth. It is in the thought that projects the reality. Everything we could ever want is a pond us, all we need to do is make ourselves ready for our wants so that they may manifest. If I want an apple tree I have to plant the seed first. If I don’t plant the seed then I will never get an apple tree. Within this moment we are in the position to at lease mentally plan for our euphoria. Just as we would need to plant a seed to get a tree, we need to plant a thought of euphoria to gain it. Let things undue as they may, don’t attach to an outcome at a certain moment in time. Time in the way that we view it is a delusion (time doesn’t truly exist. I will explain this concept in the next blog I write.), when we attach ourselves to time like it is a reality it’s like we are attaching ourselves to a fear based rule. Let things go as they may, let the wars go on around you, let the people get angry, let the frustrated be frustrated if that is what they choose, let them threaten to end society if that is what they please but always keep faith and hold firm on euphoric dreams. Plant the apple tree if you want an apple tree. Don’t let a bomb threat stop you; don’t let a prediction for a hurricane waiver wants ether. Still remain firm no matter what. If you were to live in a village that had no women and you wanted a wife, plan for a wife to arrive within your life. If you live in the artic circle and you want to lay in the summer sun on a beach, go out and buy your swim wear and your beach umbrella (even if you don’t have the slightest idea as of how you will get to a beach). Do you see where I am going with this? Wake up in the morning and give thanks for all that you have, also give thanks for your dreams. Give thanks like you already have them in your possession and think within your mind that they are already a pond you, never loose hope, never loose faith. You do have everything that you want; it all is in your grasp. Remember that and remember this as well, no matter what is happening around you, you can’t have an apple tree if you do not plant the seed. So what are you waiting for? Go plant that seed.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Knowledge is Power (our children should embrace this)

Even though I will stress that education isn’t the most important thing in the world never the less in my opinion education does hold great importance. We all have come to this earth to gain happiness. It is the only reason we live, we come to actually become what we’ve come from which is Love. But in the mist of all of what we’ve come here to achieve I’ve realized something that needs to be looked at with urgency. For the last few days I have been running into people who are lacking the basic knowledge that all adults should have. There is no such thing as a true level of being as in one person being on a better level compared to another. Within Us is that Oneness which means that there is actually no one out there who is better then another. Now with that being said there is a reason why I believe so feverishly in education. I am going to utter a statement that all of us have heard throughout our lives and that statement is that knowledge truly is power. When I say power I mean freedom. The more knowledge we gain the more we’re able to achieve. With learning and knowledge doors are open and the more doors that become open for us, the more choices we will gain as in regard to our happiness. Now when I make the statements that I am about to make I want it to be known that I am not saying that simply because one person knows a little bit more then another it makes them a “better” person. I know that I’m not better then anyone who is and who has ever lived. Everything that I say in this blog is truly my humble opinion. I would never try to pass anything off that I say as the only gossip truth that exists. As I have just stated, I am just making observations of what I’ve witnessed within my life experience. Besides that, everything else I say is just my humble opinions.

For the pass few days I’ve been talking to more illiterate people then usual and this is sad to me. I’ve been running into full grown adults that can even read words like “Stonebridge”. We live in a country where education is given to us free. If it was realized as of how much a gift we have in free education I don’t think we would have people who are in their forties and can’t even read on a second grade level. What is happening to us? Why do we even have this problem in this day and age? I’ve been running into people who don’t even know information that I would have to consider “basic knowledge”. I don’t think I use words that are complicated when I speak but it seems that when I utter a statement certain people don’t know what I’m talking about and I have to “dumb down” what I am saying so they get me. When I say this I mean simply statements too. I will say, “If you consume that amount of food it may hurt you.” They will say, “Huh a customer, what’s that?” What is going on here? I think that it is really sad for us to be having this problem at this day and age. We are in the year of 2009, when I was growing up I use to watch movies that showed people whom lived in the 2000s with flying cars and such. We are not that far behind from being this advanced with our gadgets and such but then there are people alive who can’t read simple sentences and don’t understand simple statements. Then yesterday I read this article and to me it seemed like a bit of hope for this situation.

The president, who has a sixth-grader and a third-grader, wants schools to add time to classes, to stay open late and to let kids in on weekends so they have a safe place to go.

Even though our children may not like this idea to me it something that rises hope, I’ve always said that a lot of these problems that we have could be eradicated within one generation of we focus great consideration on our children. Our children are a big piece of this mess of a puzzle that needs to be put together.

We really do come into this world wanting to grow and learn. As young children learning is fun for us. It’s fun for us because children get it. They get it more so then adults do until adults start projecting their woes and fears onto them. I can pin point the grade that I began to say I didn’t like school. It was around the 3rd grade or so. This became fact to me after I had been surrounded by older kids who would say how boring and tedious school was for them. As a young child, I looked up to the older kids because they had been on this earth longer then I. I wanted to know how the world which I found myself in worked so that I would be able to function within it. I was so impressionable within that time that it wasn’t funny. Within that time period (between the 2nd and 6th grade) I gain a negative attitude towards school, reading and writing (before that I loved reading and I wrote little books on my own) and learning in general. I had never even gotten an F on my report card before that time. My attitude towards myself changed as well. I began to think that I wasn’t good enough, I began to think that I was ugly, weak and stupid, I began to believe in all of these lies but there was something that lived within me which never let me totally believe. I never was on to follow so I am glad about that but still, I was fed so many lies that it wasn’t funny. I was being taught how to live in a fear based society. With this attitude going on it may be quiet appalling to our children if we say that we are going to cut there summer vacation down and have them stay in school an hour long. In the same article which said that Obama was trying to make school days longer a child said that he didn’t like that at all because he would have less time to hang out in the streets with his friends. When did our children take standing on a street corner over gaining power within themselves (knowledge)? I gain negative impression as a child through adults and older kids. It was passed down to me and as of now, change needs to occur so that this doesn’t happen anymore.

All children were meant to shine and they all come into the world knowing this. Let’s keep the shine within them by letting them know education is power and freedom. They come into this world wanting to learn and gain knowledge of the world so it is quiet natural. If you don’t believe me just watch a baby go about his or her day. Watch as they play with everything they can get their hands on. Watch as they discover how to do something (like push a button) then tries to take what they’ve learn to another level, watch as they place everything that will fit in their mouths to see what happens. Watch as their eyes light up when they make a new discovery. Babies wake up in the morning with the “want” to learn and to gain knowledge. They know that they were put on this earth to grow and to learn. They know this and this is what they live for beside laugher and games. They know this but then that gift is snatched away from them. When children start learning how to read and count they get happy. They enjoy learning these things. They enjoy learning about science and doing science projects. They enjoy doing and learning about art. They enjoy music class and gym class. They enjoy every bit of school until they are taught not to by their elders. Obama’s plan to make school days longer is a very good idea and it won’t be a hard one to put forth once our children gain back what they’ve lost

It is shown that in countries where they have longer school days, they learn a lot more and they’re more advanced in their learning as well. Even children in this country have said that when their school days were made longer (this has happened in some schools already) they learn more. They say they feel a lot smarter and school is just easier for them once the days are made longer. It also has been shown that in a lot of our children knowledge decreases within their long summer vacation, so in turn and to be quiet blunt, the go back to school dumber. This comes from parents not having academic work for children to do during the summer. The brain is like a muscle, it needs to be worked out or it will decrease in its abilities. My mother use to have reading and math assignments for my sister and me to do during the summer months. These assignments use to take us maybe an hour and a half a day (so it really didn’t take away from our vacation) and she didn’t have us do them on weekends. It got to the point that I started not to like the assignments but I am thankful that she had us to do them. My mother use to read to us as well and she let us know the importance of reading. She herself read for recreation purposes so from that I gain the knowledge that reading was a good thing. A lot of our children don’t have this. Some of these parents can’t half read themselves and the others just choose not to. Some parents never read to their children. They rather plop them in front of the television and just go about their day. There are parents who never interact with their children. They are so busy living their fear based lives that they never put aside time for their precious children. This way of living is truly killing us all slowly.

For us to remain in a place of happiness growth needs to continue. Evolution needs to be embrace, fears need to be let go, and our ego needs to be recognized so that it won’t run us into the ground. Within us is the power to change this world for the better. Let’s make sure our kids don’t loose the love of learning and let’s continue to learn different things within our own lives as well. I don’t want to be in a society of brainless people who don’t even have a standing in basic knowledge. We all want to be wise and intelligent because in knowledge freedom is gained.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Persistence is the key

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
(Calvin Coolidge)
In life we are dealt with situations and events. Every situation and every event that occurs within our life experience reveals a lesson for us to learn. It may not be a lesson that we can verbally define and that is okay, just know that every singe situation that we go through in life is a lesson for us to learn. A true lesson is nothing but a remembrance of whom and what we are. We come into this world with the all knowing already. True lessons help us to gain that back because within life it does get lost and like I said, all life experiences hold “true lessons”. If we are open and not attached to anything within life, these lessons will become clearer for us to perceive. Within these lessons (remembrances) comes our purpose. Our purpose is our reason; within life our reason will always be shown to us. Once we gain this realization of our reason we may feel that it is out of reach for us to gain. We may feel that it isn’t attainable but if it weren’t then we would have never thought it to be our reason in the first place. There are certain people, situations, jobs, achievements and all else which we may believe should be in our life experience. These things may not all come to us at the same time but once they do we will gain them if we are determined and persistence. Persistence and determination are the most giving and powerful tools that we have in life. With persistence comes faith and with faith comes non-attachments. Persistence rains over our education levels and talent levels. A persistent person can be more successful then a so called more talented person. With persistence comes self confidence, with persistence comes strength, and with persistence comes non-failure. We don’t want to become attached to a person, place, or outcome; with persistence attaching ourselves to anything won’t be necessary. Attachment is an aspect of fear. We attach ourselves to people and situations because the attaching is a false way of feeling like we actually have something which we don’t truly have. Lost can happen at anytime and attaching ourselves to something isn’t going to prevent that lost. Attaching ourselves to an outcome will only make us expect an outcome to occur a certain way and this in itself is an aspect of fear which can’t be ignored. So in turn if we let go of the fear we can let go of the attachment and within all of that, our freedom will be born. With persistence attaching isn’t needed. Persistence is all that is necessary, persistence and faith. If we meet a person who we feel should be in our lives, persistence work with this as well. If that person seems to become more and more distant from us within our persistence all this means is that the person isn’t the person that they first appeared to be. Faith and persistence will bring anyone or anything that we truly (truly is the key word. If it is true for us and we are persistent then we will gain it) want for ourselves into our experience. We deserve to have whatever we want, in exactly the way that we want it and that is all to it. A person who believes in this will remain persistent in their efforts, giving up is not an options and nothing needs to be forced ether. Faith and persistence is the key. Faith in our abilities and persistence to walk that path until we are at our point of achievement, stay persistent no matter what. Never give up, you deserve to have everything in the way that you want it and that is all to it. You deserve to have your passion within your life, you deserve to have what you Love within your life; persistence will get you just that. Never give up, stay on that path and it will be brought onto you. I guarantee it!


Friday, September 25, 2009

The power of thought and of words

A few years ago I worked as security for this business. On this particular night business was slow so because of that I was sitting around talking with some of the people whom I worked with. The lady that was at the time speaking spoke of one of her clients. She was busy expressing her distastefulness towards this individual. As she spoke she all of a sudden stopped speaking and looked at me. Then in a polite tone she said to me, “Excuse me for what I’m about to say”. Following, she turned towards everyone else and proceeded in talking. The next thing she said was, “This guy that I had to deal with was really fat, smelly and dark.” After she made the statement I wondered to myself why she would excuse herself to just me before making that statement. It took me a few seconds to figure it out but then, I finally did.

It was pretty obvious of why this young woman excused her self to just me before she spoke. I had happened to be the only “black” person in the room and she didn’t want to offend me, she figured that she might offend me because she was going to talk about another “black” person and also talking about his “blackness”. Something I heard on the radio this morning made me mentally recall that incident.

On the morning show that I listened to this morning they played a clip of the Oprah show and on this clip she was talking to the rapper Jay-Z. They spoke on the use of the “N” word and they felt differently about the word in general. Jay-Z said that he had no problem with people using the word. He said, “We (meaning him and his friends) use the word in a way that we’ve taken the power out of it. It was a negative word and now we’ve turned it into a word of endearment. By doing this we take all of the negative power from the word that was attached to it for so long. A word is a word and nothing more. When the “hurt” towards this word is felt it’s really not an issue of the word. It’s more so an issue of racism. That is the issue that needs to be addressed.” Oprah had a different opinion, she said, “Well I disagree because I feel that the word is hurtful. When I hear it I think of young black men being lynched, I think of pain and I think of hurt. I don’t think that the word should ever be used so I guess we will just agree to disagree on that one.”

For me, I feel that it is a fear within people that makes them look at other people and their situations with ignorance. In the experience that I had with the young lady excusing herself just to me before she spoke I really had to think about it to fully understand why she felt that she needed to do that. I didn’t know the person that she spoke of personally and I’ve never even meant or even saw the person that she spoke of so why would I have a problem or be offended if she chose to think negatively of that person? If she honestly felt that way about the person I would have always wanted her and anyone else who feels a certain way to feel that they are able to express there feelings honestly around me without feeling the need to ether excuse themselves or simply watch there tongue. That incident wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with something of that type within my life and quiet frankly I tend to dislike it when people act that way around me. I do understand why people may feel like they need to be careful around me if they are speaking of certain issues but I truly don’t like it one bit.

We all know that probably most of the people whom live in this country with an African ethnic background’s ancestors were brought over here to be slaves, a long with that their came plenty of ignorance, from that ignorance there came this hate and from that the separation and the believing in the delusion that a person’s skin color determines if one person is better then the other. Since then slavery has ended and every single type of environment, job position and situation within this country has been occupied by a person whom has an African ethnic background. We even have a president with an African ethnic background. People with an African background have come so far in this country so why would we sit and dwell in a place that doesn’t serve how far people of the African ethnicity have come? If slavery is over why are we still being bothered by a word like nigger? On another note a few weeks ago our president was giving a speech on his new health care plan and as he spoke on how his plan isn’t going to cater to illegal aliens a congressmen screamed out, “You lie!” in an angry rage. Why did so many people say that because he (the congressman) simply screamed out “you lie” to our president that this made the congressman a racist? Why do we cling on to this mind state? Why are we so afraid to forgive, let go and move on? Why do we let any word in our language cause hurt and pain to each other? The answer of all of these questions is right in front of our faces. For some reason people won’t let go, for some reason people won’t forgive and that reason happens to be the reason of FEAR.

One of my purposes of starting this blog was to “out” certain hidden false powers that run and mess up our lives. I know I speak of fear a lot because quiet frankly every messed up situation that arises, every worry we get, everything that has ever gone bad or wrong for us and everything that feels bad and hurtful are because of fear. I want this to be known and I want this to be seen. Fear is the reason why we can’t seem to see that the heaven that we all crave is right here with us right now. It is within us, it is on our very earth and quiet frankly it is US (we ourselves are that heaven that we crave). There really are two choices that we are able to make and every other choice that is made comes from these two. There is fear and there is love and that is all there is. Now fear is nothing but a bunch of False Evidence Appearing Real, nothing of fear even exists so in all reality the only true choice that we are able to make is love. From Love comes understanding and from understanding comes forgiveness. From forgiveness comes freedom and from freedom not even the sky is the limit for what we could achieve. Slavery is over but slavery does still exist if we hold on to the thought of it still being around. How does that serve us? A slavery mind state will enslaves us personally; we don’t need it around anymore so why hold onto it? Think of how all of those people that fought for slavery to end would think if they knew it was still around. Some of these people gave there very lives so that people with an African ethnic background could be free in every way possible so why let even a simple word like nigger enslave? Why do you think that the young lady whom spoke to us at my job that day felt she had to excuse herself to speak honestly around me? She thought that because of the slavery thing people who have the skin color of mine were too weak to hear a simple truth. We should be able to speak our minds truthfully no matter what without worrying if what we say will offend someone else. What we say has nothing to do with anyone else so why should it offend? This young lady wasn’t talking about me so why would I take it as an offense? I want people to speak honestly around me. I don’t live my life off of fear, I just don’t do it. Fear is also used for people who chose to be weak to control one another. Some people say that they can say nigger (or nigga) but someone else (who isn’t of an African ethnic background) can’t, then if the other person (the non-African) does say nigger the person who said that the word isn’t to be uttered by them will say, “Hey you can’t say that you racist”. Then a false since of control and power is felt and the non-African person instantly feels bad. People like that want within themselves the control of how someone else feels because it gives them a false since a power; same thing goes with other so called derogatory like the word “bitch”, it is just a simple way that one person feels to gain control over another. Women are just as strong and powerful as men. They are capable of doing the same jobs the men do. They are in themselves different but they are equal. They are not under men in any shape, size or form so why should a word like bitch offend. If a man feels that women are nothing but bitches I think it is a good thing that he honestly expresses it. This way a strong woman will step up and show him all of the reasons why women are not just mere bitches. It is the same thing with the word nigger. If there is a racist person who thinks African ethnic people are all just niggers I want him to say so around me. I want him to say so with conviction and truth, I want him to simply be himself and to simply sing it if he must. I want him to also know that I am not going to be offended by him feeling that way. I want him to know that I can gain an understand of why he feels that way and also that if he watches me long enough he will think that way no longer. I also want him to know that the way he thinks or any word that he uses has no power over me what so ever. I am not going to accept something that I simply am not. He speaking of me in a negative, ignorant way will be the same as him calling me a pine tree. I’m not a pine tree and no matter how much someone says I’m a pine tree I will never be one so anyone who calls me a pine tree isn’t going to do a damn thing to me. This is what we need to do; this is all that we need to do. No one really should be using any aspect of fear to control anyone because the control is not real, they actually have no control over the people who they in a false way feel they do. When someone calls another person a racist then that person themselves is the actual racist because it is the accuser who is holding on to the “racist” mind state. Let’s free ourselves so that we are able to be honest around each other. You know what they say; a doctor can’t help a sick person if he doesn’t know that the person is sick. How can we truly show each other that we are all great in our own right if we don’t know that someone thinks that we really are lower or less then them for various reasons? It is time for us to free ourselves from the grips of fear so that we can grow, move forward and claim our heaven on earth. Fear tells us that if we let go and forgive then we will be losing something (a false power) within ourselves and this is a straight lie. Radiate Love by forgiving and moving on. Slavery only exists in the mind. Let’s align ourselves with a positive energy so that we may maintain our happiness. Words only have power to them when we give the word the power. If we cling onto a negative meaning of a word within ourselves then we have just given the word plus the person that chooses to use it the power to dictate our feelings. Why would we ever give any misguided person power like that? We are all One. We are all of the same Source and we are all a part of each other. We all have that “greatness” within so if we all could just see God in each other then we would realize that we have more in common with each other then we may think. Therefore we would see ourselves in each other and we would never want to cause pain to each other. We would never try and grab onto a false since of control over each other. Fear disables and Love empowers, this is and will always be the case. Remember that.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

ANGER (lack of understanding of the Self)

From anger comes confusion, from confusion memory lapses, from broken memory understanding is lost form loss of understanding he is ruin (Krishna, The Bhagavad-Gita)

Anger is an emotion that we’ve all had to deal with. When things just don’t go the way we feel they should anger is born. Anger is an honest emotion and I don’t necessarily think it’s simply a bad thing (it’s not a healthy thing but I wouldn’t call it bad) ether because it is an honest emotion. We have our own personal ethics, values, and morals and when any one of those things become broken within our life’s experience anger is born. But, from anger confusion will arise. Now if we become aware of the reason which has angered us we will be able to maintain control over our anger. The key is to know that all anger comes from fear (which is derived from the ego), with this understand we will be able to control our anger so that it doesn’t mess up our lives. If anger takes root then confusion will follow, then from confusion everything will become hazy within our world. Nothing else will matter but our anger, sometimes we become so angry that we forget why we’ve become angry in the first place. We just allow anger to take root and then once it is in control everything goes down hill. There is nothing but lack of understand in anger. We only become angry at others when we lack the understanding of there actions, like I said before these are actions that go against us (our egos). Anger is a very honest way to express our feelings; I don’t think that we should harness our anger if it is present within us. But the trick is to know why we are anger and to also know that this anger that we may be experiencing will only hurt us. When I become angry I don’t look to the other person whom I may feel has angered me to change, I look to myself to see why “I” have chosen to take on the anger. Everyone is in this world for happiness. Everything we do we do in the name of happiness, that is even a rule when it comes to things that may go against someone else’s values and ethics. So it is us (the one who is harnessing the anger) who are actually causing the anger and it is ultimately us that will get burned if we hold on to it as well.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. (Buddha)

Now I don’t speak of anger to say that we should stay in a situation which causes us to become angry. I only say that anger is good (because it is an honest expression of our feelings) and it makes no since to hold it in if we are feeling it. But, if our ethics, morals and values keep on becoming broken then how are we to grow and remain in a place of happiness from that? We are the ones who cause ourselves to become angry just as if I were to grasp a hot coal I would be the one who is causing me to become burned. But what since does it make to keep a steady grasp on a hot coal hoping that I will stop getting burned. Our happiness is our decision and our feelings are our indicator to how we are to get to that happiness. If we continue to become angry then maybe we should let go of the reason or situation which is causing us to anger. When we all realize that no one simply wakes up in the morning with the intent on angering someone just for the sake of angering them then our enlightenment on this will begin. If someone attacks another they are only doing it because of the fear that they harness within themselves. It is never about the person or people whom they are attacking so why should the intended target take it personal? It makes no since to stay in a situation that angers you and it makes no since to take the stuff personal. They aren’t doing the so called anger causing action because of you; they are doing it because of them. Why give in to that? Why feed that person’s fear (weakness)? Why even stay angry at someone at all? It’s not going to solve anything at all to remain angry. Once it is realized that the anger is in existence let it go. Shift our thoughts to something that makes you feel good and move on with your life. You can’t sit there and expect someone to change for you, that makes no since if the person who is causing you the anger feels that there action are causing them happiness. It just makes no since, it makes no since to stay angry at someone and it makes no since to stay in a situation that keeps on causing anger and heartbreak. Anger only hurts the person who harnesses it. If I do something that angers a person do you think I am going to feel bad for them? I am going to go on with my life. That person may stay in the house and remain angry but that isn’t going to affect me one bit. They might see me walking down the street laughing up a storm, enjoying my life while they stay inside by themselves angry. Who do you think is being affected by this, me or them? This is what I am talking about. It makes no since to stay angry at someone because that someone isn’t being hurt. This is why I used the Buddha quote today. It explains it perfectly. Also the first quote I used explains something about anger too. If we come into a place which we understand who we are and what we are on this earth for then there won’t be that many things that anger us anyway. Anger comes from a lack of understanding of the self. Again I will ask this question, why remain angry? It doesn’t feel good and it isn’t healthy for us ether. Why hold onto a hot coal if it is burning us? Do you think the hot coal shouldn’t be a hot coal simply because we’re being burned? It is a hot coal and it has every right to remain a hot coal for as long as it wants to, it should be able remain a hot coal as long as the hot coal feels that it is being served because it is a hot coal. The hot coal shouldn’t have to change what it is because of us. All we have to do is let the hot coal go and then we won’t be burned anymore. Why stay in a situation that causes anger and expect the situation to change? These things make no since but so many of us do these things all of the time. We do these things out of fear; we think that maybe if we let the hot coal go then we won’t have anything else to hold onto. All we have to do is grab a cold coal. Fear makes us thing that we are what we are and that is it and that is true but what fear leads us to believe is that we are something less then what we truly are. Therefore (fear has us believing) we need to remain in our current situation (even if it isn’t serving us) otherwise we won’t be anything. We won’t have our “heaven on earth” if we remain in the grips of fear. Remain in the company of those who serve us. Remain in the company of Love. Love never causes anger, only fear does. We cause our own anger because we remain in situations (because of fear) that go against who and what we’ve chosen to be within this life. It makes no since if you strip it down and really look at it. I want to close this passage by saying this. If anger arises don’t pretend that it isn’t in your presence, be honest about it. Become understanding of what really is causing the anger. Remain in a place of Love so that the anger doesn’t take control (start thinking about things that make you happy, start thinking of Love). Remain in Love, become Love and simply forgive the anger. Let it go and YOU become the better person (if change is needed YOU be the change. Don’t expect someone else to change just because you want them to). If you still find yourself in a place which anger keeps on arising then YOU are no longer being served in the situation. The situation needs to be eradicated so that you may continue to grow. Don’t stay in a “bad” situation. Don’t let fear run you. Remind in a place of Love, forgive always and if none of these things work then move on so that you may continue to grow. Love is always the answer and our feelings will dictate to us whether we are in a situation of Love or not. Our feelings never lie. If our feelings are fear then and only then are our feelings lying (and they still really aren’t lying to us because they are showing us fear. If we know what fear is then we still can us this.) It makes no since to remain in a place of pain and suffering when heaven really is a pond us at all times. It just makes no since to remain in a place of anger, then become confused and then have our memory lapse. Remain in Love.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Light, Different Windows

The prophets are like one single being. If you refuse one of them, you refuse them all. It’s like ritual washing. If you don’t wash one of your organs and wash all the others, it will be of no use. So, as the prophets recognize each other, if you don’t admit one of them, it is as if you had admitted none of them. In fact, there’s only One light that appears through different windows which reaches us through the person of each prophet. All of these lights stream from the same Sun. If you refuse a part of this light; that shows that you’re a bat. You’re like a bat who says, “I am against this year’s sun but I accept last year’s. “In fact, this year’s and last year’s sun are not different in any way. Whatever difference you think you perceive comes from the fact that you didn’t really experience last year’s sun.


It is the same Love that we receive and always have received; the same Source that sources us, the same wisdom and knowledge that has always enlightened us but yet it may appear a bit different at times. This is the message that I’ve received from this Rumi writing called “One Light, Different Windows”. The Sun’s light will shine through different windows but it really is the same Sun. If we sit and say that we will only accept the sunlight through one window then we really are cutting ourselves short and in turn we are cutting the sunlight short as well. We may not always be in a predicament which dictates us getting our light from the window that we are accustomed to but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get the light at all. The Sun will always shine, it gleams all the time and it has been doing this for a long time. Wisdom and knowledge may gleam through different people and situations. This doesn’t mean that it isn’t the same true wisdom and knowledge that will help us to grow and expand. It will always be the same Sun no matter what. Within being the same it is also different because we may just as well come in contact with different teachers and prophets and they may show us the wisdom that we crave in a different way but still, they are relaying the same wisdom that enlightens. If we choose to wave them away simply because they aren’t appearing as the same source which our parents and our parents’ parents gained there wisdom from it would be like we’re rejecting true wisdom all together. The Sun is the Sun, what does it matter if the window that it shines through is not the window that it always has. Those old windows may be old, dirty, and grimy. They may have just gotten so much muck on them that the sun may not even shine through them as bright as it should. As we live and as time goes on people who cling onto just one way of doing things usually loss the whole wisdom of the action all together. They forget that they are just a window for the Sun to shine through; they start thinking that instead of being that window for us to gain the Sun’s rays they feel that they are actually the Sun all together for us. They once were a clear window which the Sun could easily shine through and now they are just a dirty reflection of a reality that they’ve made up. No Sun shines through; all you get is the grime and dirt which actually covers up the Sun’s glare. No God shines through, just there ego. Within all of that ego (grime) the Sun (God) is no longer seen so it may just do us some good to accept a new window so that we are able to get that true shine from the Sun. It has always been the same Sun and this Sun will shine through different Windows. Don’t be like the bat that Rumi spoke of who shuns the Sun of today for the Sun of yesterday. You can’t shun something and except it at the same time. Why live in a duel mind state. Free yourself, open up and know that even though the windows may be different, the same Sun does shine through


ALSO…. Let’s experience each day for the learning and growing experience that it is. Let’s experience each trail and tribulation as growth for our inner being. If we don’t see these experiences for what they truly are then we are cutting that part of the Sun’s glare from our lives. In doing this we will never recognize that it has always been the same Sun. With this we make the mistake of thinking that yesterdays Sun and today’s Sun are not one in the same “Whatever difference you think you perceive comes from the fact that you didn’t really experience last year’s sun.” Simply experience the Sun as a whole so that nothing will be missed.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Be like a thermostat, not like a thermometer

“Don’t be like a thermometer and just measure the temperature, be like a thermostat and change the temperature.”

As I got dressed this morning I listened to this pastor whom I very much enjoy named Joel Osteen. In the sermon that I listened to this morning he said a line that has stuck with me and this is why I am using it to write about today. He said, “Don’t be like a thermometer and just measure the temperature, be like a thermostat and change the temperature.” This statement had me thinking about how people tend to just go with the flow in any given situation. If it is a so called negative situation they radiate negativity. If it is a situation of the latter then that is what they may radiate. It’s like it needs to be conditioned outwardly for someone to act a certain way. This is the point that Joel was trying to make as he spoke. He said that if one person starts complaining about a situation in life others usually join in with the complaining, they add on with issues to complain about within there lives. If one person complains about there job others join in. If someone starts whining about how the economy is so bad and about how all our political leaders try to screw us, six or seven more people are adding on to that complaining with more negativity. There is so much whining and complaining about why things aren’t the way that they should be. It seems that it is a wide belief that the more one complains about something, the more of a chance they have to get rid of the issue that they are complaining about. I don’t know about you but I don’t believe that it works that way at all.

We get what we are. The things that happen to us are the things that we put all of our thought energy onto. If we sit and simply act like a thermometer, simply measuring what is going on around us then there is no way that things will change for the better. To change things for the better I believe that we have to actually “change”. We have to change the things for the better, not announce the bad. It is already known that things which we don’t like go on. We really don’t need to sit and put those things up front. There are plenty of good things going on too. Why not put those up front. Or better yet why not CHOOSE to simply be of the good and nothing else. Even if we are meant with someone who seems to want to bring us down. If someone comes to us with a rowdy attitude what good does it do for us to add on to that attitude by getting “rowdy” back at that person? Who is it going to serve to be rude to someone who is rude to you? All you are doing is accepting there rudeness and in turn you are taking that negative, rude feeling for yourself. When we do things like that its like we are accepting a gift that will not serve us. The more negativity we accept from others, the more negativity we will have within our own lives. Remember, a rude, negative person isn’t being that way because of you, even if they are aiming all of that negativity at you. It’s all about them and its all in them so why would you even take it on. If you kill them with kindness you and they will be served. Within that kindness they will take on a more positive attitude even if it isn’t shown to you. We really do have more control over what happens in the world then we think we do. So give it a try. If someone is being rude to you, be kind to them. Remember, don’t be the thermometer which just measures the temperature. Be the thermostat which changes the temperature. If you call a restaurant to order some food and the person who answers the phone says in a rude voice, “Just give me your order because I don’t know the answer your damn question. Like I said, I don’t know how much that cost. If you want to know you should look a menu because that is what we have them for. I am not a menu.” Don’t sit there and say, “You are so rude. You don’t speak to people that way and you will not speak to me in that tone. Where is your boss, I am going to get you fired for talking to me like that.” What good is it going to do you if you help in having a job taken from a person who obviously is already having a hard time with something in life? Instead try to be kind to them. Let them know that you apologize for not looking at the menu but you would appreciate it if they did this one thing for you. Say something nice to them. When they take your order and then when they finally do look the item up for you let them know that you really do appreciate them for doing that for you. Let them know that you realize they didn’t have to do that but they did anyway and because they did you are happy. Tell them that they work in a restaurant that serves the best food around. Let them know that you are impressed by how quick they took your order. Just throw all the kindness that you can think of at them and then see what happens. See what may happen from that. They may even offer you a free coupon for a free meal if you offer them kindness. Your kind words may just save them from so much heartache. You never know what someone is going through in there lives, you never know. Kind words go a long way. This world could be healed completely off of kindness. Compassion and kindness are the keys to happiness. You can trust me when I say if you choose to be like a thermostat, your world will go a lot smoother and you will be a lot happier. Kill them with kindness and control the temperature of your situation just like a thermostat would.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Children Are Love

Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music. ~William Stafford

Last week I spoke to a friend of mine on the phone. She has a baby that is a few months old and she spoke to me about how much she loves her child. I told her that she had a gift right there; our children know something that we tend to forget over time. I remember when I was a child I would look at some adults and think that they were always adults. There were certain people that I couldn’t fathom the idea that they were ever children. They physically looked old and worn, their attitude towards life wasn’t all that happy, there was nothing that I could see in them that told me that they were ever children and to me and that is really sad. These people whom I thought were born adults were people whom lost all of their innocents, they lost all of those gifts that God gave them when they were born and me as a child really did think that they were simply born adults because of it.

When I spoke to me friend I gave her a warning. I warned her that when her child goes out into the world on his own the world will more then likely try to snatch his innocence away from him. It is a sad truth and also it’s a truth that really doesn’t ever have to exist. Children are the key to all of our futures. If we want a future filled with the fears and issues that we now deal with all we have to do is project them onto our children but if we want a future which would be based on Love, all that is need is for the child remain as they are.

Children are perfect, they are born perfect. They come into this world wanting to learn and laugh. They want to grow, they want to be happy, they truly get what life is really about and a lot of times it’s us that simply don’t. Learning is fun and they know this but then we project this “you have to work hard and suffer to get what you need in this world, game time is over” mentality onto our youth. I remember when I was a child I actually us to like sweeping the floor. It just felt good to do work like that because I felt as if I was helping out. Children know the joys of giving and helping out. I actually would enjoy doing things for people simply because of the feeling that helping out gave me. But then I started to here things from adults like “I hate cleaning up. I don’t like doing work” and “If I do this for someone they better give me something for it because I’m not going to let anyone use me in that way.” I had a hard time holding onto my innocence because of all of the negative malarkey that was being tossed at me about helping people out. I wanted to make adults happy, I looked up to adults, I saw them as strong and wise and I wanted that within myself. I do enjoy helping people to this day, I really do and it is only because I’ve held onto that inner child. This is why I can remember being a child so clearly, I still am that child, I would never let my “inner child” go and this is what so many of us have done.

We are our children and our children are us. They are our future, they are our most wises teachers, they are our greatest gift, they know what is important in life. If child is sad they cry, if a child is happy they laugh. They are honest because they aren’t driven by fear therefore they have no reason to lie. There are a lot of pains and hardships that I have endured within my life that I may have avoided if I would have looked at the situations from a “child’s” perceptive (an honest, fearless perspective). A lot of my confusion and hurt within life have come because of me trying to be an “adult” but at the same time me having the “child” within fighting to be released.

This is where I feel it really needs to begin. If a child is in your life in any shape, size or form never project your fears onto them. Let them know that they are perfect, let them know that life is about being happy, let them know that they are Love, let them know that God is Love as well and then they will figure the rest out for themselves (they already know the rest anyway).

I know that I’ve written about how important it is to keep a child mentality before. Now I am saying that it is important for us to keep our children within a child mentality. Our children love us already as we are. They accept us for whom and what we are and they only want to see us happy. I know that there are people out there whom feel that they aren’t good enough parents to there children or even to a particular child of there’s. The child doesn’t see it that way so we don’t want to think negative things like that around them. If we do they will pick up on it and from that point they will begin thinking in that negative light as well.

A child is like a precious jewel. They (like the jewel) are unique and beautiful in there own right. They glisten naturally but like a jewel they can get smut on them so that they won’t gleam any longer. Even so, that smut can be cleaned off of them; they will always be that precious jewel underneath. We are all as perfect and as innocent as our children. Like them we all just want happiness. Let’s keep the smut of fear off of our children so that they will always glisten. Let’s show them that they are perfect in everyway possible. They are not flawed and they were not born “sinners”. Why would we put a message like that into them? They are perfect. They are our future, they are our gift and they are us. Lets have them remain as they are so that they may dream, achieve and grow. Our children are the key to a heaven on earth for us all. It begins with them and it really isn’t that hard. Just be Love around them and the Love that they are will radiate to us all. It is that easy. We already are Love so all we have to do is be ourselves around them, our true selves.


Friday, September 18, 2009

The Power of Visualization

Once you start deliberately offering thought, then you can never offer enough action to keep up with the thought. Once you access the Energy that creates worlds, a huge vortex comes into place, and there's just not enough action for you to keep up with that. And so, what you have to do is visualize every step of the way, envision you happy in the process. Envision things in place, envision people catching on. Just envision it working. Skip over the how and the where and the when and the who -- and just stay focused upon the what and the why. (Abraham)

Esther Hicks
Source: Abraham

If I ask someone, “Do you know what you want within this life” and they say, “no” they aren’t being accurate with their answer. As a matter of fact even though they may not realize it they are down right lying. I can tell you right now what everyone in existence wants, everyone wants happiness. Now the thing that we may not know is how we will get our happiness. We all want happiness but they scary part is how we are going to gain our happiness. I wanted to use the Abraham-Hicks quote today because it makes a good point within the subject of happiness. We are so busy worrying about how we’re going to get our happiness that within all of that worrying our happiness evades us all together. All it takes is the knowing that our happiness is a pond us. If we visualize ourselves being happy we will be connecting with the vibration of happiness; therefore our happiness will be attracted to us. It won’t even be a question of if because it will come; it will be there if we can see ourselves within it first. We won’t have to worry about how we will obtain it, all we have to do is know that we will obtain it and it will be. It will be attracted into our experience. This is guaranteed.

Do you notice how people who worry about things tend to have an unlimited amount of thing to worry about? Do you ever notice how people who complain about things never stop running out of things to complain about? This is your proof that whatever you concentrate on will be manifested into your reality. This is why I say if we visualize ourselves being happy (being around people that make us happy and doing things that make us happy) then happiness will come to us. If we do this we will have so much happiness in our lives that we won’t even know what to do with it. We really don’t have to plan for things to complain about, do we? We don’t have to plan for things to worry about ether. This is true because if these things are what we put our mental capacity on, these things become what we align ourselves with therefore these things are what we receive. There is a Source which all things come from and this Source will always give us what we ask for whether we want it or not. So give it a try and simply come into a place of knowing that happiness will come to you. We all know that we want to be happy in life and we all know of things that make us happy as well. Simply visual through things and they will come to pass. If we start to think about things that make us happy, just like complaining, we will ultimately have more things come to us which actually do make us happy to think about and from there our happiness will become something everlasting. Visualize and it will be attracted to you. Visualize your happiness.


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin. (Victor Kian)

When an opportune moment approaches it has to be realized that these moments are once in a life time moments. There really is no such thing as lucky people, all “lucky people” are, are people whom know how to take advantage of an opportunity when it is presented to them. We all get these opportunities and it’s the habit of procrastination that stops us from being “lucky” in just about all cases ( the other cases would be us just not being open enough to even see our opportunities). If something needs to be done, get it done. This is the message that I want to put forth today because it really is an important message. If you have a fearful feeling, feel the fear and get it done anyway, don’t procrastinate. Procrastinating is like saying that you aren’t going to do something at all because the only moment that is real is the now moment so in turn, what are you procrastinating to? If you put something off to “later” then you really might as well say, “I’m not going to get it done at all”. Also, the likelihood of it getting done drops immensely. Procrastinating can stop us from planning a vacation, planning a workout plan or even letting some one know some important information. I didn’t put every excuse down because the purpose of putting any of them down was to just let it be seen what procrastinating does to us. Sometimes it may be believed that if an issue is pressing and is put off then the issue goes away but that is never the case, face the issue now because it isn’t going to go away until you do. Do it now or plan for it now. There are no excuses when it comes to this. If you want something, go and get it now. Always stay open so that you are able to recognize an opportunity when it arises and when you do, take advantage of it at that moment. Don’t fret or let fear stop you. Your happiness will always evade you if you allow fear to dictate anything. If you know your heart is in something and you know from deep within that it needs to be done do it and do it right now. So what are you waiting for? If you feel that you want to tell that special someone something do it now or at lease plan for it (if you plan for something make sure you go forward with your plans or planning will be equal to procrastinating). Get it done now!! This is a serious message. Don’t let fear stop you, do not procrastinate! Become a “lucky” person and take advantage of your current situation now so that you’ll be able to have your everlasting happiness!!!




Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Be the path!!!!

I was listening to a program with Neale Donald Walsch (author of Conversations with God) this morning as I got ready for work and he spoke on the concept that we are taught in our society to “doing” things so that we may get things done for ourselves. Now it does make since to do something if you want it done, I mean how else are you supposed to get things done? Right? I myself have always told people that you can’t wait for something to just happen; you need to do something about so that it may happen. I realized at a young age that if I wanted to actually live life I would really need to start living. I couldn’t sit around and wait for life to be lived, I had to be the one to live it. But, this doesn’t mean I need to actually “do” anything. This is what Neale was saying to me on the program that I listened to this morning, “It seems like we do so much but yet we still don’t get to the place in life that we want to be. We do, do, and do. We do so much doing that all we end up with is a pile of do do, nothing is accomplished but do do.” In our society we “do” a lot but there aren’t enough people who are in the position that they wish to be in. I’ve known people to “do” two jobs but still find themselves in debt. I’ve seen people “do” so much as in regard to a relationship (any type of relations. Not just a romantic one) to make it better but yet they find themselves continuously slipping in the same bad positions which they were trying to eradicate. People come to work and do, they go and do all of these diets and join all of these health clubs (the health club and diet business is booming right now) but yet there are so many obese people in this country. There is so much doing but nothing is getting done. Nothing but do do, they simply make piles of do do (crap) for themselves.

"You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself” Buddha

It’s not about “doing” anything because when it all comes down to it we really don’t need to “do” anything. There is a force which makes the sun shine and makes the earth go around the sun. It rains and the rain then is evaporated. We are given all of our needs and we need to do nothing to get them. It just happens, it just is. The sun doesn’t need to “do” anything; it just needs to “be” the sun. That is where the answer lies. It’s not about “doing” it’s about “being”. Just as the Buddha said “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself”. You simply need to become what ever you want your outcome to become. I take care of myself and I am easily able to maintain my physical fitness and I have my whole adult life. The reason why I am able to do this is because I have become fitness, I’ve become that and because of it, staying in shape isn’t hard at all. I embraced a fitness lifestyle by reading books on fitness and watching videos on fitness. I learned then I applied but before I did all of that I saw myself as being a fit person and only a fit person. I saw it within myself; I claimed it and then I became it. If you want to be great at something you need to become that of which you want to be great at. When I began working out I was just doing it because that is what people who are fit do. I didn’t attach myself to an outcome; I didn’t sit there and think to myself that I may not be able to obtain the fitness that I desired. I just became a fit person (even before I was actually physically a fit person) and before I knew it I was in shape. I aligned myself with the “fit” vibration even when I was out of shape and now to this day there is no such thing as an out of shape me. People who knew me back then don’t even remember me being anything but in shape because I simply became “in shape” I became it. If you want positive things to happen in your life you need to become the positive. If you want have a lot of money become a person with a lot of money. People with a lot of money don’t waste money, they save it. They invest it so that they have more then one way of income. They become “a person with a lot of money” and then money just comes to them. It is the same with everything. You can get anything this way (the job you want, the relationship you want, the body you want, the life you want) if you just become just that. Like I said, there is a force (most of us call that force God but there are other names for it. It really doesn’t matter what you call it or if you call it anything at all for that matter. I like calling it God myself) out there that has control of everything so that it becomes everything that it is. The earth is the earth because it’s the earth. Not because it is “doing” earth things, but it is simply being the earth. The night is the night because it is the night. The day is the day because it is the day. I am a man because I simply am a man. This goes with everything. Of course I “do” things that men do but that just comes with being a man. I really don’t even have to put forth a whole lot of effort in being a man. It is the same with me being positive or me being fit. When I workout it can be challenging but when I am working out I don’t really feel like I am going out the way and “doing” something to workout. It really is just who I am, and me actually “doing” a workout comes with being fit. I hope what I am saying is clear because if it is then anything can be achieve with the knowing of this fact. You think that the President of the United States waited until he was the President to mentally claim his presidency? I remember on a past second of The Biggest Loser there was this female who had just got voted off the show. Even though she was told that “you are not the biggest loser” before she walked out of there she said to everyone with confidence, “I am the biggest loser”. She said it like she knew that she was the biggest loser even though she got voted off. A few episodes later they decided to bring a voted contested off (they had never done this before so there was no way that anyone would have know they would do this) and guess who got brought back on? Not only did this female get back on the show, she won the whole thing so she did end up becoming the biggest loser. She became the biggest loser and then the universe just lined it up for her so that what she “was” could “be”. This is all it takes. If you are fat and you want to lose weight claim yourself as a thin person now. Like I said, this goes for anything.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person to or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We ARE the change that we seek” Barack Obama

We are the change that we want so instead of doing “so much” let’s simply be “so much”.


ALSO… If a person or a job or anything comes in your path and it doesn’t serve you as the person you are choosing to “be” it will be eradicated from your path just as water will dry up if you set fire to a moist log. Don’t worry about it and don’t cling on to it (it could be a person which isn’t serving you; you may lose a job or even your home. It could be anything). Let it go and just continue to be whatever you want within your life. Simply be, don’t attach to the outcome, just let God line things up as they should so that you are able to “be” what you’ve claimed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Become detached and stop chasing your tail.

To truly know what your true purpose is in life is one of the easiest things but yet, its one of the hardest things to realize, of course, like I’ve always said we are born perfect. We know who and what we are and we know why we are here. We want to learn about everything, grow and simply be happy. We aren’t worry about other people’s opinions or about an outcome to any situations but then we are told that we aren’t perfect, that other people’s opinions about us really do matter and that the reason why we should do anything in life is because of the outcome. This is where we get lost. We then stop concentrating on our own purpose and happiness, after that we switch to doing things the way “they” say we should do things, from there comes the worrying about what “they” think and also right behind that comes the worrying about the outcome. This morning as I got dress and ready for work I listened to a Wayne Dyer interview. In this interview Dr. Dyer spoke on the very thing that I am speaking of today. This is a story that he told in the interview;

This older dog was taking a walk down the block and in his walk he happened to come across a younger dog. As soon as he came across the young dog he saw that the he was busy chasing his tail. With a confused look on his face, the old dog asked, “What are you doing? Why are you chasing your tail?” The young dog replied, “I just came from a dog’s philosophy class and in the class I was told that all of the happiness I could ever want is located in my tail.” Pausing a bit so that he could give the older dog all of his attention he continued in an elated tone, “From that lesson I figured it all out.” The older dog then said, “And what have you figured out young dog? It looks like you are just going in circles to me.” “Well” The younger dog retorted, “If I was to simply catch my tail then I would have all of the happiness that I could ever want; that is all I have to do so I will continue to chase my tail until I have it.” The younger dog had a big grin on his face as he spoke his reply. A pond this, the older dog simply said, “Well yes, I do agree with you. All of our happiness is in our tails but being that I spend all my time in alleys I don’t get to go to philosophy class but I did find something out.” As the older dog prepared himself to speak the younger dog thought that it was a shame that the older dog never got a chance to go to philosophy class. The older dog continued, “I found out that if I just do what I do my tail will found me around, Therefore, all I have to do go about my day doing things which I was put here to do without all of the worrying and from there my happiness follows right behind me. My happiness actually chases me; I don’t have to chase it.”

Our happiness is always with us, following behind us but because we are told that we need to do this and we need to do that in order to gain it it’s like we are chasing our own tails. We go here and we go there. We do this and we do that and we worry about an outcome while we do these things. We then worry about what someone else is going to think of us and with that, we try to look good in their eyes. With all of this doing we lose ourselves. We end up chasing our tails then wonder why we can never catch it. We will never find happiness that way because we are chasing something that we will never catch.

What is the point of trying to look good in someone else’s eyes? Every one is different. Every one has a different opinion so if you go into a room with one hundred people you are going to have one hundred different opinions. Imagine having to live up to each of those people’s opinions, you would go crazy but this is what so many of us do. We do things in order to be happy simply because someone else says so or because it’s the way it’s always been but yet it doesn’t get us happiness. We stay at jobs we don’t like, we stay in relationships that don’t serve us; we do so many things that don’t bring happiness out of us all in the name of fear. We fear what others will think, we fear how we will look to the world, we fear, fear, fear. Instead, it may be easier if we just go with what makes us feel good and simply let it be. Just like the older dog, happiness will follow right behind us. We won’t have to chase it at all because it will chase us. Happiness along with everything else that we need will follow. If we have a passion for something and it cost a certain amount of money to gain the means for that passion all we have to do is simply be that passion and the money will come, it will found right behind us. We need to realize that people like helping others. It makes us feel good to do so and if we are passionate about something and it becomes known, if someone with the means to help us a long that passion sees that we are passionate about our passion they will more then likely help us to gain the means for our passion. With passion of something the means will be attracted into our situation if we simply become our passion.

There are times when it’s hard for us to express ourselves as we should. We are so fearful of an outcome that we hold back on something which we should be expressing within ourselves. Once we detach ourselves from outcome and just do what we know we should be doing everything will come to us as we need it to. For some of us we may want certain changes to occur, we may feel a certain way about a situation or about a person and we may hold our true feelings in because we are worried about the outcome. This is nothing but fear, if we just follow our hearts and not worry about an outcome (become detached from outcome) thing will go as they should. Being attached to something that doesn’t even exist is silly within it self but that is exactly what fear is and it is what we do when we become attached to an outcome. I say live life to the fullest, express yourself honestly and don’t worry about what someone else is going think. We should stay detached from outcome and just know (just as the old dog did) that happiness will follow, you won’t have to chase happiness in doing this because happiness will chase you.


Monday, September 14, 2009

The vegetarian in me (CHANGE)

In order to keep myself growing and changing and also in order to try out something that I feel would benefit me in more then one way I have taken on the eating habits of a vegetarian. I’ve always said that change is good and that we should open ourselves up to different styles of living in all aspect so that our lives will improve. The fear of change has crept into people when I tell them that I’m not eating meat these days. They say that I’m going to lose weight in a bad way (as in lose my muscle mass) which is totally untrue because I actually feel stronger now. I’m aware of how much protein I need in my system to maintain my mass because I am educated in the matter so there’s no worry there. It seems that when I’m in the mist of change plenty of people around me don’t seem to understand why I would even want to change. Meat is not a necessity and even though I don’t plan on giving up meat completely I’m not eating it this month. I don’t even think I will ever go back to eating meat as I did, after this month I may just eat it once a month and that will be it. I feel a change already from not eating me and it hasn’t even been that long that I’ve been a non-meat eater. I feel better in more then one way, I feel stronger, I don’t feel as heavy and I have more energy. I actually feel better (I even feel like I look better) and again, I haven’t even been not eating meat for that long. If I would have listen to that voice inside (the ego) which told me that I would be miserable without meat I would have never discovered what benefits I have without eating meat. I’ve also discovered that there are so many toxins and bad stuff in meat (dead flesh) that it isn’t funny. Even though there are a lot of health benefit in meat I don’t’ know if the healthy benefits outweigh the bad. I don’t even think that meat was meant to be our main source of food. The meatless thing is simply a part of my personal change and growth.

Change is a part of life and change is something that we all crave from our within, but when we become aligned with the ways of this world, that want for change sometimes gets snuffed out (so it would seem but it never actually gets snuffed out) and covered up. This is why a lot of people have the so-called mid life crisis at middle age they start doing things like getting a whole bunch of tattoos, motorcycles also chasing after someone whom is like 20 years younger then them and of their opposite sex when they’ve been in a marriage for 20 years or more in itself. They are so starved from change that they are in a place within their lives that they are going to force change to occur. Its like they’ve always wanted to remain in change but then they simply align with the way things are and they start stagnating.

This weekend I had plans to go out and I wanted my friend do come a long with me. I wanted to try something different with my outing but it seemed that he (my friend) didn’t understand why. I wanted to leave my house at a certain time because I knew that I wanted to have a certain amount of time out but for some reason it seemed that he was bent on making me wait so that we would end up leaving at the same times which we always have. Then, after we arrive to the place really late the guy ended up not even going inside with me. It almost messed up my weekend because I wanted to do something that we don’t usually do but he was just bent on leaving it all the same. All my life I have always had the need for change. I’ve always tried new things, gained new wisdom and then applied it to my life. It gets a bit tough when it seems that I’m the only one that wants to move forward and be change. It seems that when I speak of things to certain people as in regard to change, growth and trying new things out they are all for it but then when it becomes time to do so (try out the new things which I discussed with them), they have a different story which is filled with excuses on why they aren’t going to give the change a try.

This is why I’ve always said if you want change to occur you need to be the change within yourself. You can’t wait for others to change in the ways which want to change, if you do that means you are depending on others for your happiness and that is wrong within itself. It’s not anyone responsibilities for your happiness but you, if you want something done you need to become exactly what you want period. I’m really glad that I’ve done the meatless thing even though I’m the only one who is doing it and this weekend as I watched my plans almost get messed up I had no one but myself to blame with that. I was a bit angry but the anger wasn’t towards my friend, I was more angry at myself then anything. I could have just let him know what I was doing and told him he could have meant me if he really wanted to come. Or I could have just not told him at all, did my thing and then let him call and ask if he was interested but I didn’t do it that way. I am in a place within life which I simply want to movement to occur, I need movement and I need change. I need to be growth and nothing else. I can’t sit stagnating and just age, I need to simply “BE CHANGE”.

With that said, if something is needed the person who needs it needs to simply become it. I do suggest that people try and make fruits and vegetables the number one source of food; this is just my suggestion because I truly believe that it will help out in more ways then people may be aware of. It will make eating right easier and also it will help staying a healthy size easier as well. With a good diet of more vegetables and fruit then meat and a good exercise plan you will have discovered the true fountain of youth. Always remain in change, don’t let fear ever stop you from changing in the way which your heart tells you to change and don’t depend on others to change in the ways which you see fit to change.

I wanted to also list some of the good and bad of eating meat to show that even though meat may have a lot of health benefits it also is what is causing so many to be overweight and unhealthy. At this point in my life I don’t think that it is going to benefit me to have meat as my main source of food, for the rest of this month it won’t even play any part of what I will eat. Embrace change and keep on growing.

Education is the key. First, the bad of eating meat.

There is no longer any doubt about the fact that eating meat is bad for your health. The list of diseases known to be associated with meat, which are commoner among meat eaters, looks like the index of a medical textbook. Anemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect meat eaters than vegetarians. Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption.

Add to those hazards the fact that if you eat meat you may be consuming hormones, drugs and other chemicals that have been fed to the animals before they were killed and you can see the extent of the danger. No one knows precisely what effect eating the hormones in meat is likely to have on your health. But the risk is there and I think it's a big one. Some farmers use tranquillizers to keep animals calm. Others routinely use antibiotics so that their animals do not develop infections. When you eat meat you are, inevitably, eating those drugs. In America, over half of all antibiotics are fed to animals and I don't think it is any coincidence that the percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin went up from 13% in 1960 to 91% in 1988.

It is the fat in meat that does most harm - and which makes meat eating an even bigger health hazard than smoking - but don't think you can avoid the dangers simply by avoiding red meat because you cannot. If you want to eat a truly healthy diet then you must give up eating meat completely.

And now we have the good of meat eating.

There are innumerable health benefits of eating meat, to say, for example, it serves as a fabulous source of high quality proteins, which a single vegetarian food is not able to provide. It contains all the essential amino acids that the body requires. The red meat contains very high quantities of iron, when compared with plant origin foods. 100 grams of Liver contains 6000 mcgm of iron as against 325 mcgm in 100-gram carrots.

So there you have it. In my research I’ve found that there is a greater benefit in not eating meat but also there are health benefits within meat as well. If one must eat me I say eat it moderately. Even though the article which I found says that you can’t get the high quality of proteins in not eating meat I will say I have to disagree. There are certain nuts and beans which also have all 9 of the amino acids which are found in meat proteins (protein is the most important nutrient to our bodies so this is important. Whole protein is protein with all 9 amino acids, this is the most beneficial protein to us and it is readily found in meats but like I said, you CAN find it in non-meat products as well) Also you can find high sources or iron in beats as well as some nuts. It will be ultimately up to you as of what works for you but just be educated on what you are doing to yourself when you consume meat in great qualities. If you are looking for the true fountain of youth take up a good exercise program, drink plenty of water, lay off of junk food (cakes and pies) and take it easy on the meat (if you are able to give it up completely it will do you some good. There are so many products out there that can be eating which are not meat. They have meatless hamburgers now!!!!) It really can work. For me from here on out meat will more then likely be a once a month treat. They only reasons I will even eat it at all is because I do enjoy the way it taste. The less I eat it the better I will be and then when I do eat it I will enjoy even more and it won’t be enough to effect me in a negative way. Try out something new, if not being a vegetarian try something else. If you are a smoker, try and give up smoking. I say try and find different ways to bring the better parts out of yourself. Give growth and change a try so you will never feel the need to go into some type of midlife crisis. We all are of change, remember that.


Friday, September 11, 2009

The 9/11 lesson

The year that I felt I stood among the clouds was 1988. I was about 10 years old and I was on a class trip which took place in New York City. Since I was in my last year of elementary school and the following year I’d be in middle school my school decided for a treat to take all the 5th graders on a considerable trip to New York City, this trip would mark the first time I’d ever been in N.Y. On the trip, our first stop would be the world trade center and when we got in the building the plan was for us to take an elevator which would take us all the way to the peck of the building. When my classmates and I arrived within the building we all clamored into the elevator and with all of the excitement we could muster and then with our excitement in its highest state we allowed the elevator to take us all the way up to the top floor of the building. After touching down at the peck of the building and after the elevator doors came open I was able to gaze out a head onto the building’s roof. I immediately felt awed and amazed at what I saw. As I looked out over the building and then down below I gazed at New York City in its entirety. With wonderment as my emotion I peered down and around me at all of the other buildings which surrounded the World Trade Center. They looked so small from where I was stood; even the statue of liberty looked minuscule from my standing position. I felt a new respect for the capabilities of possibilities and of what could be accomplished from that one event on, I felt so awestruck, it’s actually hard for me to describe what I felt at that time. We spent about a half an hour on the World Trade Center’s peck just taking in New York and then after all was said and done we left the building’s top. While we were in the process of leaving the building’s peck I asked my mother (whom accompanied me on the trip with my class) how it was possible that a building like that could be built as it was, I felt that the building must have went up into the clouds and when I stood there at it’s peck I myself felt as if I was standing within the clouds, the experience was truly nothing short of amazing. Going to the top of that building was something that I wanted to experience again later within my life time. I obviously at that moment had no idea what would befall of that building some 12 years later.

12 years had passed since I stood on the very peck of the world trade center in New York and on that day that all would change. It happened to be September 11th of the year 2001. The day seemed normal enough as it began for me. For me, even with all of that normalcy taking place I kind of felt something eerie in the air but I paid it no mind. At that period in time I worked in this office building in a cubicle and I was performing my daily work task for the day. My job was to type words off of a sheet of paper and onto this computer program so that it would be placed in this brochure and then sent out to different people through mail. As I typed I surprisingly heard something loud and fearful coming from the halls. What I heard was this woman who for some reason let out a fear felt yell. When that occurred I became utterly confused. I had no idea as of what was taking place, I also felt that just may be about to receive an answer to that eerie feeling which I felt earlier. Not long after the woman let out that yell my supervisor told all of my co-workers and me to come out to a spot located in the halls which meetings were held. With even more confusion building up within me I along with my co-workers entered the hall, stood in our meeting spot and waited. Everyone stood really still and quiet simply looking at each other; no one knew what to say or think at that moment. Then out of the silence my supervisor started to speak. She told us that someone had just flown a plane into the World Trade Center in New York City. I didn’t know what to think when I heard this news. It was a bit unbelievable; it didn’t even fully register to me at that moment. She then processed in telling us that we were free to leave for the day to be with out families and that we wouldn’t be penalized for leaving early. That would be the end of the work day for me, I slowly and with some clarity but still some confusion left the building. On my way home all I heard on the radio was how the U.S.A had just been attacked. It was a scary feeling none the less but I was given plenty of information which gave me a better understanding of what was going on. When I finally arrived home I knew to the full extent of what had happened and also of what was going on. I felt a horrible feeling in my insides which was well beyond recognition of anything I’ve felt before. Why would someone attack the U.S.A was the next thing that I would wonder. That day was like a day which I thought would never take place within my lifetime. I really did think that I one day would have had another opportunity to stand on the top of that amazing building. I knew at that moment, on that day that I really would never get to experience that feeling that I gained when I stood on the World Trade Center’s peck that day 13 years prior. I also knew that on that day a lot of people had and were going to die.

Eight years ago from this date that heinous event was taking place. Even though I was confused when the 9/11 event went down I can honestly say that all of the confusion which I felt on that day has all but been resolved. It’s not like events of the type (even worst events) haven’t taken place in our histories, all of those horrid events took place for the very same reasons which lead up to the events of 9/11/01. As a matter of fact even single war and terrorist attack which has taken place up to this time has been because of the same reasons which lead to the events of 9/11. It was all fear driven, nothing but fear that caused the events to occur, a belief in fear and separation is what drove the event of 9/11 to transpire.

The people whom high jacked the planes and caused the event to unfold were convinced that they were doing the work of God. They took there own lives a long with countless others because they believed so sternly that if they were to carry out their mission they would go to heaven. They felt that they were killing infidels (evil ones) and they were really really convinced of this. In their worlds it was nothing but fact and that was all to it for them. From their perceptions they were doing something good, from their perceptions they were doing what they considered right so with all of this being said I believe that a certain question should be asked. Put your feet in these misguided individuals shoes for a moment, if you (in there shoes) believed that God (the All mighty) wanted you to kill yourself as well as countless others would you do it? When I say God it isn’t to be taken lightly because I really do mean God, I mean the creator of all, I mean the ultimate authority over all, I mean the One whom makes the decision on what is right and what is wrong. This is where the greatest delusion ever mustered would come into play, this is where we as humans started making God in our image and this is where if you really open up your mind and then think about the whole situation things really begin to not making a whole lot of since but then again, if you were in their shoes (the misguided terrorist that caused 9/11) then you may just understand why it all was done.

In my humble opinion I feel that something needs to be stated. No matter what someone tells you, no matter what you read or what you hear remember this one fact? God is love and love is God and that is all that God is. It can get quiet dangerous and deadly if one is convinced otherwise. If you need proof of this fact do a simple experiment. Go outside on a rainy day and just stand there in the rain. Let the water fall on your face and all over you and then just imagine that a murdering rapist is standing next to you. Ask yourself this question, would it rain on the “bad” person just the same as it rains on you? I say this to say that it rains on the “just” and “unjust” a like, everyone would get wet no matter what they did in their lives and this means that within the same context everyone receives the giving and glory of God no matter who they are. This is what true love is and this is what God is. God gives to everyone because God loves everyone. God knows who and what we really are no matter what we do so therefore God can’t help but love us all. God ask for nothing from us because God needs nothing from us. God needs nothing from us because God already has everything She needs. This fact can be understood because God is everywhere all of the time, God is in everything and God knows all. God know that He lives in us all, God is of us all and God actually already has us all already. Why would God (One whom is life in Herself) want us to take a life? It makes no since to be everywhere all of the time and already have everything but yet still actually have wants. Seriously, if we are to believe in a God in that way then we are believing in a limited God. God is love, God is life and God is happiness and joy. There is no reason to be afraid of God because fear isn’t real. This (fear) is what I believe the people whom high jacked those planes on that day 8 years ago had to be convinced of. Their had to be a fear within them that told them they weren’t doing enough for God and from that fear they felt the needed to do more. To be in God’s good grace they felt they needed to kill the ones who they felt that God felt were evil. They felt they needed to do God a favor and that they would be rewarded if they did so. What since does it make for a God that already has everything and is everywhere would need some individual to do Her a favor? Why would He need that when He has all the favors already that one could think of (if God is everywhere all of the time and already has everything then that goes for all of the favors that one could think of as well)? These things have to be seriously looked at as we live our day to day lives. The error comes in when we look at how we view God, if we feel that God is a jealous, murdering, hateful (as in God hating a certain type of people) man whom lives a part from us somewhere up in the sky then that is what I think we would strive for within ourselves, we would feel that God isn’t of us so we would feel the need to be of something within His eyes. That to me is the delusion it’s the ultimate mistake and it’s why when we say God made us in His imagine it to me seems that we are now making Him in ours. People with egos feel things like jealously and fear. People who feel they don’t already have everything feel the need for others to do favors for them so they may get what they something that don’t already have. If I felt that I was everywhere all of the time and I had everything then I don’t think I would need anyone to do anything for me, I really don’t. Some things simply just make no since at all when you think about them. Why in the world would God need some person to do a favor for Him when She could just do the task Himself? God is the “almighty” right?

This day should be looked on as a lesson for all of us. The events that took place 8 years ago are what occurs when we think of God and of ourselves in a fearful manner. God loves us all, it rains on the “just” and “unjust” a like and we really all are of One (that One being God). When we kill each other we are only killing ourselves and that is all to it, this is the lesson that should be learned, an event like the one that took place on 9/11 should be an event that should never take place again. I really do hope that a lesson is learned from the 9/11 event. There should never need to be another event like that Inquisition, the holocaust or the 9/11/01 event ever. These events are derived from fear and fear is nothing but a bunch of false evidence appearing real.

Something good did come out of the events of 9/11 believe it or not and I feel that on this day we should look more towards the good that came out of it if anything. We as a nation and as a people came together like I have never seen before after the 9/11 event was done unfolding. It had to be one of the most beautiful things that I have yet witnessed within my life. Everyone was so caring, giving and loving. It’s like we all knew that love was the answer to the tragedy, its like we knew all a long and it is a shame that it took an event like 9/11 to bring that fact out of us but I’m glad it was brought out none the less. Lives were lost and a cause for a celebration of those lives should be in play. The appreciation that we were blessed enough to have those people who were killed live among us at a point in time. We should look at all of the good that those people did, all of the love that those people had within them and we should look at all of the good that will be accomplished because those people did live. On this day we should all be celebrating the love that took place and of the lives of those people who transformed to the next level of existence as well, these are the ones that we may feel were lost (killed) on that day.

To understand that the people who performed those heinous acts were simply trying to make God happy and to know that they themselves were of love but just misguided would be another thing to realize from the 9/11 experience as well. I’m not excusing what those people did but it needs to be understood that from their perception they were doing right. They wanted nothing but the right thing to be done and they really thought that they were carrying out what was right. To truly come to this understanding and then forgive those people whom did those acts would take us as a society a long way. With understanding comes strength. If we are to understand why these people did what they did, forgive them and send them love then we can come close to making sure something of this type (9/11/01) doesn’t ever happen again. Love is the answer, if those people knew that God loved them regardless of what they did they wouldn’t have felt the need to kill. We can make sure that nothing of the 9/11 type ever happens again if we all become love. Let’s look at this day in a positive light. Let’s take in the lesson that this day should provide, let’s become love and let’s always know and realize that we truly are One. Today is a day for celebration. Today we should celebrate love and also the lives of the people who were directly involved in those 9/11 events. Understanding and forgiveness is the key. These elements are the quickest way of getting to love (which is located within us all anyway, we truly are love).


ALSO…. I used both the male (He) and female (She) pronouns on purpose when I was talking about God to help break down all limitations that we may have on God. To even label God as a certain gender is to limit God (all labels are limitations) and I truly believe that limiting a force like God is nothing but a farce.

There is more I want to say on this issue but I hope I was clear on what was said today. I don’t excuse those people whom did the killing but for our sakes (not theirs) we should truly forgive them. God is happiness, God is love and God lives through us. When we are happy, God is happy but God needs us to do nothing for Him, everything we do is for ourselves, lets do love so we can live in happiness and harmony. Again, WE ARE ONE.